
Chapter Eight: The Game Shop and Xiaotong's Misunderstanding

Seeing the items sold in the shop, Li Yalin was thoroughly conflicted. How should he describe this feeling? It's probably a mix of joy and disappointment. In short, the practical items like bloodline and skills that Li Yalin hoped for didn't appear. What's available for purchase now are various firearms and accessories.

Wait, what does this line mean? "Produced by Chengshen, all firearms sold in this store do not require maintenance, have no wear and tear, and bullets are supplied free of charge, providing players with the most thoughtful service."

Seriously, if the service is so considerate, can you give me the guns for free? All this talk, but buying guns still costs game points! But the no wear and tear and no maintenance aspect does save a lot of trouble. And these are real guns, the dream of every man. Li Yalin once dreamed of wielding dual guns like a hero.

Alright, calm down. The most important thing to learn in the 21st century is to stay calm. Otherwise, how would you face 2012? Wait a minute, can't I go back to Earth? Who knows what will happen in 2012? Flip the table!

Anyway, let's first see what guns are sold in the shop. There's quite a variety, from pistols to assault rifles, from submachine guns to sniper rifles, and even RPG rocket launchers and individual poison dart missiles. Is this preparing for Li Yalin to become a terrorist? Or is it for him to participate in a modern war? After all, Li Yalin is just a homebody. Even if he exchanges for poison dart missiles, how does he shoot them?

As for accessories, combat knives might come in handy, and the price of bulletproof vests, helmets, night vision goggles, and stun grenades is reasonable. But having guns without knowing how to use them makes Li Yalin quite unhappy.

Lastly, a small line was written at the bottom of the purchase column: "Call of Duty 6 Modern Warfare 2" Honor Product. Damn, so it turns out all these are imported from the game! No wonder they're all foreign firearms.

"Big brother? Do we need to exchange for these firearms?" Tear's game shop is exactly the same as Li Yalin's. Looking at the rows of firearms above, Tear couldn't help but look at Li Yalin, hoping he could make a decision.

"Let's forget it, okay? Do you think we need these things right now?" Li Yalin regretfully shook his head. Not only can't they use them, but they also don't know how to use them. This won't do. This way, it's absolutely not going to work. They must find a solution; otherwise, leaving them in the shop will drive Li Yalin crazy.

"That makes sense." Tear suddenly realized, nodding. Although she also liked seeing these firearms, unfortunately, she's just a thirteen-year-old girl who doesn't know how to use such things.

"I'll go talk to Xiaolei first." Having made up his mind, Li Yalin knocked on Xiaolei's door.

"What's wrong, Yalin? Do you need something?" Seeing Li Yalin coming to her so late, Xiaolei seemed a bit surprised.

"It's like this, Xiaolei, I want to learn more, especially about firearms knowledge and training." Li Yalin got straight to the point as soon as the door opened.

"Firearms knowledge and training? Training might be a bit troublesome in China." Xiaolei fell into thought.

"That's exactly why it's troublesome, Xiaolei." Li Yalin shrugged helplessly.

"Well, I understand. I'll help you prepare." After a moment of thought, Xiaolei nodded. She thought of a good place where training in firearms would be completely problem-free.

"Really? That's great, Xiaolei!" Xiaolei's quick agreement made Li Yalin extremely excited. He couldn't care less about the time and place and hugged Xiaolei, spinning around. There's no other way; his mood was just too high.

"You guys..." Just then, Xiaolei's door was suddenly pushed open, and Xiaotong stood there, looking at Li Yalin and Xiaolei hugging each other in surprise. What a blow, really, such a happy day, Li Yalin successfully completed the task, but why did such a heartbreaking scene happen at night?

Interrupted by Xiaotong's sudden appearance, Li Yalin and Xiaolei were equally stunned. Everyone stared at each other until Xiaotong reacted and quickly ran away.

"Xiaolei, what should I do..." Li Yalin looked at Xiaolei in his arms, at a loss. A faint fragrance wafted over, making it even harder for Li Yalin to think clearly about his next move.

"Fool, let go of me quickly and go after her!" Xiaolei, feeling both angry and amused, knocked Li Yalin's head. This guy usually seems quite smart, but how can he be so confused at this moment?

"Oh, I see." Only at this moment did Li Yalin finally understand. He let go of Xiaolei in his arms, and in three steps, rushed out of Xiaolei's room.

But it's so late, where did Xiaotong go? And how should he find her? Having already lost track of Xiaotong's whereabouts, Li Yalin once again felt