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Lisa sat Rosalie down and stared at her.

"Matteo, what do you think? She's dainty and very pale. With time, she'll be less pale but not so rosy; her paleness is natural. Her features are small; something too dark will overshadow them, and something too bright will make her look manufactured. Brown it is, then. You're just lucky that your hair is bulky; it isn't healthy," Lisa kept rambling on as Rosalie listened attentively with a serious expression.

"Contact lenses will look good on you." She added.

"No," Matteo cut in abruptly. "She looks good with her blue eyes," he said hurriedly.

"She wants to be unrecognizable, Matteo," Lisa said, rolling her eyes.

Matteo wanted to argue more, but he kept to himself.

"So, a light brown hair color, wavy with bangs, black eye lens, I can see it already."

"What do you think?" Rosalie asked Matteo.

As much as she wanted to be different, the fact that she was influenced by Matteo still remained.