
Blame Our Near-Death-Experience On Our Fashion

The next morning we went to get stuff to eat in the hotel's dining area. I had eggs and bacon, Nico had a burger, Will had a soda and Kayla had a milkshake. We all sat in silence, the plan was to eat and then get out of the hotel. Nico hated hotels since he was trapped in one for so long. I guess I would be too.

"What's your favorite color?" Nico asked, looking directly at me.

I stared at him, and then looked from him to Will and back.

"We're starting off easy," Nico said. "So, what's your favorite color?"

When he said we were going to talk I did not think that he meant with other people around. But, I guess better now then never.

I pointed to my bright red hair, "Same, color as my hair. Red, and yours?"

Nico took a Big bite out of his burger before answering, "Green. Why did you die your hair?"

"Because I wanted it to be red." I explained, "how long until you break the bad news to Will?"

There was a silence again, this time everyone was looking to Nico. He had anger in his eyes as he stared at the smirk on my face. Will was very interested in this topic, I could see the look in his eyes.

"Well, I'll just go to the gift shop and buy you guys some new clothes." Will said standing up, "You're basically asking for a monster to kill you in your camp clothes."

Now it was just Nico, Kayla and me. The anger in his eyes quickly went out and decided he'd wouldn't react just yet.

"So only boy of Artemis. That's gotta be rough, I mean you could've joined the hunters since your basically your mom's favorite gender." Nico said, no smirk, no nothing. It was just said and out there like a joke that no one found funny.

He was trying to push my buttons since I pushed his.

"Well played, for a young person," I said planning my next pass at him.

"Yea, well I'm technology older than you," Nico answered.

"Yea, you're technology to old for Will but let's not get into that," I said.

Nico's face was collecting color, from its usual pale tone. It was getting dark and I knew I hit a nerve bring Will into the conversation.

"The outcast has a comeback, too bad at least I have someone." Nico looked up from his burger and stared at Kayla.

She had been staring at him for the last three roasts. I could tell she had something on her mind. Her blonde hair hung over her silver eye, her lips have been attached to the milkshake since she got it.

He then turned towards me again, "Why did you think I hated you when we first met?"

"You seriously don't know?" A voice broke in.

I looked behind Nico to see Will with two dark blue bags, each hand. He had shopped for clothes so fast I had forgotten he was gone. Will handed Kayla and I two bags each, then sat down. Looking through the bag he had bought for me I realized Will has been there for me since forever. Even though I'm older than him by a year, ever since he found out about my story he's been very nice to me.

"Addy, would you like to explain? Or should I?" Will asked not breaking eye contact with Nico.

"We all know the story of Hades and Artemis not getting along. I mean how Artemis hated the fact that Hades kidnapped Persophone, Artemis has ever since had a rivalry with him. Now to this day, I'm not sure how but in some odd way Hades did something to Artemis that made her 9 months pregnant instantly without ya know another person. Then I was born, ever since then life's been weird, being hated just because you were a prank or a joke even between the Gods." I explained.

Kayla's mouth was wide open, and Nico was just looking at me.

Will sat up excitingly, "Then there was this entire decision that they had to make, either to kill him or let him live. Then there was talk of a prophecy about him saving the world with 11 others. So they decided not to kill him, and let him live, but my dad, Apollo, felt sorry and took a liking to Addy and gave him some abilities."

"Yea, yea but that's not supposed to happen until I turn 18. We have to wait a while." I explained.

Percy had a similar prophecy and he survived which meant almost anyone could. So I guess I have a chance to make it, but honestly, I don't want to have the chance and I want to have a normal life. It was kind of embarrassing that people knew that they only reason I was alive was that I could save the world and then they'd probably kill me after that.

Nico's face looked quite confused, "So why would I hate you again?"

"Because our parents are enemies, you think that Artemis would just up and forgive Hades in seconds flat? Oh look I'm Artemis and I will forgive you even though you kind of ruined everything that I stand for, oh but it doesn't matter. Just keep living life and I won't curse you or any of your children, toddle loo." I mocked.

Kayla started to laugh and everyone stared at us. I didn't really pay attention to this earlier but a lot of the people here were staring at us from the beginning. I leaned towards Kayla and asked her to stop laughing which made her laugh even more. Desperate times, call for desperate measures. I put my hand over her mouth to hush her, Nico and Will were looking around too.

We all looked at each other and gave out a nod, that's when we ran.

"To the parking lot!" Kayla screamed. We all darted toward the parking lot. The people were now running after us too, I looked back at them and some had fangs.

"What are they?" I screamed.

No one answered they were too focused on getting their butts out of there. We saw the door to the parking lot and quickly went for it. Our truck wasn't hard to find it was right there. Soon the door opened again and the people were coming through. I could feel my body trying to take over and do its own thing, but I wouldn't let it. Something right then flew passed my head and hit the van and lit it up like a Christmas tree. The green fire was blazing from the van and an explosion happened. My head hit the ground, I was in a daze. Kayla then picked me up and slung my arm over her shoulders.

"Over there!" She shouted.

Then everything went black.

I woke up in the back of a van, my head resting on Kayla's lap. She wasn't wearing her Camp t-shirt anymore, instead of a bright red shirt with the sleeves starting on the arm instead of her shoulder. Her hair was still in front of her face covering her silver eye. I sat up, my head pounding.

"W-Where are we?" I asked.

Will turned his head around from the passenger side front seat.

"We're in Pennsyaliva now," Will explained with a grin.

"Here," Nico said throwing a bag at me.

There was clothing in the bag it was the one Will had bought me.

"They probably found us out by our clothing," Kayla explained.

My head was still pounding and the fact that Kayla is blaming our clothes for being attacked made it pound harder. Luckily we had a ton of nector to drink because of Nico and Will, they probably figured that I'd screw up. I was drinking a cup of nector that Kayla was feeding me beforehand when I noticed her staring at me.

"Everything alright?" I asked, confused.

Kayla was different from most people when she stared at someone she wouldn't break eye contact even if she knew you saw. She adjusted herself and sighed.

"They stopped," she explained. Her expression was sad when it was happy only a few seconds ago.

"What did?"

"Your eyes, they were glowing green."

The car went silent, the chatter between Will and Nico died down. No one was speaking the car clanging against the road was the only noise. What should I say? I mean I didn't want them to glow. I took out my contacts to review my true silver and yellow eyes. Kayla had only seen them once before when we were at camp. Will also has seen them before but not Nico.

"They tend to do that sometimes," I explained. "I usually wear contacts to hide the color, cause I'd be pretty scared if I saw a person walking around with my eye color. Then there's the entire demigod world out there thinking I'm a monster when we first meet, because of their color. Sometimes my abilities cause them to glow and he contacts can't conceal that unless you know a guy. I wasn't trying to make you mad or any-"

Kayla wrapped her arms around me and gave me a hug.

"Your story is sad and sounds lonely. Being afraid of showing others what you really think and feel. I've learned a lot about you from the day we met to now. You are a loner and don't expect much from people. You actually always expect the worst, that's why you ran from Nico and Will."

She whispered in my ear something no one has ever told me. Maybe because they were afraid of me or something else. The thing was I really needed to hear it and didn't know it until she said it.

"I'm here for you,"

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