
Time to Change

"Ok first off things are going to be different from now on system I'm going to go by a different name how about Cloud"

[Notice a new continuous quest has been added, System Unlock, the requirements to complete are killing 5 world breakers, 1/5 have been killed. a

Also a new function in the system is available, the tracker map, on the map there are 6 different symbols that can appear. RED are world breakers, ORANGE are lesser other world enemies not strong enough or qualified to be world breakers or one of the current worlds bosses/strong enemies, YELLOW are basic enemies in this world, GOLD is a valuable item from another world, Black is a problematic item from another world (both GOLD and BLACK can be one in the same), and Finally PURPLE...


"Purple is slight Terrifing hopefully I don't run into one anytime soon but luckilyim pretty sure it'll be a rare thing"

Now let's land and see how the others are faring my level increases as the both blget exp and according to the system I'm level 30 they must have been working hard while I was unconscious. "let's land Mavis I also want to summon you a friend I believe I should have about 10,000 SE."

After landing Cloud request that the others come to him and buys a pet token. After selecting the token more options appear, the random token costs 2,000 SE, the world target token (summon a random non-humanoid from the targeted world of your choice) cost 10,000, and the harmless token (A basic animal that at most could only harm someone in these worlds a little bit) that cost 100 SE, and a warning saying after 5 uses of any of the pet tokens the prices will permanently double

I'll roll a random one for now might as well save some rather then use it all. The wheel rolls after a few minutes it stop on monster hunter going to a wheel of monster hunter monster which stops on a pukei pukei (male) (if you have name suggestions put them on this paragraph please)