
Unlimited Rewards In Parallel Universe

Russell traveled to the comic universe, received an infinite reward system, and became the boyfriend of Wonder Woman Diana. [Infinite Ultron] [Dark Doctor Strange] [Venom Symbiote] [Endosymbiotic Armor] [Kryptonian Bloodline] [Wonder Woman's Blessing]... "I want them all!" Thus, Russell began his career of becoming stronger.

Chanjan · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 10 The Commission of the Cross

"I want to entrust you to kill Sloan?"


Just as he expected!

Russell guessed this when the system popped up the reward information.

"Sloane is the leader of the Brotherhood, so killing him is not easy."

"A gentle reminder, my minimum reward for a move is US$350,000. For a target of Sloan's level, are you sure you can afford the reward?"

If it were another killer with skills like the cross, there would definitely be no problem becoming a multi-millionaire, not to mention a billionaire.

But the thing is, the Brotherhood Killers are a different breed.

In their view, they are the killers of fate, they are the assassins chosen by God.

Assassins of destiny may sound nice, but God will not pay them.

Compared with other killers of the same level, the killers of the Brotherhood are not even a little poor.

This can also be seen from the weapons they use daily.

If they hadn't mastered the unscientific shooting technique of throwing a gun, they would be a killer organization with insufficient funds.

In New York, there are more than a dozen killer organizations that have no money, no equipment, and not enough manpower.

"I have more than three million U.S. dollars and more than twenty high-table gold coins. As long as you kill Sloan, these are all yours."


It seems like you usually do a lot of private work!

Tasks within the Brotherhood are unpaid, and a small textile factory cannot have good employee benefits.

Being able to kill people for God is already an honor. Talking about reward is too vulgar!

Cross can save more than three million U.S. dollars and more than twenty high-table gold coins. You don't need to ask to know that these are the rewards for his private work.

"I'm not interested in knowing if you have any personal grudges with Sloan."

"But you should know that even if I accept your commission, you will die after Sloan dies."

Where those prefixes in front of Russell's killer codename Traveler came from, the cross is clear.

More than three million U.S. dollars and more than twenty high-table gold coins were enough to buy Sloan's life.

But Russell will definitely make him pay with his life when his office is burned down.

This has nothing to do with whether the burning of the office was an accident. The moment he and the Punisher fought in the office, they were destined to pay such a price.

Because this is related to Russell's deliberately built notoriety and whether he can continue his ordinary life.

If you kill someone in a mainland hotel, you must be mentally prepared to be killed by the hotel.

Although Russell's firm does not have such explicit rules, the unspoken rules are also rules.

"I know! After Sloan dies, I will give you the reward and my life!"

Cross said with determination.

Russell said nothing and thought quickly.

Although the cross didn't say it, he knew exactly why the cross did what it did.

It was just to save his "waste" son Wesley from the Brotherhood.

Wesley clearly has the blood of a lion flowing in his body, but Cross would rather Wesley be a sheep.

His fatherly love may be very touching, but Russell does not agree with his idea.

Wesley should decide which path to take.

Instead of letting Wesley suppress his instincts, sit in a cubicle with a cuckold jointly knitted by his girlfriend and gay friends, and endure the workplace PUA of a super-fat female boss.

In this kind of life, safety is safety.

But it's also cowardly enough.

If Cross hadn't chosen this special "father's love" to hide in the next door and spy silently, Wesley wouldn't have been fooled by the brotherhood so easily.

So in the final analysis, the situation Cross is facing now was all caused by himself.

"Pay the reward for killing Sloan first. As for your life, I will pay it after Sloan dies."

Russell stated his conditions.


Cross didn't bargain and agreed.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Russell stood up directly.

"Going right now?"

Cross looked at Russell with some surprise.

"Why, do you still want Sloan to die after breakfast tomorrow?"

Russell won't put off things that can be done today until tomorrow.

Besides, Diana is still waiting for him to go back for dinner tonight.


Textile mills along the New Jersey coast.

Brotherhood Headquarters.

Russell and Cross drove a car they got at random and parked on the side of the street about a few hundred meters away from the textile factory, looking at the closed door of the textile factory.

"How many killers are there who are good at shooting?"

Russell asked casually.

Although the gun throwing technique is the signature of the Brotherhood, this does not mean that every killer in the Brotherhood can throw the gun.

The art of throwing spears is like a high-level skill and glory. Only those elites who have withstood the test are qualified to learn the art of throwing spears.

As for the ability to autonomously control adrenaline, only people with special physiques can master it.

If he remembered correctly, there were only two people in the entire brotherhood, Cross and Mr. X, who could do it.

As for Wesley, judging from the time when Cross defected to the Brotherhood, he is now either being beaten by the repairman or practicing gun throwing skills.

To master the voluntary control of adrenaline, he still needs to practice frequently.

"Less than ten, including Sloane."

Cross replied quickly.

After saying that, he turned to look at Russell and continued: "What are you going to do?"

"It's very simple. Walk in from the main entrance and kill every one you see until you kill Sloan."

Russell took out the HK P30L and Glock 26 he had brought with him, turned on the fuse, held one in each hand, opened the door and got out of the car.

The killers of the Brotherhood are very strong for ordinary people.

For Russell, that's all.

If it weren't for the fact that there was no benefit in dealing with the Brotherhood, he would have wanted to see the Brotherhood's spear-throwing skills.

Wonder Woman's blessing gave him a physique far beyond that of a normal human being.

Coupled with Venom's ability, he is now like a flying dragon riding on the face of the Brotherhood.

Wonder Woman's Blessing and the Venom Symbiote, these two rewards are awesome.

If the venom was replaced with anti-venom, it would be a sure kill, but it's a pity that it can't be replaced.

But it doesn't matter, Feilongqian will not lose either.

Seeing Russell walking towards the textile factory calmly, Cross's expression became a little ugly.

There were so many killers in New York, but he chose Russell. Of course, it was not because Russell had the appearance of Azu, but because Russell was strong enough.

Although Russell has never admitted it to the outside world, the killers in New York all know that he is a person with extraordinary abilities.

How could a person who can easily jump to a height of ten or twenty meters, lift a car with one hand, and run as fast as a sports car be an ordinary person?

A cold and charming female killer like Perkins would take the initiative to seduce him, not only for his face and figure, but also for his unusual physique.

The Cross didn't mind that Russell brought down the Brotherhood, but the problem was that Wesley was also in the textile factory now.

According to Russell's plan to kill everyone on sight, Wesley would most likely become the victim of Russell's gun.