
Unlimited Rewards In Parallel Universe

Russell traveled to the comic universe, received an infinite reward system, and became the boyfriend of Wonder Woman Diana. [Infinite Ultron] [Dark Doctor Strange] [Venom Symbiote] [Endosymbiotic Armor] [Kryptonian Bloodline] [Wonder Woman's Blessing]... "I want them all!" Thus, Russell began his career of becoming stronger.

Chanjan · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 9 Crazy Traveler

Although SHIELD has some prejudice against people with super powers, setting fire to a house is not SHIELD's style.

Relatively speaking, this is more like something Hydra would do.

Of course, this is just Russell's current guess.

He was not 100% sure whether it was Hydra or not.

After entering the hotel lobby, he went straight to Charon at the front desk, took out a gold coin and placed it in front of Charon.

"I want to know who burned down my office?"

Russell said directly.

As the direct-operated killer of the Continental Hotel, Charon is very clear about his identity on the surface.

Not only Charon knows, but people who are slightly familiar with him know that he opened a detective agency called Octopus Monster, such as Perkins and other colleagues.

"Okay, Mr. Bradley!"

Charon, who was dressed elegantly and looked like a butler, accepted the gold coins and said quickly.

Russell nodded, turned around and sat down in the lounge area of the lobby, waiting patiently.

The Continental Hotel is a killer service hotel owned by Gaotai Table, and intelligence collection is of course included in it.

Of course, special information needs to be purchased from specialized information merchants.

But just to find out who burned down his office, such a trivial matter, the hotel's own intelligence network can figure it out.

Less than ten minutes after Russell sat down, Charon, in a neat suit, came over with a piece of paper with his name written on it.

"Sir, this is the information you want."

Charon handed the paper in his hand to Russell.

Russell took the paper and glanced at it, and couldn't help frowning.

Not S.H.I.E.L.D.!

Not Hydra!

Rather, they were two code names that were familiar to him.

Cross, and, Punisher!

"What exactly is going on?"

Russell asked Charon.

"They met by chance in the office. After a fierce battle, the two parties left, and your office burned down."

Charon quickly explained.

Fight in my office and then burn my office down?

My firm has offended someone, is this right for me?

Russell suppressed his dissatisfaction, took out four gold coins from his pocket, and handed them to Charon.

"I want to know the whereabouts of the two of them?"

Looking at the four gold coins handed over by Russell, Charon did not take them immediately. He paused for a few seconds and took away two of them.

"Two are enough. Sir, the other person you are looking for is right here."

After taking away the two gold coins, Charon pointed to the door of the hotel.

Looking in the direction of Charon's finger, Russell saw a cross that was somewhat incompatible with the style of the hotel.


The Brotherhood's Ace Killer!

A middle-aged man with an ordinary appearance.

The moment he saw the cross, a message that only he could see popped up in the system that usually didn't have much presence.

"Reward: Destiny Assassin; Status: Inactive; Activation conditions: Complete the cross commission; Activation effect: After activation, master the gun throwing technique and gain the ability to control adrenaline autonomously."


Another reward with activation conditions appeared in the system, and it was a reward he had never seen before.

If it had been before, Russell would have been quite happy.

But now, he was a little unhappy.

This reward is called "Destiny Assassin", and the activation condition is to complete the cross commission.

Although the system didn't say it clearly, as long as you think about Cross having just defected from the Brotherhood, it's not difficult to guess what his commission will be.

After seeing Russell sitting in the hotel lobby, Cross quickly walked up and sat down opposite him.

"I'm sorry for causing a fire in your office. I will compensate you for all losses."

After sitting down, Cross was the first to speak.

"No, you can't compensate!"

Russell's office is rented, and the office furniture inside is bought randomly from IKEA and is not worth much.

The only valuable things were the more than 100,000 in cash he put in the safe and the more than 20 gold coins issued by the high table.

But what he is losing now is not these things on the surface, but his reputation.

In the world of killers, many people know his real name, and many people know that he opened a detective agency.

But to this day, he is still living well.

There is a very important reason for this.

That is, he has established a very domineering image outside.

Don't mess with travelers!

It will kill people!

And not only will you die, but your family, friends, neighbors, and even your neighbor's dog will be sent to see God.

For this, he also received strong condemnation from a dog-loving colleague.

Speaking of this dog-loving colleague, Russell still missed him a little strangely.

From this dog-loving colleague, he learned a lot of practical shooting and fighting skills.

For example, kill three people with a pencil...

Unfortunately, this dog-loving colleague retired last year and got married, which resulted in him losing a good person to learn from.

The mainstream society in the United States has a natural rejection or discrimination against Chinese people.

This is especially true in the underground world that advocates the laws of blood and violence.

When he first traveled to this world, Russell experienced many unpleasant things.

When he first entered the industry, he could get less remuneration than others for the same task.

After experiencing such unfair treatment and invisible discrimination two or three times, he woke up!

Screw being nice to people!

Screw being polite!

I am a killer who sells his life for money. Whoever dares to deduct the money from me, I will kill him!

When he showed his fangs and showed his tendency to kill at the slightest disagreement, the whole world instantly became better.

The unfair treatment and discrimination that I once suffered because of my skin color have disappeared!

Of course, when he showed his talents, there were still some people who did not believe in evil and thought he was just bluffing, trying to use force to tell him who has the final say in this country.

But when he packed these people away, along with their families and friends, not many people doubted this.

Traveler is the killer code name he gave himself.

But among other colleagues, his killer codename also has several small prefixes.

For example, crazy travelers, violent travelers, bloodthirsty travelers...

The cross may compensate for the loss of his property, but it cannot compensate for the loss of his reputation.

When this incident spreads, and the cross is still alive and kicking, it won't be long before he can say goodbye to his current peaceful life.

"I can compensate you for your losses, all of them!"

Cross knew very well what losses Russell had suffered, but he still gave a firm answer.

"I'll settle the matter of compensation with you later. Tell me, what do you want from me?"