
Chapter 6: When You're in the Mix, You Need Power and Background!

Translator: 549690339

Seeing the patrol arrive, Chen Feng hesitated for a moment but still released Wang Shikai.

Although he had inherited his grandfather's family legacy, he had yet to fully comprehend it, and his strength was not very strong. Confronting the armed patrol directly was not a wise move.

"Officer! This guy is my ex-husband! He's been harassing me and even threatened to kill my boyfriend! You have to arrest him!" Wu Meng also began to malignantly accuse.

But the patrol captain furrowed his brow and said, "We received a report from the public claiming you two were abusing a young girl here. Is that true?"

"No! Absolutely not!" Wang Shikai and Wu Meng immediately denied vehemently.

However, the patrol captain wasn't foolish. Seeing the bruising on Chen Ning's body and the evasive looks in their eyes, he could guess what had happened. He waved his hand and said, "All four of you, come with me. Whatever you have to say, you can tell it to the Xuntian Office."

Hearing that they were to be taken to the station, Wu Meng's face turned pale with fright, and she quickly grabbed Wang Shikai's arm, "Kai, what should we do? Think of something quick..."

Wang Shikai's brow twisted fiercely, and he immediately pulled out his phone to call his father Wang Kun.

"Xiao Kai, what are you saying? A mere junior patrol has dared to arrest you? Wait for me! I'm going to call Captain Liu right now!" Upon hearing that his son was aggrieved, Wang Kun became agitated and immediately tapped into his network of connections.

Ever since the Wang Family successfully crushed the Chen Family ten years ago, causing Chen Feng's parents' death and taking away most of the Chen Family's wealth, the Wangs had become one of the top distinguished families in Jiangzhou, with connections in all walks of life.

Soon, a call made its way to the patrol captain, who, after picking up the phone, showed a troubled expression on his face. Nevertheless, he was left with no choice but to nod and say, "Alright, Captain Liu, I understand..."

After hanging up the phone, the patrol captain took a deep breath and pointed at Chen Feng and Chen Ning, the siblings, "You two are suspected of illegal activities, come with me."

Hearing these words, Chen Ning couldn't help but narrow her beautiful eyes, protesting, "Officer, you're framing good people, my brother and I haven't done anything illegal..."

But no one listened to Chen Ning's explanation.

It didn't take long for the patrol to come over, handcuff the siblings, and then take them to the police car.

Even though they were in a tight spot, Chen Feng was not too afraid; he even comforted Chen Ning, saying, "Sister, don't be afraid. We haven't done anything bad. The upright need not fear a crooked shadow. Even if we're taken to the Xuntian Office, nothing will happen to us."

Just as the police car was about to start, Wang Shikai suddenly blocked the vehicle and said, "Wait! I told you to take Chen Feng away, but I didn't say to take his sister too! This girl needs to go to the hospital for surgery, Miss Jiang in the Imperial Capital is waiting for her kidney donation. If there's a delay, we'll all lose our heads!"

Then Wang Shikai quickly took out his phone and called the underground king of Jiangzhou, Lord Hu. After all, the matter of Chen Ning's kidney donation had started with Lord Hu's introduction; Wang Shikai was not yet in a position to negotiate directly with Miss Jiang of the Jiang Family.

"Are you an idiot? Miss Jiang's illness was cured by someone last night!" Black Tiger immediately cursed upon receiving the call. He had been woken up by the call after being busy the whole night, and it was all for this trivial matter.

"What?" Wang Shikai was taken aback, "Does that mean Miss Jiang no longer needs a kidney transplant?"

"Damn it, don't mention the kidney transplant again. I almost got killed by that business!" Black Tiger continued cursing, then suddenly added, "Right, Miss Jiang has decided to hold a banquet at the Hilton Hotel tomorrow. It should be to celebrate her recovery. She has invited a lot of big shots and mentioned your name too. Make sure you don't miss it."

"What! Miss Jiang is hosting a banquet and she invited me!" Wang Shikai nearly jumped for joy where he stood upon hearing this news.

It seemed his efforts had not been in vain; this favor truly paid off!

On the side, Wu Meng heard the news and got extremely excited, "Oh my God! Brother Kai, you can actually attend Miss Jiang's banquet! You're so amazing! I really admire you!"

"Hahaha," Wang Shikai, full of pride, felt almost no pain anymore. After hanging up the phone, he waved his hand dismissively at Captain Liu, "It's fine now, take these cheap siblings away."

"Chen Feng, you mangy cur, rot in jail for all I care! I, as Miss Jiang's savior, will be attending her banquet and can't be bothered with you!"

Wang Shikai adopted a condescending tone, sneering as he spoke.

Hearing this, Chen Feng coldly replied, "That party probably has nothing to do with you!"


Wang Shikai burst into laughter, considering Chen Feng's words as mere barking. He leaned in and whispered, "Kid, you're gonna suffer in there. In the Xuntian Office, my dad has connections who will take good care of you on my behalf."

Then the patrol car set off and took the siblings, Chen Feng and Chen Ning, away.


In the north of Jiangzhou City, there's a natural lake called Yanhui Lake. Along the shores of Yanhui Lake, there is a villa complex that is the most luxurious housing area in the entire Jiangzhou region, even throughout Jiangnan.

At this moment, in a luxurious villa by the lake, Jiang Yingxue was dressed in a silk pajama, sitting cross-legged on the sofa, holding a file and looking through it carefully.

This was all the information she had gathered on Chen Feng using her resources.

"Oh? So this guy is actually a noble born of humble origins, huh? No wonder he has an extraordinary bearing. He saved my life, yet didn't take advantage of the situation," Jiang Yingxue muttered to herself, nodding uncontrollably.

Although Chen Feng's background was humble, Jiang Yingxue didn't care about that since her family was among the top elite in Dragon Nation and had no need to curry favor with those in power.

What Jiang Yingxue cared about was Chen Feng's personal capability and, most importantly, his character.

Just then, the villa's door opened, and a Tang suit-clad elder, who served as the Jiang family's bodyguard, walked in with respect and said, "Miss Jiang, your good friend, Miss Lin has arrived."

After he finished speaking, a girl who was nearly perfect in both figure and appearance, dressed in a silk one-shoulder dress, walked in from outside, smiling and greeting Jiang Yingxue, "Yingxue."

"Churan, what brings you here?" Jiang Yingxue was surprised for a moment, then her face lit up with joy.

The girl before her, Lin Churan, the Miss Lin of the Imperial Capital's Lin Family, had been Jiang Yingxue's best friend and confidant since childhood, and the two even developed feelings for each other that went beyond ordinary friendship.

"Hehe, I missed you!" Lin Churan quickly walked up to Jiang Yingxue, arms wide open, ready to hug her.

Jiang Yingxue didn't resist, let out a chuckle, and said, "Churan, your timing is perfect. I found my fiancé, but I'm not sure about him. Help me decide, will you?"

Lin Churan barely glanced at Chen Feng's information before shaking her head and saying, "Yingxue, what's there to decide? This guy has no background, no capability, and to top it all, he's second-hand goods, having been married once before. You have no reason to waste your time on someone like him. Kick him to the curb quickly; don't let him hold back our fun together."