
Unnamed Crown

In a world named House, there is a crown sought by men and women for a millennium. But nobody has found it. Despite the ambiguous existence of the crown, there is a little girl who truly believes that the crown is real. So, she will take a long journey to find and obtain the crown. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If you're into One Piece, authored by Eiichiro Oda, Unnamed Crown is inspired by his manga. However, Unnamed Crown is an original work. So, do you want to go in a journey with me? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

TheFirstFirefly · Fantasy
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32 Chs

U'U's Bedroom

In a luxurious room someplace in the castle, the place was dim due to the chandelier and a ray of vertical morning light from the slightly opened, black, long curtains from the lone window.

The young boy slept soundly on a hanging, rounded, white canopy bed.

The bed was adorned with colorful pillows, and the young boy was draped in a soft, white, furry blanket. The bed, however, was occupied by crumpled papers and smooth rocks.

The walls were pure white, with exquisite gold and silver decorations on the top and bottom. Each wall had realistic paintings that were misplaced. And there was a dark pillar at every corner.

From the ceiling, it was a black dome with an enormous chandelier hung. As crystals and bulbs filled the dome, the chandelier resembled the stars at night. And the lights were on with the level of illumination of a candle flame.

Trashes were scattered on the black carpet. The majority were books of various sizes, crumpled papers, and smooth rocks on the floor.

Everything was silent; there was no sound from within or outside the room until a gentle, high-pitched voice entered.


A mind's interpretation of the sound might be anything. It was also difficult to tell whether the voice was male or female. But it came from all sides. Except for the young boy, no one else was in the room, not even beneath the bed or any other area where someone could hide.

The young boy heard it with two of his ears, though he was sleeping at the time. It was difficult for him to notice and wake up from it when it did not disturb him.

The young boy turned around five minutes later to change his sleeping position. As he lay his arm stretched on the bed, he dragged many papers and rocks into his face and chest. And he continued to sleep for a minute before pulling his leg and waking up.

Something bothered him, but nothing touched him, so he raised his upper body to investigate. The environment was dim, yet the young boy could still see and distinguish items around him.

He seemed perplexed, peering at and around his leg. He had no idea what had happened, nor did he attempt to explain it. Then he shifted his gaze as he discovered something new.

"Uhm," he said, realizing the room was unfamiliar to him.

He looked forward and noticed an empty short, elongated bookshelf.

He pondered for a long time and clenched his brows, trying to figure out what was going on. So he looked to his right and noticed a wall with a door and beside it were five trashcans.

"Poooopped?" he called.

He waited about a minute before shifting his gaze to the left. He noticed a gorgeous, varnished table with jewelry and valuable stuff and continued, "R'Lo'eeee?"

When the young boy noticed light streaming through the open curtains, curious, he got himself from bed and stepped across the mess to the curtains.

As he stepped out of bed, the chandelier's lights switched on, and the room was brightened.

He stopped by and looked above and proceeded to walk in front of the curtains.

He looked out the window but couldn't see anything. Then he went in without spreading the curtains and noticed the window and the wonderful view of the Gravedom Kingdom.

First, he spotted the Crown Forest's dense leaves and branches, as well as the high kingdom's fortifications.

As he moved his face closer to the window's glass, he took a careful glance down at the steep terrain. And he observed compact yet well-arranged residences with green roofs, either with short trees or a flower garden.

"Woah," he whispered in amazement as he gazed out the window at the overall view of the kingdom.

It was lovely, especially in the morning, when he could see the place with long pillars of light.

He stared for eight minutes because it captivated him. Then he shook his head to concentrate on something he had forgotten. He leaned his face against the window and gazed down.

"R'Lo'e?" he called.

He waited a few seconds for a response but received none, so he kept looking.

"Popped?" he called, checking the left side.

The young boy quickly looked to his right and added, "Popped?"

He waited a few seconds but received no response.

When he turned away from the window, he noticed a child's fingerprints on the spot where he had his face. He didn't appear to mind, so he turned around and walked out from behind the curtains.

"This isn't my room," he said as he concluded.