
Unraveled Memories

Jasper Buenavista has it all. A good paying job and a career, he even owns a sports car. Having an almost perfect life should make him happy yet he feels like there's still something missing. He can't figure it out, he just know that his heart is hurting. One morning, when he's preparing to go to work something peculiar happens. There's a diary sitting in his porch sans its owner. As he unravels the content of the diary, a ghost from the past will find its way in his life. Cover photo cr. to aenomi

hwannyssik · Realistic
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3 Chs


My morning always starts with a cup of coffee.

I'm still sleepy because I finish my work to be passed today. It sucks how I feel discontented with what my hard work resulted. It's lacking, there's something missing yet I can't comprehend what it is. I eat my breakfast silently; I'm living alone after I graduated. I don't actually mind, being alone because it gives me peacefulness which I really need with my work.

I'm a photographer for Dazzling Magazine; the company is one of the best in the metro. Luckily I was able to get hired; they saw some of my photographs but I don't remember what photos are they since it was years ago. I just remembered that they are impressed with my work and then I'm hired.

My doorbell suddenly rings. I'm in the middle of fixing my laptop and some of my stuffs including my camera. I only have 30 minutes left and the infuriating sound of the doorbell makes me anxious even more.

I groan frustratingly, whoever this is should better give me a valid reason why the hell they are ringing the doorbell as if it's owner has an ear problem. I open the door angrily.

I have already formulate what would I said to the person who's ruining my day but it hangs up in the air as I don't see anyone in the porch. What the hell?

Still angry, I scan the area to see a possible intruder that is hiding but I did not see anyone.

Good luck to that person; they successfully ruin my supposed to be good day!

I was about to go inside to continue packing because obviously I'm going to be late which will do me no good, I need to impress Samantha so that she will no longer pester me.

There I saw lying in my left is a tattered diary.

Oh so that's the trick, they will let me dispatch their garbage, sorry to them I'm a very busy person.

I kick the diary so that it will not get in my way then I return inside to fetch my backpack and my camera. I almost forgot my car keys for pete sake.

I was supposed to leave yet the tattered diary is still in my porch and the weirdest thing is that I feel like I already saw that one before but I don't remember where.

I look at my wrist watch once again to see that I only have 20 minutes left to drive for work.

I sighed heavily, there's something about the diary that keeps bothering me. I touch it but the moment my fingers graze it's cover I feel something strange. My heart suddenly aches for no reason and my mind, an unknown memory flashes in my head.

What the hell?

This diary must have some kind of witchcraft on it. Is that even real?

I tried getting the diary again but the effect that it gives on me the first I held it vanish already. Maybe I'm just overreacting because the diary looks really creepy.

I arrive in the company 5 minutes before 7:30. I thought I'm going to be late, luckily I was able to escape the heavy traffic.

I went in the elevator and push the button for the 5th floor, where Samantha's office located as well as mine.

The creepy diary is in my bag, there's something in me that wants me to read it but there's a part of me that don't want to. Some of my colleagues greeted me but because of how preoccupied my mind is, I can't properly greet them back.

"Good morning Mr. Bautista."

Samantha's annoyed face greeted me. I was about to open her door but she already opened it.

"Good morning! What's with the grumpy face. I'm here already and I'm not late if that's the problem." I said as I hurry to go inside her office to arrange the pictures that I've got for the issue of the magazine for this month.

The theme of the issue for the month is vintage, so I edited them out first.

"I thought you'll going to be late. Anyway, where's the photos?"

I give her my laptop for her to see. I sat in a nearby couch, watching her while browsing the pics. So far her reaction is still calm.

"I like them. They're great, as expected. So do you have the girl that I'm asking for?"

My brows furrowed, she's looking at me expectantly while here am I thinking what is she talking about.

"What girl?" I asked nonchalantly.

Her mood suddenly change.

"You did not read your emails right? what I'm talking about is the girl in your photos, the one you submitted for applying in the company? We needed a model and the applicants for it are not my type but then I saw..."

She keeps on blabbering things about the stuff but what is she taking about? Who's girl? I don't remember knowing a certain girl that I use as a subject for my photography. I normally capture candid photos and random places but a girl?

"May I see the photos?"

I'm still confuse but Sam did not notice that. She get the folder in her desk and give it to me.

My heart is beating so fast as I browse the pictures from my portfolio.

The heartache that I felt the first time I touch the tattered diary suddenly came but this time it's worse. My head is aching and I'm now shaking.

There in a photo is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, I know in my heart that I knew her yet the memories, I don't have one. I don't remember who she was.