
Unusual world

What is the truth? What is reality? Could the end actually be the beginning? In a world were ancient beings walk beside you, guard people against the uniqueness of the world and powerful creatures around them. While trying to obtain the truth of everything and reach the pinnacle of magic. They face new contenders that make there already harrowing world that much difficult and strange. Resulted from a battle of immense proportions against beings incomprehensible, as they clash the void shatters cracks are left all over souls from all across different worlds and dimensions are free once more. This is were our story beings this is the journey of a man who leads to the spread of uncertainty. Disclaimer: I don't own the image provided.

Loyalscum · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Brothers in Arms

As Trent and Trevor were free falling over 2000 feet in the sky towards the top of Memorial wall not a trace of anxiety or fear could be found on their faces. The strong wind blowing across their bodies, gun fire, and approaching danger in the background made their blood pump with excitement.

The two of them may look young but their both over 100 years old. They have been through so many life and death situations together that they firmly believe that, so long as they got each others backs then they can get out of anything and that wasn't going to change just because the odds were stacked against him to make it back safe.

Shouting loudly from a distance Trevor said to Trent, "Trent the griffin's are going to catch up with us shortly, so I need to ask you now. If you don't make it out of here alive can I have your stuff".

"What? NO!! Who said I wasn't going to make it out of here alive anyway? Your closer to those griffin's than me".

"Come on man don't be like that in return i'll be sure to make Ms. Sally a real woman in your absence".


"That was kind of the plan, but its still nice to know I have your concent".

Trent sucked his teeth in annoyance before he uttered, "whatever lets just think of something quick to help us escape before were eaten alive".

Once Trent said that Trevor thought for a moment 'we're about 1000 feet from the wall, so it will take 10 seconds to reach it by free falling 5 if we use the other creatures in the sky as platforms. But the problem is that we'll be dead in 3 seconds because of all those griffins'.

Once Trevor's train of thought reached that point he heard a loud explosion behind him scratch that hundreds of explosions. Without even looking back Trevor knew exactly what was happening. The griffins all sped up so fast that they each simultaneously generated a sonic boom. Having less time to act then before Trevor could only act.

By utilizing [vector control] Trevor was able to pull Trent closer towards him and held onto his waist tightly. With a tone as firm as the hand Trevor has wrapped around Trent's waist Trevor said, "we don't have much time you know what we must do".

A further exchange of words were not necessary for those two with only a deep look in the others eyes and a thousand words were said at once. While switching positions in the air they clasped both their hands together and interlocked their fingers as if to confirm that they would never let the other go. After that they airmed their interlock right arms forward and eyed down their adversaries as they were only a few meters away.

In a harmonic voice both of them said at the same time.

[Dual Compund Art: Seek And Destroy]

In a world with so many cultivators it is only natural that advancements in magic and techniques are made. Dual compound magic is a rarely utilized technique that combines the abilities of two users and multiplies the effect to a level that could even exceed a persons rank. This technique is hard to perform and even harder to master not only because the users need a similar ability capable of combing but mostly because many cultivators tend to have trust issues. Which is highly detrimental when trying to learn an ability that typically needs you to put your trust in another.

As Trent and Trevor had their right arm outstretched it glowed a peerless white with threads of blue. The aura they both released at this moment would be oppressive to the point of view of others in a similar rank as themselves. The griffins however were not oppressed by that aura at all they instead became riled up when the descovered that the two insignificant specks in front of them suddenly made them feel a bit of threat.

The blue threads that Trent and Trevor generated quickly formed an energy bow that was much more fancy them either of them wielded before. The white aura took on no form untill it launched from their bow with a shocking anount of force. The aura as it fired burst in the air releasing hundreds of dazzling lights and each of those lights took on the form of a sparrow. The sparrows were as lively as real birds but incomparably more dangerous as they arced in the sky and challenged those mighty beasts that barred down on their masters.

The strength of a creature or persons body changes significantly after each rank. For those at an apprentice rank while most do possess a strong physic it is not to different from what that persons race is born with. For those at the realm of rank 1 their physics are more super human and can't be compared to before they advanced. For them even if for example their entire skeletal system is destroyed they could potentially keep pushing through the pain to attack. Their skin would be as tough as tampered metal and their stamina would allow them to go days without rest. While for creatures at the realm of rank 2 normal material isn't effective enough to pierce their hide or skin. Even something as severer as missing organs will not guarantee their death since even with that they could servive a few extra days or weeks before they eventually perish.

The tough bodies of those rank 2 griffins that even rocket launchers would fail to damage succumbed to their foes attack allowing the sparrow's to first draw blood. Fervently howls were made as the griffins battled in the sky. The griffins bit and clawed at the hundreds of adversaries that pestered them. Their angry growls shook the air and caused the wind to rage as if a storm was brewing. The sparrow's were able to damage the griffins tough exterior but it was not enough to take them down. The griffins however were able to destroy the sparrows with ease when they caught them.

Trent and Trevor's special move was not designed to combat hundreds of opponents especially hundreds of opponent's that were stronger then them. Their combined killer move is designed for a single target that exceeded their strength.

Seeing ones attack easily dispersed would make anyone feel gloomy but for Trent and Trevor their situation was different because the beasts dispersing the attack did nothing to eliminate the attack's special ability. The attack [Seek And Destroy] utilizes the special ability of both Trent and Trevor. Once locked on the attack will hown in on its target no matter what and when the attack is countered or destroyed it reforms less then a second latter and continues its pursuet even stronger then before. This is capable because of Trevor's special ability [Vector control] thats combined into the attack. Once launched the attack no longer uses the users energy but the energy of the target or the environment itself.

The results of this attack being used on a single target would most often result in a quick death but this time gave Trent and Trevor some much needed breathing room. As the distance between the two groups grew Trent and Trevor felt like they were in the clear since they believed they bought themselves enough time to reach the wall with that stunt of theirs but they didn't. While their attack temporarily slowed down the group and drew most of the attention away from them as the sparrows continuesly reformed themselves and attacked their adversaries. Their were still a few griffins that didn't loose focus and were hell bent on taring Trent and Trevor for their crimes against their kin.

Trent and Trevor saw those griffins approaching hell they could even smell them. Facing a similar situation they both needed another quick witted plan to save themselves and this time Trent provided.

"Trevor look the cannon".

Trevor lood down at the wall and saw a dark matter cannon that was moments away from shooting. Seeing this Trevor knew exactly what to do. He stretched out his arm and hoped that their idea actually worked. Trevor pushed his senses to the max as he calculated the exact moment the cannon would fired and when it finally did he caught the beam. The dark matter travelled at a ludicrous speed when fired. Trevor felt like he was trying to redirect a train one handed. The muscles and veins in Trevor's arm bulged and swelled to a degree that even he wasn't comfortable with. Trevor arked the beam upwards before it hit the ground. He wasn't alone in this endeavor Trent assisted as well. Their abilities complemented each other allowing them to pull off this difficult feet.

The dark matter flashed as it left a trail in the air. Many people there had their attention drawn to the peculiar cannon blast allowing them to bear witness to a bright explosion in the sky that consumed the lives of dozens of creatures in the sky.

This grand display was followed by to bodies crash landing onto the top of the wall. Their clothes were torn smoke waft off of them and their hair was rugged but the smiles on their faces and their jubilant laughter let you know that thay were OK.