
Unveiling the moonlit mate

"You're mine!" he roared, possessive fury darkening his eyes. "If I have to brand you with my mark to keep every other wolf at bay, so be it!" Tears welled in Annie's eyes. "This marriage isn't love, it's a lie!" she screamed back. The room fell silent. "Maybe once," he conceded, a dangerous edge to his voice. "But things have changed. Now, you belong to me. You're mine, forever." Annie, the adopted daughter of a powerful pack, craves acceptance. Unlike other wolves, she lacks the full shift, a constant reminder of her difference. Then, a fated mate arrives, but instead of love's embrace, he brings a web of royal deceit that threatens to tear everything apart. Annie harbors a hidden secret, a burden that complicates everything. Can love blossom amidst manipulation and lies? Will she succumb to the alpha's possessive claim, or will she fight for a love built on truth and acceptance? In a world where loyalty is tested and alliances crumble, can Annie carve her path? Setting: it's a modern fantasy world with a focus on werewolf society and the political intrigue within it.

Daoist1Lwdjw · Fantasy
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Chapter thirteen

Getting to my room I realize the step I am about to take is huge. I was convinced Damian was going to reject me as his mate and now I am packing for the palace. It feels like a giant leap into the unknown, but a thrill buzzed beneath the surface. This was the right path, even if it scared the fur off me.

A soft rapping pulled me from my thoughts. "Annie?" Mom's voice filtered through the door.

"Coming!" I blurted, throwing open the door. Her smile was hesitant, laced with worry. "Darling, I won't pretend I'm not nervous. Of course, I'm happy you found your mate, but…"

The doorknob rattled as Dad and Samuel crowded in, engulfing me in a bear hug. "Whoa, hold on! It's not like I'm going into exile," I protested, returning their embrace but furrowing my brows.

Mom chuckled. "We're just worried, honey. You've never been outside Brooks' territory before. Don't worry, you'll do amazing. The King promised to treat you like royalty, but you know, if anything feels off, anything at all, just send word. Samuel and I will come charging in like knights in shining armor."

Dad cleared his throat, a flicker of hope warring with anxiety in his eyes. "Yes, dear. Any problems, big or small, reach out. We'll whisk you away in a heartbeat."

Deep down, I know they desperately want me to stay, but their relief at my finding my mate outweighs their fear. They help me pack a few comfort items. This wasn't goodbye. It was a brand new chapter. And for the first time, I wasn't flipping through the pages alone.

Stepping out the door, I collided with Damian's eager face. He flashed a smile so bright it could outshine the midday sun, and before I could blink, his arms were outstretched, luggage-ready.

My pack of loyal Brooks staff stood gathered, waving and offering last-minute well wishes. Cody, my partner-in-crime, surprised me with a tearful hug. "Gonna miss you tons, Annie," he sniffled. "But hey, this is huge! Don't worry, I'll keep the kitchen running smoothly while you're off gallivanting with your mate."

A chuckle escaped me. "You better," I replied, swatting him playfully on the shoulder. With a final wave goodbye to Mom, Dad, and Samuel, I climbed into the waiting vehicle, Damian following close behind.

"I'll write every day," I called out the window, the familiar faces shrinking in the distance. The King's vehicle followed suit, a regal procession embarking on an adventure.

Damian, sensing my fluttering nerves, reached for my hand and squeezed gently. It was a silent promise, a warmth that spread through me like a comforting fire. The journey unfolded in a comfortable silence, my gaze glued to the passing scenery. Excitement bubbled in my chest, and before long, my eyelids succumbed to the gentle ride. I drifted off to sleep, the promise of a new life a delicious dream just beginning.

A gentle tap tap on the window roused me from my slumber. Damian's comforting presence was gone, replaced by an unfamiliar voice.

"Your Highness," the voice called out with a hint of melody. I blinked the sleep from my eyes, adjusting to the plush interior. "Your Highness, my name is Mira. Prince Damian instructed me to escort you to your new chambers."

"Damian did?" I mumbled, the enormity of my situation finally sinking in. "And where is he?"

"He was summoned by the King on an urgent matter, Your Highness. Since you were deeply asleep, he thought it best to let you rest a while longer. I was instructed to escort you once you awoke."

I sat up straighter, a nervous flutter in my stomach. "Oh, okay. But honestly, 'Your Highness' sounds a bit much for now. Annie is fine."

Mira blinked, and then a knowing smile touched her lips. "The King did specifically request we use the formal address, Your Highness," she teased innocently.

A blush crept up my neck. "Right," I mumbled, feeling slightly silly. "I appreciate the gesture, but really, Annie is just fine."

"As you wish, Annie," she replied, her smile widening. "Your belongings are already waiting in your room."

I stretched luxuriously. "Let's go then." With newfound determination, I followed Mira's lead, stepping out into the opulent world that awaited me. This wasn't just a visit anymore. This was my new reality, and a thrill of anticipation danced through me.

The palace loomed before me, a behemoth compared to the cozy Brooks dwellings. I vaguely remembered a visit here as a child, but navigating this marvel felt like tackling a whole new world. People bowed their heads as I passed, the weight of formality settling on my shoulders.

"Here we are," Mira announced, ushering me into a room that could easily house my entire kitchen back home. My jaw dropped. "Wow, this is practically its building!" I exclaimed, a giddy smile stretching across my face. The warm, inviting decor whispered comfort, a stark contrast to the chilly formality of the halls.

"Prince Damian requested these be prepared upon your arrival, ensuring your utmost comfort," Mira explained. A pang of warmth shot through me. So thoughtful, that Damian. But the lingering absence of his touch sent a flicker of longing through me.

Pushing the thought aside, I turned to Mira, "When can I expect Damian?"

"The Prince has instructed me to prepare you for the evening meal," she replies, a knowing glint in her eyes.

"Oh," I said, a relieved smile blooming. The prospect of seeing him soon soothed the jitters in my stomach.

After unpacking and transforming into a vision in a flowing red dress, my hair styled in a sleek bun with silver jewelry adding a touch of elegance, I stood beside Mira, admiring my reflection.

"You are radiant, Annie," she declared.

"Thank you," I replied, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks. "Is it time for dinner yet?"

"Not quite," she said.

A restless energy buzzed within me. "Then I think I'd like to explore a bit," I say turning to Mira.

Mira readily agreed, though not before throwing in a hesitant, "Your Highness... I mean, Annie, you can go over there, but those are Prince Alexander's quarters."

"Damian has a brother?" The question tumbled out before I could stop it. Realizing Mira hadn't answered, I pressed on, "I didn't know he had a brother."

"He's the King's illegitimate son, a topic somewhat... untouchable," Mira explained, ushering me towards a different path leading to the gardens. "Perhaps you can discuss it with Prince Damian later."

As I walked the designated path, a strange unease settled in. "Maybe I don't know Damian as well as I thought," I muttered, the weight of that realization settling on my heart like a heavy stone. This grand adventure was already taking an unexpected turn.