
Unraveled Memories

Jasper Buenavista has it all. A good paying job and a career, he even owns a sports car. Having an almost perfect life should make him happy yet he feels like there's still something missing. He can't figure it out, he just know that his heart is hurting. One morning, when he's preparing to go to work something peculiar happens. There's a diary sitting in his porch sans its owner. As he unravels the content of the diary, a ghost from the past will find its way in his life. Cover photo cr. to aenomi

hwannyssik · Realistic
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3 Chs


I've been living in this world for almost 25 years yet this is the first time that I feel this way, like there's something missing. The loneliness is creeping in my body; I no longer feel the same.

I have my job as a photographer for a well-known magazine. My life seems perfect; I have everything but those changes when I saw 'that' diary, a not so ordinary one. I started questioning my whole existence which only got worse when I read everything.

It was indeed not an ordinary diary.

Everything started in that one fine morning.