
Chapter 5

The morans usually left the village after initiation. they were trained and then given different responsibilities and set out to different parts of the village. communication with them was rare as they came back home only twice in an year could be seen during festivals and wars. The easier option to see him was during the next festival which was in two weeks time and by then I'd be married and I couldn't let that happen so it was best I set out to find him and hopefully I'll find him before the week ends." let's set out to where the morans camp is" " do you think they'll allow us there? you know it's against customs for us to be seen there" " I can't believe you're the one talking about customs Raine. You know we can always break rules" She laughed " what's so funny as if you've never broken a rule before" " stop being grumpy, am in" We made plans on how to go about the whole mission so no one would be suspicious.

We went about our business for the next three days. My father had instructed my mother to teach me some basics of which neither of us argued with him. Mom seemed lonely most of the times but faked happiness when I was around. I could only imagine what she was feeling as my father had changed since he announced my marriage. He even refused to listen to my mom's pleas. I discussed with mom what I was planning and I never would I have thought she'd agree that easily without mentioning customs and what it requires of us. She gave us her blessings and promised to cover up for me Incase dad asked my whereabouts. Raine and I set out on our journey and reached where we saw some morans. "Young girls what are you doing here!" one of them asked us. His voice was terrifying but we had to gather our courage. His upper body had marks which looked like claws of an animal maybe he had fought in the recent past."we... looking for Hiran" I stuttered. His huge figure also looked terrifying. " Is there a problem in the village that we don't know of?" he was looking at is suspiciously but the way he stared at me it's like he was trying to figure out where he'd seen me.