
Unusual world

What is the truth? What is reality? Could the end actually be the beginning? In a world were ancient beings walk beside you, guard people against the uniqueness of the world and powerful creatures around them. While trying to obtain the truth of everything and reach the pinnacle of magic. They face new contenders that make there already harrowing world that much difficult and strange. Resulted from a battle of immense proportions against beings incomprehensible, as they clash the void shatters cracks are left all over souls from all across different worlds and dimensions are free once more. This is were our story beings this is the journey of a man who leads to the spread of uncertainty. Disclaimer: I don't own the image provided.

Loyalscum · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Universal Language Part 8

Desmond and Lance picked themselves from the floor to continue facing off against Gresham and Leopold. Gresham not finished with Desmond swung the broken chair leg down at him. The chair leg glowed as Gresham infused it with his chi making it harder and hurt more when he hit Desmond with it.

Desmond blocked with his left arm and followed up with a punch aimed towards Gresham's face, but was interrupted when Gresham kicked Desmond in the stomach. Pushing him back a few steps leaving Lance to receive the brunt of there attacks.

Even though Lance had to fight both Leopold and Gresham he resisted quite well. Leopold took a swing at Lance, Lance caught Leopold's arm as it was coming towards him and held on tightly. Then kicked Leopold's knee forcing him to kneel down in front of Lance. As Leopold looked up at Lance who was still twisting his arm Lance punched Leopold in the face bringing him back to the ground just like before.

A second after Lance nocked Leopold to the ground Gresham landed a clean punch in Lance's face. Gresham then grabbed Lance's shit pulled him closer and was about to bring the broken chair leg down on Lance's head when Desmond came back and uppercuted him just like he did to Leopold.

Desmond didn't stop his assault on Gresham he followed up with a punch to the gut. Making Gresham gasp out loud than pried the broken chair leg away with both of his hands. Gresham resisted, but lost his grip on it, Desmond with a firm grasp on the chair leg smashed it across Gresham's head and struck him a second time with it. The second strike was off a bit Desmond wound up striking Gresham's jaw-breaking one of his back molars.

Blood escaped Gresham's mouth some of it coated the chair leg that Desmond threw away because he didn't want to kill the man. Gresham spat out some of his blood on the floor with some fragments from his broken tooth then continued fighting Desmond.

Leopold had long since got up and engaged Lance who at the time had his knee firmly planted in Leopold's gut. Leopold grabbed hold of Lance's leg then used his body weight to bring Lance to the floor with him. On the floor, Leopold tried to bash Lance's head in with the chair leg Lance narrowly dodged each strike by moving his head out of the way at the last moment.

When Leopold brought the chair leg up once more Lance took the chance to wrap his arms around Leopold. The two tussled on the floor rolling over each other until Lance made it behind Leopold. Now In the optimal position, Lance put Leopold in a sleeper hold.

Leopold squirmed furiously as he gasped for air it didn't take long before he stopped resisting completely. While lance and Leopold were fighting Desmond used John's tactic and through Gresham into the crowd once more. They greeted Gresham warmly as the joined in beating him up.

Eventually, all three of the purifiers were thrown out onto the streets by the crowd. The people who bet on them and lost were not gentle with them in the slightest when they kicked them out. Inside the bar was a mess because of the fight and many people were still sulking over losing their money. Some guys congratulated Desmond and the rest for making them some money.

Roy was sad for losing his money but he still congratulated his friends.

"That was a great fight maybe next time you guys could do what I say and throw the fight. I have bills to pay you know".

Desmond listing to what his friend said walked up to him and punched him in the stomach.

As Roy held his stomach in pain Desmond said, "if you want to make money then next time bet it on the right people. Why did you bet against us anyway?"

While rubbing his stomach Roy said, "haven't you ever heard of the underdog even though the chances of them winning were slim people still bet on them. Plus there was a higher payout if I chance money on him".

Desmond just sighed at his friend's betrayal then walked towards the bar counter where the cat woman was at. She was still drinking none stop like nothing happened, one drink after another went down her throat and the bartender kept giving her another. It was so autonomous Desmond thought they were both machines.

Trying to get the woman's attention he coughed loudly but got no response so he just spoke plainly.

"Excuse me miss I would just like to say I didn't start that fight because I thought you were some helpless woman. I did it simply because I hate racism to my core it has no place with me. I require no thanks I would have done the same thing if I heard them talking trash like that near me even if it wasn't you".

When Desmond stopped talking the woman slammed her glass on the counter and said to him. "I wasn't going to thank you anyway I didn't need any help. All you did was postpone the end of three dead men walking. If you want to be useful try paying my bill instead".

The woman said as she faced Desmond with a sweet smile on her face. Desmond took no offense to what she said he was to busy geeking out over how amazing the woman's ears were. They were so smooth and pointy the fur blended with the hair on her head. The tail wrapped around her waist was just as delicate and smooth.

Desmond may not have cared about what she said to him, but he had secretly hoped the cat woman would be thankful enough to let him touch her ears. It was the real reason why he started the fight. Desmond may hate racism with a passion, but the opportunity to touch a pair of catgirl ears and tail supersedes racism.