
survival mode


I ran as fast as I could, my feet pounding the pavement. My heart raced with fear, and my lungs burned from the exertion. I could hear them closing in on me, their footsteps getting louder with every second. I darted between buildings, using my knowledge of the streets to evade my pursuers. But no matter how fast I ran, I knew I couldn't outrun them forever. They were too strong, too relentless. I was starting to tire, my legs giving out and my breath coming in ragged gasps. Just when I thought I was going to collapse, I saw a narrow alleyway to my left. I sprinted towards it, hoping to lose my pursuers in the maze of streets.

Hi, I am Briar and I am a hybrid and I have been hunted down all my life. Have you imagined paying for something that wasn't your fault? well, that has been my life since I came into existence. My parents mated despite being of different species and when I was conceived the council ordered my death and here I am even after seventeen years of being hunted down.

"She is getting away" I could hear one of them say.

Seems the council had decided to step up their game and send their best men today, those old fools never give up.

I thought about my father's words, his last advice echoing in my mind. 'Run, Blair, run. Don't stop until you're safe.' But where was safe? I had been running for so long, never staying in one place for too long. I was tired of living in fear, tired of looking over my shoulder. I wanted a home, a place to belong. But that was a luxury I couldn't afford, not yet

My father made it his daily duty to teach me survival hacks and tricks, he also taught me how to conceal my identity.  He said I was a goddamn prophecy and that people want to kill me, I thought it was a joke until I saw my father bleed to death and his killer mentioned "COUNCIL LEADER" It was then the hatred started.    


 I finally got to the end of the road and I was left with the option of either fighting them off or getting captured, and the second option wasn't an option for me. 

As they came closer I could see the satisfactory grin on their face, these people were mean sending four huge men to capture a seventeen-year-old, well I couldn't wait to wipe that grin off their faces. 

"Who sent you guys?" I asked, not expecting to get the truth but to distract them.

I stood my ground, ready to face my attackers. There were four of them, their eyes fixed on me with a hungry gleam. I knew I had to be quick and precise if I wanted to take them down. I focused my energy, using my vampire strength to fuel my movements. I dodged their blows with ease, striking back with swift kicks and punches. With just a few kicks and punches, I sent them flying across the cliff.

I took to my heels immediately, it was time to leave town again. 

As I ran I thought of where else to move to, I had literally moved to all parts of the world hiding from these people, and just like my father said I trusted no one and never made friends over the years and I never used my real name. I went into my apartment and picked a few things before leaving. Looking back at my room, I hadn't stayed here for long but I had no other choice but to move again.

"Ashley, where are you off to?'' I heard my neighbor Nate ask, he was the closest person to a friend though we only exchanged pleasantries and a few smiles. I am known as Ashley just like I have taken different names like Eva, Martha, and Shelly, just to name a few.  

"Out" I replied without looking back, I always had a little luggage which made it easier for me to move. I glanced at the building one last time before I entered the taxi. I looked through the map to check where was left for me to hide and I had only West Virginia left. I sighed as I searched through my phone to search about West Virginia and it was boring as the name sounds.  I was already asleep when we got to the airport.

''Hey miss'' I felt a hand tap my shoulder, my reflexes acted up and I ended up twisting his hands backward only to let him go when I heard him scream. It was then I came to my senses and apologized immediately before I attracted more attention than I had already had.

It wasn't difficult to board a plane even though I had no passport or ticket, being a vampire made it a bit easier. I sat at the window seat and imagined how life would be for me in West Virginia.

''I hope it's my last run'' I muttered



The flight wasn't a long one though I had the endure the different body smell and scents. it was something my super speed could take care but I was in hiding. It's been a long since I wolfed out or even drank fresh blood, and I was tired of covering my tracks. I entered a taxi to the building I had sourced online, It was easy to convince the house owner, remember being a vamp comes with a lot of privileges.

I dropped my luggage and searched for the nearest bar, I found one not too far from my new house. I took my shower and changed into my favorite outfit which I normally call the cat woman outfit, It sure gives the cat woman vibes because I am going to get fresh blood today.

I walked into the bar, my eyes scanning the room for potential threats. I spotted a few humans, their eyes fixed on me with interest. I smiled, using my charm to deflect their attention. I ordered a whiskey and sat down at the bar, my eyes fixed on the door. I knew I couldn't stay here for long, but for now, it was a temporary refuge.

 I sat there looking around carefully for my prey while I sipped this whiskey that had a weird but alluring taste, that was one of the things I love about humans aside from their blood. I could hear their heartbeats, the sound of the blood pumping through their veins, and the obvious smell of arousal that was already lurking in the air, the scent of pre cum was heavier, and I was already feeling nauseous. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a male presence walking from behind.


''Hi'' he said offering his hand, I responded with a smile, he wasn't looking bad apart from the awful smell of belched whiskey and rum that oozed from his mouth as he spoke. I tried not to look disgusted. I can't scare my prey now, can I? Apart from that, he looked cute, especially with his blonde hair, If I were a human just maybe he would look more than just a blood bag.

We spoke for some time, and he went on and on about how he likes me and the other shits the female humans listen to before they get into their pants.

He suggested we took the conversation elsewhere, humans are so predictable, I guess that's what makes them likable. We walked through the dark alley with the smell of sex, booze, and smoke was all over the air. We stood across waiting for a cab for what seemed like forever and finally, we found one, a hand gripped me before I could enter.

"Hi Blair"