

A guard running in with a bad report. We are under an attack by wild creatures and the trooper are running for their life. many are injured due to the earthquake and most civilians are scared to death. "we must leave my Lord". explained a soldier. "Protect the Royal Family and my lady". said Cravter while running out of the tent of meeting with a look on his face like that of a warrior getting into battle. I will say the Royal grade'. meanwhile, Nick and few other people we're busy aiding the injured and help them find shelter. "Assemble all the soldiers, and prepare the military for battle". said Cravter. he also added. take the Royal household back to emrord city for the Castle will be more protected and safe for everyone else. " he did this while talking to Frank". while things are been heated up on the outside of the cave due to the earthquake, "causing panic and serious injuries". the unknown creatures were facing their way out of the cave. some are been rooted out from the ground, others are forcing themselves from the wall. All are creeping up towards the Outpost of the cave to get charged up the dynamic energy from the sun to help to boost their creativity. when prince Cravter gets to know of the massive amount of energy the sun gives to these creatures from the way they changed their body from, to twice the size they were. he charges his military forces to attack so they could kill a large number of their forces before they reach their full potential. "Attack... Attack. aim for the cave before these beast's gain more power". Aches' shoot. shoot, keep aiming at the cave... loss keeps shut-in at the cave. Cravter and his military commanders kept shutting at that same order. they kept marching towards the cave with no stop having no fear no their faces killing the unnatural creatures at their week starts and still resoling with the order creatures which have reached their full capacity. Prince Cravter and his men succeeded in putting them to the ground for a while and he ordered his soldier it retreats and head back home and to warn the other cities to be prepared for battle and for the entire kingdom to be unified in distressing times suchlike these. he ordered men to leave and to believe the message to all neighboring towns and city. Quickly we must leave for the capital. we must leave for Emrord city to plan what to do next my prince'. said commander Bar. you are right commander because we have no idea what we are up against and what might come next. replied Prince Cravter. He and few others left the grading to comfort the injured and to see if they are good to travel. Nick and some high ranking official meet up with Cravter and suggested that he should use the rest of the soldier's that are well and equipped to attack the unnatural and sizes the opportunity they have at hand. "In reply he said to them, now is not the time to attack because half our men are Dead and the other half are injured and weak. we have not many men to fight more battles. And we all should keep this in mind, we may have won a battle but make no mistake, we haven't won the war". they came to sit with the idea that they are to go back home and prepare for what is to come.

Emekaewovie03 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

17 The battle of the first

Move move move!!! shouted Commander Macon and Nick were the ones in charge of the force that is moving East to start the chasing. while commander Vico was riding with Baron Charles and Brown riding West, he is also leading a large number of men to a position at Zoroke and Dux City to begin the war.

While they were gone, the crown Prince sent a small number of men to guaranty the source of the strategy they have planned out. And the person leading the small number of men to aid Commander Macon was Baron Cohen. On the other side, the person leading the men due West to join commander Vico was Baron Freya.

Baron Freya has been known for her excitement in castrating men who turn out to be synched or betrayed. she is weirdly feared by men that's why her small town Rio City Is been seen(viewed) as a village because no one once to do business with her or romantically missed her. that is why the only big and meaningful businesses in Rio is brothels and bar. In there she could find anyone she wants to fulfill her sexual orientation.

"Baron Freya is not a person you would have a long time alliances with because she keeps looking for an error in anything one performs."

while Baron Cohen is known to be a betrayal and a man who is not trustworthy and does anything for the money. in fact, he is loyal to the coins. He wasn't able to run for the capital when his land was invaded by the unnatural because if he leaves his land, he will be put to death on the way to the capital for his enemies will use the opportunity they have to kill the betrayal. He managed to stay in his land till the capital ( military) came to his aids.

Both of them were able to live their land something that has never happened for a long time. They left there on the order been given to them by the Crown Prince.

Meanwhile, the Crown Prince, General Bur, and the other Royal household present stand their ground on Zoweike City waiting as planned.

Three days later, the battalions that were sent to the East arrived at Midon City close to Ur City, where Baron Rebecca and Baron Brown rule. Baron Rebecca for Midon while Brown for Ur.

When they get there, it was about early in the morning and it was empty so Commander Macon and Nick with few other titled men like Baron John, Baron Rebecca, Joe, and other Nobel men began to move in. They moved in quietly and on and on they kept moving in searching each house and temple they use in worshiping their gods, but they could don't find anything. It was as if the city have been abandoned. So they decided to stay in the city a little bit longer.

Time kept moving, and the Sun starts to shine. shortly after they began to hear voices in the air, and there were wild everywhere blowing up from all directions.

"immediately Nick ordered the military forces by saying, l have seen this before, and I know what is about to happen next. Be on the formation and prepare, because they will be attacking from all sides". "commander Macon, takes it from there by saying, you all be on the formation and one matter what happens, never break the line".

At this time the voices and the wind are becoming more severe than before, so the ground(earth) began to shake. The very moment the Sun reached his Picks, the unnatural began to emerge. they were coming from all angles, from the ground, empty houses, and some were made visible by the Sun.

The unnatural starts to attack, but this time the soldiers came prepared. they began to release their cannons, blooms, dark smock, and toxin dust(this poison dust only works on the unnatural), which was released into the air and proved to be very effective. (All these ideas on how to fight the unnatural were seen in the library when the King and his sons together with the General and the commanders).

"Release the toxin dust into the air, shouted prince Fred ".

immediately all the soldiers started to run to the highest buildings in Midon City and they begin to release the dust. As soon as the unnatural saw that the dust is effective, they began to aim for the soldiers with the dust on the high buildings. The unnatural with the gift of fire element began to burn the soldiers who had the dust.

Once again Nick ordered the soldiers to light up the dark smock. And as soon as the dry grass wise produces the dark smoke where on, the air turned black and the unnatural with the element of fire started to find it hard to make a good aim. and immediately they tried lighting up the air with fire, but the soldiers knew where they are, and would aim at that direction to which the fire came from with their arrows ( when the dark smoke was put on all the soldiers stopped to move and they squatted down by putting one heel to the ground to aim with a crossbow, squatting in two lines, backing one another, with the bark smoke burning in their midst. so that the unnatural with the elements of water went be able to quench the fire).

On the other side, the military forces sent to the West arrived at noon. so they camped out off sight and began surveying on how to layout their attack. After much observation, they tend on attacking the unnatural by the twilight(sunset or evening).

At sundown, Commander Vico and Prince Fred moved one-third of their forces to Zoroke City while Baron Charles and Brown stationed the others to besieged the city. They moved in slowly. they witnessed the unnatural creatures reducing in body sizes filling powerless and wick, that was when they attacked. They came in massively to attack the unnatural creatures and they killed them with easy living none of them standing. Some tried to escape from the City, which turned out to be a bad idea because they were running towards the hands of Baron Charles(his nickname "the brutal one"). He slaughtered them with no compassion nor mercy living none standing.

The Great Slaughter lasted for about an hour, and when it ended they recuperate and moved to Dux City that evening.

Meanwhile, the war in the East was tuff but still, the military forces came out victorious with the help of the young officer Enzo. It was as if he knew what was playing in the head of the unnatural beings, he was the only one who break out of the formation yet lived. Enzo was outstanding will fighting with the unnatural because he is skillful and fast. When they have completed their task ( to kill the unnatural) in killing the unnatural creatures, they decided to rust so they could attack Ur.

Shortly after they've defeated Midon the military forces been led by Baron Cohen arrived when they were getting prepared to move to Ur. After introducing themselves baron Cohen stated why he brought his soldiers and they combined forces and move to Ur.

When they arrived at Ur, it was about a few hours later and the day is about to break. So commander Macon and Nick decide to attack because he has witness firsthand what will happen if the unnatural creatures reached their potential. They attacked in two groups, the first was Nick, Baron John, and Rebecca. While the second was Baron Cohen and commander Macon.

When they matched into Ur they find no unnatural creatures only the dead body of the humans they killed, have witnessed what was about to happen before, they stopped the attack and they decided to wait until sunset before attacking.

The day began fading away and the night started to rush in, sands and screaming starts living the hair immediately they know is time for the unwanted creatures to meet their end. "Baron Rebecca shouted', it is time to go claim your victory. they all shout positively to her motivational speeches and pick up the weapon with the looks of battle on their faces".

Commander Macon gave the signal for them to attack with an arrow been short in the air, with fire on it. At once they rushed into the city and started to kill and slaughter the unnatural.

They keep killing and started feeling the taste of victory but something happened. The unnatural that savers as guards to Great General Grays's wife name Morgana began to rush in like never before. And they can harvest the power to the full range at night( this is because they could conserve the suns energy in daylight and with the help of the body system they could use it at night. due they are powerless by day) that is why when they were to be put to death and seen as a cost to the unnatural creatures, Queen Morgana saw something unique in them and took them under her wings.

They moved in, having the elements of surprise. They start to kill with the revenge look on their faces(another thing that makes them special is because they could shapeshift, and is hard to recognize them when you don't have the high scenes of smell like the unnatural possesses) and they succeeded in taking a large number of their forces before were but down by the sword of Enzo.

Enzo once again proves himself as a Great warrior by saving the life of Baron John and Rebecca on two different occasions in the battle. first, was when baron John was in one of the highest of buildings in Midon, he was surrounded by unnatural when he was releasing the dust in the air. Enzo fought his way through, to the top of the building, and rescue him by shouting Seven arrows from one bow to kill seven of the unnatural that surrounded John. After, Baron John and Enzo kill the other sixteen that were at the rooftop with them, and they fought their way down into the formation after releasing the dust into the air.

The second, was currently at Ur when Rebecca and six of her warriors were running for their lives after being counted by a large force of the 'night Beast's. Enzo rushing into her aid with seven of his close friends giving Becca a stronger force and support to face the forces of the unnatural. And when they were down to two men since they were scattered across the city, Enzo killed twenty-four unnatural that was at the door post forcing their way in to kill Baron Rebecca that was hiding in cardboard.

The battle lasted the woe night till morning, at the break of the day, Commander Macon gave the order to release the bark smoke( the smoke is thick enough to cover the light shining from the sky), and the toxins dust because they have exhausted the blooms and cannons they have left throughout the night.

The toxins dust began to take effect immediately and the night creatures( the unnatural creatures that can use their ability at night) that way still standing and holding their forth started falling(dying) one by one. and the more the sun keeps coming out, the more the energy they possess slowly reaches his rest state making it easy to do away with them( kill them).

The more the soldiers perceived victory the stronger they become over the unnatural creatures, the only thing that seems to be the problem (issue) is the few numbers of unnatural creatures with the ability of Air and Earth elements. As the Sun raises, they could escape for their life. For those with earth ability, they managed to bend the well of the city to move through it( that is how they were able to appear anywhere as long as it is close enough for them. making it visible and invisible to the humans). but still, they came out victorious.