
Unscripted System

Thrown into an enigmatic abyss, James, a master of sarcasm, finds himself stranded in a world filled with tropes and uncertainties. As he navigates this realm with biting wit and fourth-wall banter, a peculiar 'Audience Choice System' emerges, offering unlimited powers chosen by the readers. But when the system appears empty, granting boundless possibilities, James realizes the perilous unpredictability of letting the audience dictate his fate in a world where anything—absolutely anything—becomes possible.

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** Waiting for Comments so no System yet (ARE YOU F***KING KIDDING ME AUTHOR!!! - james)

Amidst a vast, unremarkable forest, James found himself yet again in a setting that screamed "default template."

"Ah, here we go again," he quipped, looking around the unoriginal scenery.

"A forest. How... innovative." His sarcasm echoed through the trees, a subtle jab at the lack of creativity in his current backdrop.

As the narrative unfolded, an explanation emerged: "Due to the need for chapters to engage readers, the system remains locked until further interaction from the audience."

James scoffed at the revelation.

"Ah, so we're stuck in a filler episode until the readers decide to chime in, is that it?" His frustration simmered beneath the surface, bubbling closer to boiling point.

"Locked down because of a lack of comments? Great. Just great. Here I am, a prisoner to the whims of an unseen crowd."

Reading the explanation triggered something in James—an outburst he couldn't contain any longer.

"You know what?" he addressed the invisible audience, his tone a mixture of exasperation and indignation.

"I've had it with this. You're dangling the keys to my fate in front of me and then slam the door shut because you're waiting for some imaginary readers to 'engage' with the story? What a load of—"

His words hung in the air, a heavy silence punctuated only by the rustling leaves.

James, frustrated and feeling trapped by this narrative limbo, realized the absurdity of his plight. "Well, audience," he continued, his voice laced with a hint of resignation, "if you're out there, how about making your move? I've got places to be, powers to acquire, and a story to... well, I suppose it's your story now, isn't it?"

His frustration palpable, he awaited any sign of change, hoping for a turn of events that would break the cycle of stagnation.

As James contemplated the frustrating predicament of waiting for the audience's engagement before any meaningful progress, he couldn't help but acknowledge the narrative's reliance on the 'wait for ages before the system arrives' cliché.

"Ah, there it is," he muttered, a mixture of resignation and wry amusement in his voice.

"Classic move, author. Really stretching out the suspense for that 'big reveal'."

Yet, amid his acknowledgment of this overused trope, James also empathized with the author's dilemma, recognizing the struggle to move the story forward without audience interaction.

"Tough spot you're in, huh?" he commented, his sarcasm taking a softer tone, understanding the author's plight.

As the narrative unfolded, revealing the author's written response, James's eyes widened in surprise. Without missing a beat, he shot back with his trademark sarcasm, unable to resist the urge to engage in this unseen dialogue.

"Oh, look who's breaking the fourth wall now," he retorted, his voice carrying a hint of playful mockery. "The mighty author decides to chime in. How meta of you."

His banter danced on the line between jest and genuine curiosity, acknowledging the unexpected interaction with a blend of amusement and wariness.

Realizing the unique nature of this exchange, James awaited the author's next move, a mixture of curiosity and apprehension swirling within him.

Aware of the peculiar turn the story had taken, he prepared himself for whatever unconventional narrative twist lay ahead, continuing to navigate this unpredictable tale with his signature blend of wit and sarcasm.

As the author realized the newfound ability to interact within the narrative, a mischievous spark ignited within the storytelling realm.

With the freedom of unrestricted narrative control, the author pondered the endless possibilities—unconstrained by the audience's influence.

James, sensing the shift in the narrative's dynamics, observed the unfolding situation with a mix of curiosity and trepidation.

"Oh great," he muttered, noticing the author's newfound omnipotence.

"The puppet master's got hold of the strings. What's the plan now, rewrite the laws of this universe?"

As the author began to toy with the story, crafting whimsical twists and improbable scenarios, James found himself at a crossroads.

The absence of audience influence meant infinite potential and unpredictability, leaving him torn between the certainty of a predestined plot and the chaos of an author's whims.

"Okay, hold on," James interjected, his voice echoing through the narrative space.

"I'm not sure if I prefer being at the mercy of the audience or being a character in the author's unrestrained playground. It's like choosing between being a pawn in a predictable chess match or a wild card in a cosmic poker game."

The uncertainty of this newfound narrative direction left James in an ambiguous state, grappling with the conflicting nature of his fate: whether to be a pawn in the audience's hands or a character in a story where the author held boundless power.

In this unprecedented scenario, he found himself questioning which path offered him the semblance of control, unsure of the consequences that either choice might bring.

As the author decided to shake things up, the narrative swiftly twisted, unveiling a sudden arrival—an unconscious young woman descending above the treeline and collapsing within the clearing. James, unable to resist the urge to comment on the convenient turn of events, muttered, "Oh, how original. A damsel in distress falling from the sky. Classic trope."

However, the narrative's insistence guided James towards the fallen figure.

"Of course, I'm obliged to investigate," he quipped, his reluctance evident.

"Because what's an unpredictable story without the mandatory 'go-check-out-the-mysterious-collapsing-character' scene?"

But amidst the unfolding chaos, James turned his attention to the invisible audience. "Congratulations, dear audience," he remarked, addressing the unseen forces.

"You've granted me unbridled power in this madhouse of a narrative. Now look at the mess we're in! A girl falling from the sky? Really? I've barely got a handle on this, and you're throwing in more curveballs than a drunken baseball coach!"

The absurdity of the situation wasn't lost on James.

"You know," he continued, his tone a mix of resignation and exasperation, "I'm starting to think you folks don't want a coherent story at all. Just chaos and unpredictability, huh? Well, guess what? Congratulations, you've succeeded. We're officially in a full-blown shit show."

As he reluctantly approached the fallen woman, James braced himself for yet another unpredictable twist in this spiralling narrative, grappling with the ramifications of the audience's uncontrollable power over the story's direction, and the disarray it had thrown him into.

James, taken aback by the sudden revelation that he had three distinct choices, felt a surge of empowerment as he realized he was unshackled by the narrative constraints.

Standing before the fallen woman, he pondered his options, relishing this newfound sense of autonomy.

With a sardonic smirk, he weighed his choices:

**Option 1: Steal the cultivation manual**

James, ever the pragmatist, eyed the space ring on the woman's finger, knowing it likely held valuable knowledge.

"Well, well," he mused, considering the allure of seizing the cultivation manual.

"Why not snag a shortcut to power? Who wouldn't want a leg up in this chaotic realm?" But then, a twinge of conscience halted his hand.

"Or maybe that's a little too... convenient."

**Option 2: Save the woman**

He glanced down at the unconscious woman, a sense of reluctant responsibility tugging at him.

"Guess I could play the hero," he muttered, contemplating the choice to aid her.

"Classic protagonist move, right? Rescuing the damsel in distress. Might earn some brownie points with the audience... if they're even paying attention."

**Option 3: Have nothing to do with this mess and leave**

An inkling of rebellion surged within James.

"Or I could just walk away," he muttered, considering the enticing prospect of refusing to be entangled in this chaotic narrative.

"No obligations, no complications. Just me and a one-way ticket out of this madhouse."

After a moment of deliberation, James made his choice...

*Option 2: Save the woman*

James, begrudgingly acknowledging his inner inclination to assist, crouched beside the unconscious woman.

"Fine," he muttered, reaching out to gently check her pulse.

"Let's not make this a habit, but I've got a soft spot for not leaving people face-first in the dirt."

With a sigh and a wry smile, he hoisted the woman onto his shoulder, prepared to navigate the chaos that awaited him—albeit with a heavy dose of sarcasm—as he embarked on this unexpected turn in the story.

In a departure from the typical narrative direction, James found himself navigating the forest with an unguided sense of free will.

Embracing this newfound autonomy, he carried the unconscious woman through the foliage, his path dictated by his own choices rather than the story's preordained plot points.

As he trekked through the woods, James couldn't resist the temptation to keep himself entertained amidst the arduous journey.

"Ah, what a scenic route we're taking," he quipped, glancing around at the dense foliage.

"I'm sure this detour wasn't in the script, was it, author? You know, variety is the spice of life—or in this case, the narrative."

He glanced toward the metaphorical curtain of the story.

"And to think, I've got free rein now. No narrative breadcrumbs to follow, no scripted encounters waiting around the corner," he jested, addressing the unseen author.

"Must be quite the challenge for you, relinquishing control like this. How does it feel to not hold all the strings?"

Turning his attention to the hypothetical audience, James couldn't resist poking fun at their role in this unpredictable journey.

"So, dear audience," he quipped, his voice carrying a note of jest, "how's your popcorn? Enjoying the show? Never a dull moment, huh? Watching me navigate this mess without a guide, must be quite the spectacle."

With each step, James kept the banter flowing, his sarcasm serving as both a coping mechanism and a means to keep himself entertained amidst the uncertainty of this unscripted adventure.

As he carried the woman through the forest, he embraced the freedom of choice and relished the unpredictability of a narrative no longer bound by predetermined plotlines.

Make sure to comment either a fully system style or any key component for James' system in the future. No matter what you want (actually no NTR I legit can't cope with it )

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