
Unnamed Crown

In a world named House, there is a crown sought by men and women for a millennium. But nobody has found it. Despite the ambiguous existence of the crown, there is a little girl who truly believes that the crown is real. So, she will take a long journey to find and obtain the crown. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If you're into One Piece, authored by Eiichiro Oda, Unnamed Crown is inspired by his manga. However, Unnamed Crown is an original work. So, do you want to go in a journey with me? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

TheFirstFirefly · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Breakfast in the Throne Room

Somewhere in the castle, people were taking food into paper bags or baskets in a huge victual hall that resembled a supermarket. There were a lot of people in the section where fresh fruits were displayed. And the people took the fruits and ate while gathering their other stuff in various locations in the hall.

Xevmal was standing there, searching for the fruits. When he found what he was looking for, he took a small paper bag of raisins and went somewhere while munching them.

When he arrived at a long kitchen counter, he approached the man behind it and said, "Hello, Der'L, how are you?"

"Oh, Xevmal," Der'L recognized and added, "morning. I'm good. How about you?"

"I'm just as good as you. Thank you very much."

"You're very welcome. So," Der'L took out a notepad from the table and a pen and said, "what do you want us to cook for you?"

When Xevmal responded, "Just two toasted sandwiches," the man began writing in cursive.

He continued, "With, um, corn spread and boiled egg paste. And please have the meat ribs from a cow and a deer for each sandwich."

"How many layers do you want for the sandwich?"

"Just one."

"All right," he said, tearing the paper from the notepad and handing it to the cook behind him. He looked at Xevmal and continued, "you can resume doing anything else. We'll just put your order on the table with your name on it."

"Very well, but could I have the sandwiches packaged a little bigger? When I return, I'll have goods to put in."

"Sure, no problem."

"Thank you, Der'L."

"You're welcome, Xevmal."

Xevmal left the area and went to the condiments department.

While he was looking for a specific condiment, he finished eating his raisins from the bag. He stuffed the empty bag into his pocket then found a bottle of milk sauce and took it.

He left the section and headed to the vegetable aisle, where he took a paper container of different leafy vegetables.

He completed his breakfast and went back to the kitchen counter.

On the table was a paper bag with his name written in cursive on it.

He spotted it and grabbed it. And he placed the goods he was carrying in the bag.

"Thank you, everyone," he said to a gathering of individuals behind the counter table before leaving.

They smiled at him, some nodded, and some said, "Thank you, Xevmal."

Xevmal strolled out of the victual hall with a paper bag, via the castle's side halls, and into the main hall. And he proceeded straight to the throne room.

When he arrived at the throne room, it was empty, and he was alone in the room.

He approached the table, where there was a plate. He removed everything from the bag and put the sandwiches on the plate, but the container of vegetables and the milk sauce were on the table.

Then he left the dining table, holding the paper bag, and proceeded towards an old door on the side of the throne room.

The door creaked gently as Xevmal approached it, opening from the inside.

The little girl with white hair and a long white dress came out carefully carrying a frying pan upside down.

However, her hand was holding a deep dish beneath the pan.

Then she dashed towards the table, and as she approached Xevmal, she exclaimed, "Hello, Xevmaaal!" with joy and positive energy.

Xevmal came to a halt and smiled at her.

"Hi, Eviii," he said in a childish voice, although his voice was deep.

Evi went to the table laughing and said, "Funny old man!"

She ascended to the throne and made a determined expression as she placed the plate on the table gently.

Then she quickly opened the pan.

It revealed that she had fried so many eggs that the intact yolks covered the entire surface.

"Unfertilized chicks!" she said as she set the pan down.

She saw the condiment and took it, saying, "Milk sauce!"

She spread the sauce on top of the eggs and vegetables. After that, she returned it to the table because there was some remaining.

She finished her preparation, collected the pan, and returned to the room.

When she passed by Xevmal, she said, "Goodbye, Xevmaaal!"

"Goodbyeee, Eviii," Xevmal said and laughed with short breaths afterward.

When Evi entered the room, Xevmal continued walking towards the door.

He entered the room through the creaking door, and he was in the kitchen, which was adjacent to the living room. And the room smelled of cooked meat.

Everything in the room was an antique that was older than the oldest item in the throne room. The walls, ceilings, floor, things, and furniture were all made of dark wood that had aged for a long time. However, some were created or combined with rocks and metals.

The only lights in the room were candles and the fireplace. And another light emanated from the fireplace in the living room.

"That smells fantastic, Evi. What are you cooking?" Xevmal asked as he entered the living room.

Evi was sitting on the floor with her legs facing the fireplace.

She waited for the meal inside to be cooked and answered, "Tuktora-oook! Mooo! Oink, oink!"

Xevmal stood at the door, doorknob in his hand, ready to enter, but he waited for her to respond.

When he heard her, he said, "Alright," and entered the room.

Inside the room was a small area with a short passage that was only a few feet long. The entire left half of the room was occupied by a small mattress covered in a white bedsheet, while the right side was taken by three horizontal plywood shelves on the wall.

The shelves held books as well as random stuff like rocks, sticks, a piece of cloth, and more.

A piece of plain clothing was pinned with nails on each upper corner of the lowest plywood.

The illustration on the cloth was a small circle inside a larger circle, which was surrounded by another larger circle.

And underneath the plywood was a table with books and picture frames.

However, as the photographs aged, they degraded to the point that it was hard to see the real images.

There was also a relic that was a wooden standing cross with an empty circle at the intersection.

Beside the table was a tall cabinet with the glass window removed.

A simple, white tiara with long, sharp, diamond-shaped shards was in the cabinet, but the middle fragment had the longest point. And the rest of the compartments in the cabinet were filled with candles and clothes.

The room was dark, and the only light came from the wall directly in front of Xevmal.

It had a hole with a lit candle within.

Even though it was dark, he could see what was around him. So he knelt and pushed the table chair back.

"Xevmaaal!" Evi yelled and continued, "Let us eat our breakfaaast!"

Xevmal retrieved a trashcan from beneath the desk and rose with a slouch.

"I'll be there in a minute!" he said.

He stuffed the paper bag into the trashcan like a trash bag and expanded the hole. He then tossed the empty bag of raisins from his pocket into the trash bag and slid the trashcan back beneath the table. And he concluded his task after repositioning the chair.

Evi was standing on the throne, combining the vegetables and chopped meats in the frying pan. She poured the milk sauce onto the meal as the frying pan was whirling while she was blending the food.

Xevmal then entered the royal room, carrying two plates and two mugs of water.

Evi pinched a piece of meat and vegetable and devoured it. And she expressed her delight at the flavor.

She noticed Xevmal and turned to face him.

"Come on, let us pray!" she said hurriedly, making a strong beckoning gesture.

"I'll be there," Xevmal said assuredly.

When he arrived at the table, he handed Evi and himself plates and cups, then sat on the throne next to her.

When Evi was observing Xevmal, he looked and nodded at her.

She sat on the throne with a wide smile until her expression went blank.

"Let us close our eyes and hold our hearts together," Evi stated solemnly.

Evi and Xevmal closed their eyes and placed their hands on their chests, specifically over their hearts.

They were silent for a minute.

Seconds later, Evi opened her eyes and put her hands down. She looked at Xevmal and noticed that his eyes were still closed.

She waited for him.

A few seconds later, Xevmal opened his eyes and placed his hands down. He smiled as he gazed at Evi.

"Let's eat," he said.

When she heard those words, Evi smiled broadly and drew the long table closer to her without a problem.

Evi and Xevmal were eating their food with their fingers.

Evi took a sandwich to her plate. She then sliced a piece of the egg with her fingers like a spoon.

It had at least cooled down enough for her to grip and place the food on the plate.

She grabbed a handful of vegetables and meats.

Despite that the meats were freshly cooked and hot, she seemed unharmed as she held onto them and placed them on her plate.

Xevmal did similarly, and they began to eat while engaging in small talk.

"Hmm," Xevmal was delighted by the taste of the cooked food. He continued, "Evi, you cooked them perfectly."

"Thank you!" she said while eating the eggs.

After that, she ate her sandwich and continued, "Hmmm, you cooked the sandwich perfectly too."

"I did not cook them."

"Ah!" she was taken aback, so she took the cup of water and drank it.

She said, "Hmmm, you filled the cup with wonderful water, Xevmal."

Xevmal giggled and said, "Thank you, Evi."

For breakfast, they enjoyed their meal and each other with smiles and small laughter.


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