
Unrequited (Jimin x reader)

Some love stories have no end..they are just half written, disappearing before they even start....will their unrequited love ever be requited?

Borafiqs · Celebrities
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8 Chs

Everything is Ok?

Your phone kept ringing repeatedly, you let your eyes open as you groggily rub then and peak towards your phone. It was still 2 AM for you so you weren't expecting the call "Why is Luna calling me now?" You pick the call muttering a "hello?" "Hello is this y/n?" A male voice asked which you found weird "yes, where is Luna?" You ask starting to get worried "She was in an accident earlier today, we didn't know who she was so we called her recent contact which is you" he informed you, your blood ran cold hearing the news, whatever sleep you had left as you jerk up and sit straight "Is she ok?! What happened?" You panic, making your way to Elly's room.

"She is alive but is in a critical condition, could you connect her family and inform them?" He asked as you frown "She has no family..." You think about what Luna said about how her father left her when she turned 18 with enough money before he went "Where is your hospital?" You ask him after a pause while you wake Elly up, the man gives you the address. Elly wakes up and you throw a change of clothes to her "We have to go to Seoul" she looked at you worried because of the tears that you held back "It's L-Luna..she got into an accident an-nd she is in a critical condition.." You tell Elly who hurriedly gets up and ready in seconds.

"You stay here y/n I'll go there, you have your exams starting from the day after. If something happens I'll call you and you can come ok? Seoul is just a 3 hours drive from Daegu" You protest but Elly managed to convince you to stay, she didn't want you there in case it was really bad.

She left immediately after taking a few clothes and informing her office that she wouldn't be coming for a few days. You sit on your bed thinking if you should tell Jimin or not, either ways he would get worried because of Luna being missing but it will be much lesser compared to if he knew about this accident. Groaning, you rest your head in your palms "What do I do..Should I tell him?" You ponder on it for a while before deciding to call him

For a business deal of his father's, Jimin was in London when he got your call, it was around 5PM so he was a bit free. "Hey y/n what's up?" He greets you in his usual cheery tone, hearing your dull "Hey" he knew something was wrong "Everything ok y/n?" He asked and was about to talk again when he got no response when you spoke up "Jimin it's about Luna...she met with an accident earlier, Elly is left to where she  is right now. There is nothing to worry but I wanted to let you know..." His phone fell from his hands landing on the marble floor with a clink.

"Jimin..?" You call out after hearing nothing, falling to his knees he picks the phone in his hands, not bothering to hide his sobs "Where i-is she?" His voice comes out as a hoarse whisper, you wanted to comfort him knowing he was hurting "Jimin she'll be ok, don't worry" you weren't sure if you were reassuring him or yourself "I never confessed to her...what if something happens" he chokes out as the endless tears run down his pale cheeks "Where is she?" He asked you "In Seoul" you answer him and hear some noises in the background "My dad came in I'll talk to you later y/n" he cuts the call all while you stayed mum thinking if it really was a good decision to tell him.

*𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙎𝙠𝙞𝙥*

It had been around 4 hours since you got the call, Elly had reached Seoul a few minutes ago and informed you. You stayed awake, not getting any sleep from the news. Even though you never met her Luna was someone really special to you, she was your best friend and you wished you could be there for her but you were stuck here.

In Seoul, Elly drives to the hospital where Luna was and asks for her in the reception "The nurse will take you to her ma'am, what are you to the patient?" "I'm her close friend, she is like a sister to me" Elly replied without hesitating, she always considered her like a little sister irrespective of the fact that you never met. The nurse led Elly to the room where Luna laid wrapped in bandages and a mask on her face, seeing her in this state Elly shed a few tears as she places herself in the chair next to Luna, she wanted to hold her hand but she held back too scared to hold her hand and hurt her more.

Elly stayed next to Luna even after dawn as the delicate morning rays spill through the window and the curtains fluttered in the gentle morning breeze, the morning was calm unlike the storm that was in the mind of the three people. 

Time ticked slowly for all of you, you would call Elly every hour to find out about Luna with empty hopes of a miracle. Jimin had closed off and didn't reply to you making you worry about his well being. After hours around 2:30PM he picked your call "Jimin are you ok? Where were you? I was so worried!" You bombarded him while he told you to calm down "I'm in Seoul'' he stated making your jaw drop, you couldn't believe he flew all the way from London to Seoul. A tiny spark of the green monster flashed, whispering how he would never do that for you and you would never be important to him but you block it '𝘕𝘰𝘸 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘢𝘤𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘺/𝘯! 𝘓𝘶𝘯𝘢 𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘵' you mentally scold yourself for feeling such way.

"Message the hospital address y/n" his voice said through the phone breaking your chain of thoughts "Ok..I'll tell Elly" you were about to end the call when you hear his voice again "y/n don't go!...could you stay with me on call till I see her? I don't want to be alone.." He asked you, his voice was low and he sounded scared and fragile, the least you thought you could do is comfort him, not as the girl who is hopelessly in love with him but as the friend he needs right now...