
A Change of Plans.

the brightness of the moon beautifully lit the night sky making it a perfect night for date which is why Tara was getting the house ready most likely for someone to come over she also set up chocolates and drinks on the coffee table and set up blankets and pillows for the couch. she rests on the kitchen counter with phone in hand and was about to text y/n but there was a random call on the landline phone thinking it's a scam she decides to let it ring out before going back to text Y/n

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (messenger)

Y/N my boo 😏

Tara: hey Y/n are you on your way yet? 🥰

Y/N: yeah, I just gotta finish up on looking good for you 😘

Tara: but you always look good for me you don't need to try

Y/N: oof 

Tara: yeah, that was a bit cheesy wasn't it 🤭🤭

Y/N: yeah that was pretty cheesy, I guess I have to leave you now 😒

Tara: noo just please hurry fr fr 🥺

Tara: or else I will cancel and tell everyone how soft you really are 😈

Y/N: and you wonder why I stress too much, you're gonna be the death of me😩


Tara chuckled to herself as she scrolled through her hidden pictures of Y/n and her together. why were they hidden it's because they are secretly together well until Tara feels comfortable to announce their relationship Y/n didn't mind it though he was always respectful of Tara's decisions and honestly, he feels that by doing it this way makes it so they can fully get used to each other. Tara was startled by the landline ringing again but this time she answers it letting the curiosity take over.

???: " hello? " a sketchy masculine voice says shocking Tara a bit.

Tara: " uhh hi " she turns all her focus on the phone. 

???: " is Cristina there? " Asked the mysterious voice.

Tara: " no, she is currently here. I can take a message?" she says with a confused look.

???: " sorry, I'm a friend of hers from group... oh shit."

Tara: " oh you're from group huh?" the brunette says fiddling with her mobile phone.

???: " look, when you see her just tell her that its Charlie from group called. she's got my number" he says in a rush.

Tara: " oh sure I'm just gonna say hey mom some stranger Charlie from group called and he wants to get in touch" the short girl says with noticeable sarcasm going along with whatever this guy is doing.

Charlie: " yep your just like how she described you" he says with a sly chuckle.

Tara: " she talks about me in group, what does she say?" she said as the leaned in closer to the landline phone.

Charlie: " I don't think I can openly talk about that, but she loves you very much" he answered with a sketchy twist in his voice.

Tara: " oh yeah then what does she love about me" questioned the girl.

Charlie: " she loves that your creative, thoughtful and loving she said" he continued.

there was a pause. 

Charlie: " do you have anyone special in your life Tara" he says almost maniacally.

Tara: " no not that I'm aware of, I have other important things to do"

Charlie: " like art and watching movies" he snapped.

Tara: " everyone watches movies" she added.

Charlie: " I was told that you loved scary movies what's your favorite scary movie Tara" 

Tara took a long pause to properly take in the question before answering and finally broke the silence.

Tara: " the Babadook. it's an amazing meditation on motherhood and grief."

Charlie: " isn't that a little fancy pants?" he said not expecting that answer.

Tara: " well its elevated horror, it's scary but with complex emotional and thematic underpinnings."

Charlie: "have you ever seen stab?"

Tara: " once, I think. I was at asleep over when I was 12, but y/-my friend tried to get me to watch but I was busy" she covered her slip up. 

Charlie: " you live in Woodsboro, and you don't know stab? your mother loves that movie. she talks about it all the time in group, how well do you remember the original."

Tara was quickly getting bored of this caller she picked up her phone and sent amber a text. 



Tara: some creep is talking on the landline with me

amber: omg how strange is he still on the phone?

Tara: you and the group aren't pranking me are You's

seen 5 secs ago.


she put the phone down after being left on read.

Tara: " yeah I mean it was super 90's, it was over-lit, and everyone had weird hair, but I know in the beginning started with a kill scene right they always started with a death scene"

Charlie: " yeah that's right, it was a girl alone at home and she answers the wrong number and started talking with the killer who makes her play a game" he says dropping the Charlie act.

Tara froze for a moment now realizing what he's trying to get at

???: " would you like to play a game... Tara" his voice now sounded croaky and scary. 

Ghostface: " are you there Tara? "

Tara hangs up the landline and grabs her phone again to enable her security systems. she begins to get scared and frantically looks all around her kitchen.

(Systems armed)

the landline rings again and she jumps to the sound of the loud ringing of the phone she picks up.

Tara: " this isn't fucking funny Amber" she says freaking out.

Ghostface: "oh who said it was Amber"

a notification dinged from the scared girl's phone, and she opens it to see a video of amber getting dressed from outside her window as a shape of a knife comes into view, she looks to see who it was sent by, and it was Amber.

Ghostface: " Amber is looking for particularly fetching tonight. she really shouldn't be leaving her phone out for anyone to clone" he says in a serious tone.

Tara: " j-just what d-do you want" she stuttered due to fear.

Ghostface: " I told you, I want to play a game"

the scared brunette pulled her phone out once again to send a text to Y/n. 


                                     Y/N my boo 😏

Tara: please tell me your close by

                                    Y/N: yeah I'm about 5 minutes away why what's up 😊 

Tara: someone's playing a sick prank on me just please hurry


Ghostface: " enough messing around, stab trivia three rounds. if you call the cops she dies" he says practically smelling the fear through the phone

Tara almost called the cops, but she stopped herself as she heard his words she begins to whimper a bit.

" And if you get a question wrong, she dies, her parents aren't home I can be in that room within 15 seconds, here we go warm up question."

Tara: " please I don't know these movies, ask me about anything else, like hereditary or ask me about it follows" she said skipping over some words.

there was a pause before Ghostface broke the silence.

Ghostface: " what's the big rush Tara, you expecting a certain Y/n to show up to your defense" the man's words played on repeat in Taras's mind.

* h-how does th-this guy know a-about Y/n* she thought to herself

Tara: " when he shows up, he'll beat your ass" the scared girl shouted at the phone as she heard a sinister chuckle come from the other end.

Ghostface: " you'll be gutted on the ground like the filthy animal you are by the time your boyfriend arrives" 

Tara started to have a panic attack as the voice spoke again.

Ghostface: " now, where were we that's right in the first stab movie, what Woodsboro native was introduced as the franchises main character? " He's voice now calm as if he hadn't just growled like a mad man.

Tara froze for a bit before answering * come on come on think who was it* she thought

Tara: " it wa- uh Sidney Prescott its Sidney Prescott and she lived on elm" she cried.

Ghostface: " correct, you see your gonna be great at this" he says in a fake cheery voice.

tara breathed a sigh of relief as she got first question right.

Ghostface: " alright, question one -" " no, no I got that one right, it should count " Tara cut the man off " anyone could've gotten that one right, Sidney's in every movie but the last one"

she scared brunette felt an urge to vomit as she had never felt so anxious and scared before 

Ghostface: " question one, who wrote the book the original stab movies were based on" " uhh the chick from t.v " the short girl says with confusion.

Ghostface: " the chick from t.v? that's not gonna cut it tar-" " gale weathers" she says stopping his sentence.

Tara: " it was gale weathers you motherfucker " she cried into the phone.

Ghostface: " correct, amber might live to see another day. question two who played the dumb whore at the beginning of the first stab 1 who got carved up by the killer. "

Tara: " fuck you" she whimpered with pure hatred. 

Ghostface: " is that the answer you're going with" he questioned.

Tara quickly started typing on google and searched for the cast of stab 1 and scrolled through it.

Ghostface: " tick...tock...tick...tock...tick...tick" each tick and tock he said began to get more aggressive. 

she picked a name randomly and shouted it.

Tara: " uhh u-heather graham!"

Ghostface: " correct, you really managed to pull that one out, now. final question, who was the killer in the original stab" " I know this one you sick fuck" she said getting too far ahead of herself.

Tara: " its Billy Loomis, he was Sidney's boyfriend, and he was played by Luke Grayson, and i got you, asshole I got it right!"

Ghostface: " oooh I'm so sorry Tara but that's just not right " he says.

Taras's heart dropped.

Tara: " wh- what? n-no no no it is r-right" " the correct answer was Billy Loomis and Stu macher, there were two killers in the original, and I'm afraid someone's going to die" he said with an evil twist in his words.

Tara: " no amber I'm coming, fuck Y/n where are you?" she broke down.


y/n was driving around a few blocks away he stopped at a random red light.

Y/N: " are you fucking kidding me there are literally no cars here why are we stopping" he said frustrated finally looking at his phone he sees a unread message from Tara * I think someone's playing a sick prank on me* he read aloud and as his boyfriend instincts kicked in he slammed the accelerator going over the speed limit by 40mph he turned down the music that was playing and tried to call Tara three times but there was never an answer.