
Chapter Seven: Successful Completion of the Mission

As time passed by, finally, it was 6:30 in the afternoon. But where was Cat's Eye? Could it be that there was another conspiracy? Just as Junfu looked around in confusion, the window in front of everyone suddenly cracked and exploded! The window actually exploded.

The sound of two window explosions attracted everyone's attention because the exploded window was the one opposite "Reading." It shouldn't have happened; these glasses were made of bulletproof materials and shouldn't have shattered like this.

"Lower the protective barrier!" With the glass completely shattered, fierce winds rushed into the room. In this situation, Junfu decisively lowered the protective barrier, sealing off the window completely. This not only blocked the strong winds but also prevented Cat's Eye from stealing the famous painting.

"What's going on? Is the painting gone?" Just then, one of Junfu's subordinates pointed out that only an empty frame remained on the wall opposite "Reading." Cat's Eye had been here and succeeded?

"Damn it, what's going on? Weren't you standing in front of the painting the whole time? How did you not notice?" Junfu angrily interrogated the guard standing in front of "Reading," who was none other than Li Yalin.

"I'm really sorry, there was just a moment of panic..." From the outside, the guard played by Li Yalin couldn't be clearly seen. With a deep cap pulled down over his head, he appeared to be genuinely remorseful to Junfu for losing the painting.

"Look! A hot air balloon!" At that moment, one of Junfu's men noticed a small hot air balloon floating into the sky through another window. Beneath the balloon, there was a faint figure. It seemed impossible for someone to be using a hot air balloon at this time.

"As long as Cat's Eye can't vanish into thin air, Junfu, you'll definitely succeed," Junfu recalled a sentence Li Yalin had said. Vanish into thin air? Could this be it?

"Follow me!" Junfu shouted, and all the police and security guards followed him out. What were they running out for? Of course, to chase after the hot air balloon.

"Manager, should we store these paintings now?" After Junfu and his men left, a worker in a blue uniform approached the manager, who was kneeling on the ground. Today was the last day of the art exhibition, and according to the procedure, these famous paintings were supposed to be stored and prepared for transport after the exhibition ended.

"Do whatever you want," the manager impatiently waved his hand. Losing "Reading" would surely cause an international dispute. After all, this painting was borrowed from a foreign art museum.

"What about this frame?" The worker pointed to the empty frame in front of the manager.

"I said do whatever you want!" The manager stood up angrily, glaring at the worker. The worker could only bow apologetically and quickly take away the empty frame.

"I really didn't expect it. Yalin, your actions exceeded my expectations." Watching "Reading" in front of him and hearing Li Yalin explain the process of stealing the painting, Xiaolei couldn't help but clap and praise. Li Yalin indeed had a talent for being a thief.

What exactly happened? Let's review it. First, Li Yalin secretly installed a miniature timed bomb on the window frame. When the wall cracked, he detonated the bomb, blowing up the entire window. At that moment, Li Yalin, standing in front of "Reading," quickly covered the frame with a layer of paper. Seeing the empty frame, Junfu and the others naturally assumed the painting was lost and couldn't imagine that it was still inside the frame.

At the same time, Tear, who was lying in ambush outside, activated the hot air balloon. The balloon floated slowly into the sky, giving the illusion that Cat's Eye was escaping by hot air balloon and diverting all the police and guards.

Finally, Li Yalin took advantage of the chaos to change into work clothes and disguised himself as a worker at the art exhibition. With the manager's approval, he easily took away the famous painting. The entire theft operation was very successful, and Xiaolei gave Li Yalin a perfect score of one hundred.

"Xiaolei, you're too kind. These are just some clever tricks," Li Yalin waved his hand repeatedly. He could only come up with such a plan based on the little impression he had from reading manga before, combined with his actual investigation of the scene. This move was risky, and if someone noticed, everything would be lost, and Li Yalin might even be caught on the spot.

"Regardless, you and Tear have successfully completed the test. Now I declare that you and Tear are officially members of Cat's Eye!" Xiaolei smiled slightly and took Li Yalin's words as modesty. After announcing the acceptance of Li Yalin and Tear, she was the first to applaud.

"Oh, Yalin and Tear-chan are joining us. From now on, we're a family!" Not only did Xiaolei clap, but Xiaoting also looked pleased as she applauded Li Yalin. Aiko even cheered happily, expressing sincere welcome to Li Yalin and Tear's joining.

"What family? Aiko, what are you talking about!" Although Aiko's words were unintentional, upon hearing the phrase "