

In the paranormal world of fantasy, where magic flows through the veins of the realm, a prophecy had long foretold the rise of a powerful hybrid destined to change the course of history.

"A child would come, first of its kind, she would save the world and save the leader. She can also rule the world and cause doom to the world. She is a precious stone and the hands of its owner are the greatest" the witch prophesied before she lost her last breath.

Whispers of this prophecy echoed through the ancient forests and grand halls, captivating the imaginations of all mystical beings. The paranormal world was in chaos the prophecy was a good one and also a bad one.

High above the realm, the council of Elders presided over the fate of their people. As the guardian of order and peace, the leader of the council, a wise and seasoned Tribrid named Carson Gary, held the weight of the realm's future upon his shoulders. Little did he know how intertwined his own destiny would become with that of the young hybrid girl who would forever alter his world. He was the first mixed creature created by the goddess herself. He was called a "Tribrid", and proclaimed the leader from birth, the weight of the mystical kingdom rests on his shoulder and he must protect it against forces that tend to destroy it.

The people waited for years for this prophecy child to be born but no sign, the elders made it a point of duty to check every newborn, and the clairvoyant was given an order never to leave his duty post. It's been ten years since the prophecy was given, the people had already given up but the elders knew better than to take a word of a witch lightly.

On a cold winter's night, the stars aligned in a way never witnessed before as Blair, the daughter of a forbidden union between a Vampire and werewolf, took her first breath. As her cry pierced the stillness of the night, a sinister force sensed the birth of the prophecy child, immediately the clairvoyant sensed her birth, and the elders set a plan in motion to eradicate her existence before the people heard of her. The plan was put in place discreetly and only the council elders were aware of this plan.

Blair's father, Alaric, a brave and loving man, understood the danger that awaited his daughter. With no time to waste, he fled into the shadows, he knew they would come for her and they would kill her. He constantly evaded those who sought to extinguish the life of the child tied to the ancient prophecy. For years, Alaric traveled from one corner of the realm to another, seeking refuge for himself and his precious daughter, he did all he could to hide her away from glaring eyes. Blair was five when they came, Alaric's last words to his daughter were "Run! Never stop running and trust no one". Blair saw her father being stabbed to death, she knew she had to run and ran for her life thanks to her father's survival skill teaching.

Blair didn't stop running until she got out of the forest, little Blair covered in dirt and scratches from the thorns in the forest made her way under a fruit tree where she fainted out of exhaustion.