

A guard running in with a bad report. We are under an attack by wild creatures and the trooper are running for their life. many are injured due to the earthquake and most civilians are scared to death. "we must leave my Lord". explained a soldier. "Protect the Royal Family and my lady". said Cravter while running out of the tent of meeting with a look on his face like that of a warrior getting into battle. I will say the Royal grade'. meanwhile, Nick and few other people we're busy aiding the injured and help them find shelter. "Assemble all the soldiers, and prepare the military for battle". said Cravter. he also added. take the Royal household back to emrord city for the Castle will be more protected and safe for everyone else. " he did this while talking to Frank". while things are been heated up on the outside of the cave due to the earthquake, "causing panic and serious injuries". the unknown creatures were facing their way out of the cave. some are been rooted out from the ground, others are forcing themselves from the wall. All are creeping up towards the Outpost of the cave to get charged up the dynamic energy from the sun to help to boost their creativity. when prince Cravter gets to know of the massive amount of energy the sun gives to these creatures from the way they changed their body from, to twice the size they were. he charges his military forces to attack so they could kill a large number of their forces before they reach their full potential. "Attack... Attack. aim for the cave before these beast's gain more power". Aches' shoot. shoot, keep aiming at the cave... loss keeps shut-in at the cave. Cravter and his military commanders kept shutting at that same order. they kept marching towards the cave with no stop having no fear no their faces killing the unnatural creatures at their week starts and still resoling with the order creatures which have reached their full capacity. Prince Cravter and his men succeeded in putting them to the ground for a while and he ordered his soldier it retreats and head back home and to warn the other cities to be prepared for battle and for the entire kingdom to be unified in distressing times suchlike these. he ordered men to leave and to believe the message to all neighboring towns and city. Quickly we must leave for the capital. we must leave for Emrord city to plan what to do next my prince'. said commander Bar. you are right commander because we have no idea what we are up against and what might come next. replied Prince Cravter. He and few others left the grading to comfort the injured and to see if they are good to travel. Nick and some high ranking official meet up with Cravter and suggested that he should use the rest of the soldier's that are well and equipped to attack the unnatural and sizes the opportunity they have at hand. "In reply he said to them, now is not the time to attack because half our men are Dead and the other half are injured and weak. we have not many men to fight more battles. And we all should keep this in mind, we may have won a battle but make no mistake, we haven't won the war". they came to sit with the idea that they are to go back home and prepare for what is to come.

Emekaewovie03 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

16 The strategy

The camping is over says Nick while he was warming up their soldiers so they can be ready for battle in respect of the order been given him by Crown Prince Cravter. They began to match on. On the way, they saw people running towards their direction so they stopped them to hear from them, how are things in their towns?.. but as soon as the crowd saw the military and the navy marching towards their direction they knew that help have arrived.

When Cravter saw the people he nearly boosts into tears. he became angry that he reach for his sword with no enemy to stake down. he asked, "what happens? why are your clothes burnt and smock is all over your body's? none were able to speak they all fall to the ground and were shook unable to speak, with tears pouring out of their eyes. They were asked to sit on the floor by the soldiers so they could chase their breath.

Half an hour time, one of them regain control of himself and was able to speak. he said, "the unnatural came from nowhere and began to destroy all our properties. they kill my son, wife, and two of my daughter, those Savages kill everything living in my village. they became to hunt down every human they could find in the woods, killing children for sports".

"Those vile creatures said, General Bur. He also added, we must send some men into the woods to rescue anyone they can find". All the princes present agreed, and so they sent men into the woods. And they waited for hours before they could attack. Hours letter they have all prepared for battle, and they are all well in line properly formation according to the arrangement they are being truthful in the military training.

The Crown Prince step forward to speak to the soldiers before they reach into battle, he said: Today you all know why you are gathered here, for those of you who have not seen nor come in contact with the unnatural you are gathered here to face something you have never seen before. And this might scare some of you but have no fear because something we have and I believe they don't have is love for family and their loved ones. So today as we are engaging these Beast we should remember that we are not just fighting for our skin, but for our family, our friends, our wife's, our children, and most especially our kingdom(while saying these words he was shouting him and his princes and together with his titled men present. and the soldiers began to shout in response to the King, "Yeah").

The General matched forward on his horse alongside commander Macon to divide the men into three groups as it was said in the meeting they heard while drawing their strategy the previous night.

Last night all the high-ranking officers were present in a tent near Oral City to discuss how they are to attack the unnatural being. To begin, General Bur appreciated everyone present by saying. Good to see you all but before we begin, there was an attempt on Baron Browns Life six days ago at the Palace. that why you all might be wondering, how was he able to receive such a big injury before we live for battle? but have no fear the case is under investigation. We will find out who is behind it. But that is a talk for another day, we are here to plan our attack and we will welcome ideas from everyone.

Commander Macon starts by saying, "I think we should attack from one Angle by leading all the military true the cave will the navy are to come in true waters so we could have a stronger attacking front". He was conversing with his hands on the table where the map of the kingdom is and he has also moved the toys(gadget) wish represents the military force and the navy. After speaking General Bur appreciate him by saying, well done and nodding his head. he spoke further by saying he agreed with what commander Macon says but he is still open to new ideas.

Baron Brown has struggled standing due to the injury he is carrying in his back still he was able to stand. And he said I think we should attack from East because the unnatural in our towns like Zoroke, Midon, Pensos, Ur, Zoweike City, and Dux City are have not been well seated. if we stake them now, we will have a high chance of eliminating a large number of the unnatural. What do you all think? he asked. All the Nobel play along as usual, but Baron Vain and few others refused his ideas and suggested theirs. The first to Baron Vain, he started with picking up a wooden toy on the table and placed it on the west side of the map and put few other wooden toys on the front and a boat to the water space in the. the map they use in representing the sea.

After enough time, he began to speak and he said, " We will strike from the front, west and East chasing them to the south where we will take them out in Pensos City. This is because we Pensos is an open town and it will be hard to take us by surprise with high-level Towers, since their his noon, and our entire navy could attack at once true the open water". "And the best part is, we will have a perfect aim and the high ground too (he was speaking with strong conviction and carrying the look of victory on his face).

The entire house was in support of the idea especially the Nobel since it has been the best idea they've heard ever since. and the final battle will take place by dark till morning wish will be fine by them. So they left the tent of meeting, with a good smile on their faces but Baron Brown was not happy not because his ideas were not been used. But because he keeps suspecting Rebecca because she is the only one with enough heat in her heart for him. And most especially, she was smiling when both eyes caught sight of each other while she was eating her apple.