I'm back A 15-year-old boy dies from unknown causes and appears in a pitch-black void, he is told that he gets 10 wishes and he will be taken to a random world. In this book, the MC will have a summoning system that can summon anything from a regular cat, a monster, or characters from anime, comics, movies/shows, and video games. Within this book, there will be several times where the character must spin a wheel for an item or a summon for a twist I will always for these situations, spin a wheel, and whatever I land on the mc will get. also, suggestions will be added to the wheel.
*ding* the sound of an elevator door opening was clear through the south hall of the apartment complex, out of the elevator comes a young handsome man this man is Maxwell Talion age 15 he is holding a small shopping bag and on his back, he has a green backpack.
Max turns right and begins to walk down the hallway, he passes 5 doors then enters his. He is greeted with nothing but darkness his parents are both abroad, in England they had been offered jobs to work in a prestigious school in London. Max was fine with this as he was liked having the apartment to himself as they sent a check with enough to live off of for a month every month.
*POV Max*
I open my door to be greeted with a familiar sight of darkness I flip the switch best to the four and the entire place becomes illuminated. I drop my bags near the door and walk to my couch before, reach the couch I feel light-headed and all of a sudden everything turns pitch black. Looking around I see nothing I reach towards the wall but nothing is there, panic is settling in then I see a white orb appear and from it, I hear a voice speak.
"Oh hello, there I was unaware that anyone was being reincarnated today, hey deaths who borough him in and why wasn't I informed of his arrival."
Several other orbs of various colors appear. After a few minutes, a cold voice emits from a gold orb."Sir no one has brought in a human today"
With a confused tone, the white orb says "boy how old are you"
"15" I shakily say
"Hmm, strange according to your charts you have 10 wishes when a human dies and gets the option to be reincarnated they get wishes according to how much Sacred Energy they have. Human bodies can't handle too much sacred energy so the intake is slow but they get enough Sacred Energy for 1 wishes every 10 years. You on the other hand seem to have been consuming SE at such an alarming rate you must have died from too much SE."
"I have one question you said that others have been reincarnated does that mean I can find others from my world."
"no, you are all put into separate eras or universes so you might hear about them but you won't meet them. now can I explain what will happen to you."
"yes, please go on."
"ok you will be transferred to a random world out of 5 that you pick after you spend a year in that world you will have the option to spin the wheel and go to another random world but after a year in the second world, you can either do another random world or go to the one you have already been to. you will be able to after we talk you can choose your 10 wishes and customize how you look then spin to go to your next world."
"ok give me like an hour"