
Unseverable Bond

Your parents died trying to save you, from your own half-species at the age of four. The only momento you had from them were a couple of memories which you hated and a very reliable book. You continue your life, working hard from village to village with your little twin brother. Life is harsh, but you manage to pull through thanks to your parents. You work hard from village to village, just to get to an academy recommended in your father's diary. You finally enter the academy, but life doesn't get any easier. People hate you for stupid reasons and bully you, but you forget them an plan vengeance for your parents with your only two friends. Before that, you have to grow strong, and growing strong is not an easy task at all, but you endure. A lot happens, and the whole world is after you. What would you do in that situation? Let's find out in this novel: Unseverable Bond!

Tha_Reaper · Fantasy
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16 Chs


While all that was being said by Tenebris, Jiro was seeing a holographic picture of the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his life.

She looked to be also six years old with quite long blonde hair and pale skin. She had a cute oval face and seemed to be translucent as she floated around in the air.

Jiro ended up unconsciously blurting out, "Heck yeah!", as he was running at his top speed and he immediately saw his now translucent self rather floating around his body. Damn! It scared the sh- outta him.

Immediately after the switch, Tenebris took control of Jiro's body and began moving at an insane speed. Jiro unconsciously was able to calculate that it was exactly 420 km/h!

But that was not even the most shocking thing he'd realize today...

"Geez. I thought you were strong and smart only to find out you can't even fully utilize your own abilities and were slower than a sloth at your top speed. Can you believe that? They're supposed to be in the slow group of magical beasts."

After he heard this from Tenebris, the emotional damage was enough to temporarily paralyse him for forty six seconds.

Yes, he subconsciously counted that too.

But that was not all, she wasn't done yet...

"And you still think we're running, were teleporting around for God's sake! How dumb are you!"

This blow to his ego, if it were physical, would be akin to a strong blow to his dragon balls...

He nearly passed out.

After 4 minutes, 20 seconds and 69 milliseconds exactly, Tenebris finally stopped moving and immediately switched with Jiro, making him feel all of the piled up fatigue she was feeling. The sudden change made him almost faint, but he was able to take it on.

"You're welcome!" "Geez, you didn't have to shout. I'm tired already. Check. Fatigue stat is at 30/35 already! We're gonna faint soon!" "Shut up!" Jiro and Tenebris kept bickering until Jiro's eyebrows began feeling heavier than your m-... I mean... until Jiro's eyebrows began feeling extremely heavy.

"I told you to shut up. Sit down." Jiro did as ordered and immediately his body began giving off a subtle white glow. It felt refreshing and warm and Jiro wished he could stay like this forever.

"Wow! What was that? It felt so good." Jiro asked immediately after the feeling stopped. "First, that was my healing, and second, you ungrateful piece of sh*!" Tenebris said the last part while smacking the back of Jiro's head really hard. "Ouch! That hurt! right after healing me, you give me extra damage!" "Shut up! I'll heal the extra damage too dummy!"

- Five minutes later -

A young boy dressed in a black kimono with pale skin and black messy but handsome hair with some red streaks could be seen sitting on a tree stump and arguing with himself. He seemed like a madman shouting at himself right now...

"It's okay Tenebris. Thanks for healing me. But tell me, how'd you do it?" Giro asked after calming down for a bit. "You finally got some sense huh? Fine then.

Since you're so dumb and you haven't even tried checking your eyes with your chakra, you haven't noticed that there's a slight difference between our chakra signatures. It's like the difference between two objects weighing 1000 and 1000.1 grams. Very difficult to differentiate.

You would also find out that I have an elemental core with two elements; Light and wind. But for some reason, I'm only as strong as you are. All our stats are the same, except for the fatigue and elemental essence points stats since if you get tired out by fatigue, I don't, unless I do some sort of strenuous mind exercise and also whenever I use my elemental essence it wouldn't affect your elemental essence points. Whenever we switch, if you've noticed, it's our consciousness that switches, the rest remains the same.

If you give me your consent, I can do anything you can do, including probing your memories. However, you don't need my consent to do anything I can do. Pretty unfair right?" Tenebris lectured. I mean, explained.

"Hey it's not unfair at all!" Giro retorted, looking at the translucent girl in front him holding a cane standing in front of a whiteboard which played videos about whatever she spoke about.

"Well, thank the God's I don't need your permission to do this!" Tenebris exclaimed and immediately hit the back of Giro's head harder than the last time. Now Giro was genuinely afraid. Disobeying her would be like disobeying your mom, right? Naah, not really he just isn't smart enough to just deactivate her or force her to stop using his will, though it doesn't waste any energy to just activate her consciousness. He would only use chakra when he uses her abilities.

Time passed by quickly with Jiro fighting strong beasts and facing lots of dangers. Even when he could teleport himself away he didn't, only doing so when he had crossed his limits limit. Whenever Tenebris asked why, he would just say two words: I'm training my aura too.

Whatever. It's five words I know already!

Zoro however took the safer and smarter path, using his [Extreme Sensory] ability to locate and avoid any dangers, while learning as many techniques as he could.

And just like that, the twins neared Incendium Academy, keeping in mind that they shouldn't cross the fifth stage of the E rank.

And here comes the end of volume 1! woohoo!

Ever wondered why I update so slowly, it because I don't get enough motivation to please! Give me more motivation!

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