
Unveiling the moonlit mate

"You're mine!" he roared, possessive fury darkening his eyes. "If I have to brand you with my mark to keep every other wolf at bay, so be it!" Tears welled in Annie's eyes. "This marriage isn't love, it's a lie!" she screamed back. The room fell silent. "Maybe once," he conceded, a dangerous edge to his voice. "But things have changed. Now, you belong to me. You're mine, forever." Annie, the adopted daughter of a powerful pack, craves acceptance. Unlike other wolves, she lacks the full shift, a constant reminder of her difference. Then, a fated mate arrives, but instead of love's embrace, he brings a web of royal deceit that threatens to tear everything apart. Annie harbors a hidden secret, a burden that complicates everything. Can love blossom amidst manipulation and lies? Will she succumb to the alpha's possessive claim, or will she fight for a love built on truth and acceptance? In a world where loyalty is tested and alliances crumble, can Annie carve her path? Setting: it's a modern fantasy world with a focus on werewolf society and the political intrigue within it.

Daoist1Lwdjw · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Chapter fourteen

The palace unfolded before me in a breathtaking display of opulence. Every corner held a new wonder, but the looming dinner invitation pressed heavily on my mind. Unbidden thoughts of Damian's secrets danced on the edge of my awareness.

The dining area itself was a testament to formality. A long, golden table dominated the room, the King enthroned at one end. My breath hitched as I spotted Damian, seated at the King's left hand. His eyes met mine, and he offered a warm smile that chased away the lingering unease.

As I approached, he rose like a perfect gentleman. "May I?" he inquired, gesturing towards my seat and pushing the chair back with a flourish.

"Thank you," I replied, a smile mirroring his.

"Settling in well, dear?" the King boomed, a grandfatherly warmth in his voice.

"Beautifully, Your Majesty," I confirmed. "The palace is truly magnificent, and my room is a haven of comfort." I glanced towards Damian, our eyes meeting in a silent conversation.

Just then, the heavy oak doors swung open, and a young man strolled in with an air of nonchalance.

"Hey, family, apologies for the tardiness," he announced, a cocky grin plastered on his face.

The King's brow furrowed. "When have you ever been early?" he retorted with a sigh. Turning to his guards, he thundered, "Didn't I instruct you to inform him of the canceled dinner invitation?"

"No need to scold them, Father," the newcomer placated. "They did warn me, but I couldn't resist meeting my brother's mate, could I?"

The King grumbled under his breath before turning to me. "Annie, dear, allow me to introduce Alexander, Damian's brother."

"Pleasure to meet you," I managed, the jovial mood of the room taking a noticeable dip.

Alexander, completely ignoring Damian, focused his attention solely on me. "You are even more stunning than the rumors," he declared with a suggestive wink.

Dinner became a tense affair. The air crackled with discomfort after Alexander's arrival. I couldn't help but notice him stealing glances in my direction, his amusement unsettling.

"I hear you're quite the cook," he drawled, halfway through his steak.

"Yes, well," I stammered, "I'm the head chef in my pack."

"Excellent. A hard-working mate for my brother," he chuckled, the sound like pebbles on gravel.

I managed a smile. "How come you missed Samuel's Alpha ceremony?"

His gaze flickered to the King before returning to me. "My apologies for missing it. Urgent matters kept me here, but I hear it was a grand success."

I nodded, returning my attention to my plate. He seemed friendly enough, but the tension in the room was suffocating. Through our bond, Damian felt my rising discomfort.

"Excuse me," he announced, his plate barely touched. "I believe Annie and I are finished. Shall we retire for the evening?"

Relief washed over me. "Yes, please," I breathed. With a bow to the King and a hesitant nod to Alexander, I followed Damian out of the stifling dining room.

"So, you have a brother?" I asked as we walked towards my quarters.

Damian took a deep breath. "Yes, but it's a bit of a complicated situation."

"You can tell me anything, whenever you're ready," I assured him.

"It's not a big secret," he sighed. "He's my father's… illegitimate son. My older brother. That's the gist of it."

"You two don't seem very close," I ventured, attempting to lighten the mood.

A humorless chuckle escaped him. "No, we aren't. Alexander and I have never been close. He doesn't involve himself in palace affairs, and Father doesn't like to discuss him. Most people don't even know he exists."

Sadness crept in. "That's… unfortunate."

The heavy oak door of my room loomed before us. Damian's hand reached out, his fingers brushing lightly against my waist before circling it with a gentle possessiveness. "Enough about that for now," he murmured, his voice a soothing balm to the unexpected tension of the evening.

His other hand cupped my cheek, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through me. He leaned down, his lips brushing my forehead in a chaste kiss. "Good night, Annie."

Butterflies erupted in my stomach, fluttering wings banishing the heavy remnants of the uncomfortable dinner. My cheeks burned pleasantly. "Good night, Damian," I whispered, the sound barely audible.

As he turned to leave, a hesitant question rose to my lips, but it died on my tongue, unspoken. Stepping into the opulent, yet strangely sterile room, I couldn't help but compare it to my cozy quarters back home. Here, everything gleamed, polished to an almost unnerving perfection, but there was a distinct lack of the warmth and lived-in charm of Brooks' dwellings.

With a tired sigh, I sank onto the plush bed, fully clothed. The events of the day replayed in my mind – the exhilarating journey, the breathtaking palace, the tense dinner, and finally, the warmth of Damian's touch. "Well, my grand adventure has officially begun," I chuckled softly to myself, the sound echoing strangely in the vast emptiness of the room.

Sleep, however, refused to come. Back home, I usually succumbed to exhaustion only after ensuring the kitchen was prepped for the next day. Here, in this unfamiliar haven, a pang of homesickness gnawed at the edges of my excitement. Still, the exhaustion of the journey battled with the wired anticipation buzzing in my veins.

Finally, with a resigned sigh, I decided to surrender to the inevitable. Throwing back the silken covers, I padded towards the bathroom, a luxurious haven of marble and gold. Washing away the lingering residue of the day, I hoped it would also wash away the worry clinging to me like a second skin.

Stepping back out, wrapped in a plush robe, I glanced at the magnificent bed once more. Perhaps, I thought, with a glimmer of hope, the comfort of knowing Damian was close by would lull me into a dreamless sleep. Tomorrow, the real exploration would begin, and I, Annie, chef, and newfound mate, was ready to face it head-on.