
Unusual world

What is the truth? What is reality? Could the end actually be the beginning? In a world were ancient beings walk beside you, guard people against the uniqueness of the world and powerful creatures around them. While trying to obtain the truth of everything and reach the pinnacle of magic. They face new contenders that make there already harrowing world that much difficult and strange. Resulted from a battle of immense proportions against beings incomprehensible, as they clash the void shatters cracks are left all over souls from all across different worlds and dimensions are free once more. This is were our story beings this is the journey of a man who leads to the spread of uncertainty. Disclaimer: I don't own the image provided.

Loyalscum · Fantasy
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154 Chs

I See You

In the bustling camp constructed below the Memorial wall. The rhythmic thumping of feet on the pavement and vehicles transporting goods melded together. Amongst those people a man who traversed this plain exuding confidence with each step blended in amongst them. That man was none other than Eliot Row. Eliot still sported his now iconic look as he walked around wearing a purple suit as his green highlighted hair waved in the wind.

Eliot walked around the camp without care or fear of being discovered and thrown out. He had an important reason to be there today because today was one of the few times that he can interact with john alone. Ever since Eliot laid eyes on john he has been enamored by him. To Eliot, John was the perfect project since he was a man deeply scared by the world he lives in making his mind perfect for melding and reconditioning.

But for this to happen Eliot must speak to the real John not the fake who hides behind a smile. Failure while acceptable would be disheartening because who knows how long it would take for another exceptional subject to be found. Eliot made a lot of big promises to people and to keep them he needs someone like John by his side.

As Eliot walked around a man's voice sounded in ear. The voice came from a small glass earning on his right ear. The voice had a near emotionless tone a voice of which would be completely recognizable to Desmond because it belonged to Edgar Estrada who Desmond knows as The Mirror Man.

"Why must you be here? It is far to dangerous if you are caught they will investigate you and if any ties are found linking you and Secret Visage it will be problematic".

"Shut up Edgar, I do not need your warnings or your concern just like how I don't need your loyalty or admiration. What I do is none of your concern same as for why I do it. You simply need to listen and do as I say when I say it. You're my mode of transport not my advisor so until such a time arives keep your mouth zipped till I need a ride".

Edgar grumbled inside but ultimately followed Eliot orders and didn't say a single word more. Eliot continued searching around without giving a single thought about Edgar's feelings. Edgar and everyone else that he can forcefully command arn't loyal to him anyway and they never will be. They only listen because of the deal he struck with one of their leaders. But none of that was important right now what was important was that Eliot finally found John.

John was sitting alone at a table cleaning and making sure his weapons were in order. He disassembled his guns and reassembled them in recorded time. Other people occasionally passed by where he sat but no one bothered him. Not waisting a second more Eliot walked over.

With a smooth and eloquent voice Eliot said, "careful wrre you point that thing i've seen even the most experienced of soldiers hurt themselves with their own weaponry".

Startled by the voice John turned around to see who it was and was surprised to see it was Eliot.

"Eliot what are you doing here arn't you just a civilian? you shouldn't be able to get in".

Eliot laughed at John's question then replied, " i snuck in obviously"

John couldn't believe what he just heard, "you snuck in are you crazy were currently in the middle of a war if you haven't noticed. If they find you being arrested will be the least of your worries".

"Relax John there is no need to worry. You may not know this but a lot of the time the more 'secure' a place is the easier it is to break in. Even the most technologically advanced civilizations face the same problem and the reason for that is because they grew to overconfident. Whether it was the sturdiness of the walls that surrounded them or the prestige those walls brought. It often blinded them from seeing the men and woman who built it. Those who built the walls brick by brick and who unsurprisingly know all its weaknesses. Weakness that even those up high didn't know about, but i'm not like that john I see those weakness and the people who built the wall and in those people I see you John".

John was a bit confused but mostly weirded out by Eliot's words, "What in the world are you going on about? You see me what about me do you see?".

"I see the same thing I saw when I first laid eyes on you. A broken man that isn't far from becoming an empty shell".

"You make it sound like im some kind of shut in that's given up on life. You've hung out with me before so you've seen how i'm always the life of the party. No ones ever seen me feeling down because I never am. Everyday is a great day that's who i'm always smiling. To hopefully brighten up the day of those who simply don't see".

John gave a convincing and cheerful smile to Eliot while he himself was drenched in a cold sweat. John's smile would definitely be able to convince many but Eliot was not like many others. He may not have ever been human, have a shread of love for the human race, and his interactions with humans may have been short. But even he could tell that John's smile was missing something deep at its core which just made it feel all the more fake.

"Your a decent actor John but its not enough to fool me. I can sense your emotions John I've known the truth about you since the day we met. Your in pain and dying inside I've come to offer you my hand because I was just like you. But the difference was that I set myself free from those chains that restrained who I really was and now I am free. With that freedom I accomplished things you can only dream about. Let me help you john let me set you free. My story is over but yours can begin now.

Eliot stretched out his hand Eliot looked at it for a few second.

"So, what your saying is that your some kind of empath then are you".

Eliot grumbled under his breath about all sorts of reasons but the biggest one was about his secret being discovered. After that John stood up and began equiping his weapons.

"I've got to go".

Just as John was holstering his gun Eliot grabbed his arm. Eliot gave John a serious look as he said.

"If you dont want to talk now that's fine I can wait but you should know this war is going to be more dangerous than you think and from what I hear simply running will not be enough to save you. So here take this charm it will protect you".

Eliot handed John a glass necklace with a small ornamental mirror on it. John didn't even think about what it was and just snatched the mirror so he could leave faster. As John was about to walk off Eliot said one last thing.

"John remember during the war if you see black snow immediately activate that necklace. Do it before the black snow touches you or else I can't garrotte you'll survive".

John stopped to give Eliot an affirmative node before he left and mixed into the crowed.

As Eliot saw john leave he sighed the said, "today was a failure but its ok I can still wait".