
Unlike Another

Mihiro never thought she would end up back in her hometown. But with the death of her grandmother and the inheritance of the house she figured it was time to go back. But when she returned home not only did she find her mate, she also found out there were other packs hunting her down. What could they want with her?

Moonlights_Goddess · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Chapter 4


She had heard her phone go off, but was too busy kicking off her shoes and walking to her room to go and change out of her work clothes. Whatever the message was it could wait. There were more pressing matters to attend to, and that was removing the bra and restricting clothing she wore to work and slipping on sweat pants and a bigger t-shirt.

Mihiro sighed after she changed as she walked through the kitchen on bare feet. Her mind was full of so many different thoughts, were there really rouges around her property? How often had the pack been out there trying to catch them? Why had Kayos come to tell her?

She sighed as she reached into the cupboard where all her mugs were kept and pulled down one of her favorites, there was no use pondering all the whys of it now. She moved around her kitchen grabbing the tea kettle and filling it with water before placing it upon the stove.

Her phone went off a second time, reminding her that she had yet to check the message she received just when she got home. She turned on the burner and then went to go and get her phone from the little table by the doorway.

Two messages. One from a co worker and the other from Kayos.

Hey darling, its Kayos.

She smirked as she read the message and shook her head. He had to have text her before he had even left her drive way.


Her response may have been short but it was a response none the less. He would likely respond to the message at some point or another until then she was making herself some tea. A peaceful sort of way to try and relax after work.

The tea kettle began to whistle distracting her from some of the thoughts filling her mind. She set her phone back down and went to the kitchen to make her tea. Though no matter how much she tried to do things to help calm her, there were so many unanswered questions.

Her phone went off.


He was sitting in his car outside of his house, sort of reluctant to go inside just yet. There were a few other cars parked outside which meant that some of the pack members were more than likely inside waiting for him to let them know what the new game plan was. So he decided he would message her again.

I hope you know that if you ever need me all you have to do is call me. I'll be right there.

He frowned at his phone hoping that would be a good enough message, it had been many years since the two of them talked and he didn't want to seem too pushy right away, but he knew. She was his mate. He would do all he could to protect her and keep her happy and safe. Deciding that this message would have to be enough for now he hit send.

With a sigh slid his phone into his pocket and got out of the car. He carefully closed the door behind him and walked toward the house. The pack would likely have questions, some of them still didn't approve of letting her act on her own for the most part, they believed that because she was part of the pack that she should be with the rest of them in the town, not living on the outskirts.

He walked through the door just as he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He was just reaching for it when a hand slid down his arm, carefully gliding along his forearm. A growl escaped his throat before he could stop himself and he looked over to the left at the female that dared to touch him. It wasn't just any glare, there was so much disgust and hatred in that one look.

The female, Tara, froze the smile that had been on her face slowly disappeared and all color drained from her face. There was a time when she and the alpha had been sleeping together on occasion, and she had even tried to conceive his heir, but it was rare a wolf in this particular pack could have a child with someone other than their mate chosen for them by the gods.

"Al-alpha?" she stammered out her hand still on his arm and the deadly look still in his eyes.

"Remove your hand." Mikhail said, his voice firm and almost as powerful as the alphas. He had witnessed the exchange between Tara and Kayos, not that there was much of one, but it was enough. Their alpha had found his mate, he was in no mood to entertain another.

Tara quickly withdrew her hand and slowly backed away to stand in the corner by the door while Kayos still glared at her. Although he seemed angry he was reaching for his phone.

Kayos looked down at his phone, it was her.

Thank you. I will keep that in mind. But I'm not sure it will be necessary.

"Leave us Tara." Kayos snapped out as he typed out a response and slid his phone back in his pocket.

Even if it isn't I'm still just one call away for anything babe.

Mikhail waited for Kayos to look at him before he headed toward the kitchen where the rest of the pack members that had been patrolling around Mihiro's house were waiting. He knew that Kayos would follow him, this was a pack matter, even more so based off the reaction to another females touch. The alpha had found his mate.

Kayos entered his kitchen a few moments after Mikhail had, and all eyes were on him. Internally he sighed. This was going to be a long day. "I did talk to Mihiro." he announced.

His simple statement drew the eyes of every member present.

"Does she know why there are other wolves near her home?" one of the other members asked folding his hands in front of him and peering at Kayos with one brow raised.

"She does not." Kayos responded crossing his arms over his chest.

"If she doesn't know why they are there, are we to keep up the patrols?" another member asked.

"We will." Mikhail said before Kayos could respond. "Mihiro is our luna."

Kayos glanced over to his left at Mikhail, the man was the beta for a reason and he never missed a beat.

There was a loud audible feminine gasp that resounded around the room. All eyes looked in the direction it had come from to find Tara standing some distance away from the door a hand over her mouth and tears in her eyes.

The set of Kayos's jaw and the coldness of his eyes let everyone close enough to see him know he was displeased.

"You were told to leave Tara." Mikhail said giving her a cold hard stare of his own.

"She cannot be the luna of this pack. She is hardly even a member." Tara said the tears beginning to fall from her eyes.

Kayos felt his phone go off in his pocket, but he was so intent on trying to control the rage building inside of him from someone insulting his mate that he didn't dare to even look to see if it was her or someone else.

"Her family has been in this pack far longer than you seem to remember." Mikhail said sensing the anger rising in Kayos.

"I suggest you watch what you say Tara." a member of the pack said. Everyone could sense the anger rising in Kayos and the last thing they needed was a very upset alpha. Though it was true that Mihiro's family was always a part of the pack and therefore another member of the pack insulting her could justify some tension, once the claim was made that the woman with the moonlight colored hair was to be the alpha's mate the amount of anger they could sense made a lot more sense.

Tensions were high in the kitchen no one dared to make any further comments while Tara just stared at Kayos the tears running down her face. So when the sound of Kayos's phone went off it was almost as if that was the only sound in the room.


Knowing that there had been wolves close by her house that were not members of the pack was not sitting well with her. She wasn't exactly afraid of what it could mean so much as frustrated that she didn't understand the why of it. She would catch herself looking outside at the woods on the edge of her property.

Kayos claimed he would be a call away if she needed him, and as flattering as that thought was she didn't know if she could trust those words. It was easy to tell someone pretty things, but actions always spoke so much louder than words.

She had text him back, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to go check things out for herself. She bit her full bottom lip as she walked out the back door of her house. Slowly she removed her sweat shirt and sweat pants then she jumped off the porch changing into her wolf mid jump so when she landed on the soft grass below it was on paws of her wolf instead of feet of a human.

She ran toward the woods, the moonlight colored wolf more like a blur as she ran. She would get to the bottom of this.


Kayos gave Tara one more look of disgust as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and looked at the message Mihiro had sent.

Thank you for that but I think I'm going to go check it out myself.

He cursed as he slid his phone back into his pocket before turning around and exiting the kitchen.

"Are they there?" Mikhail asked a few steps behind Kayos, it hadn't taken much for him to figure out that something was going on with Mihiro and that's why his friend had turned away so abruptly.

"No, it appears she is still as reckless as she always was." Kayos said reaching the front door and opening it.

"I'm coming with you this time." Mikhail told Kayos, in a tone that left no room for arguments.

Kayos merely nodded his head as he headed to his car. Once both men were in the car and he had started it, he sped out of the drive way and down the road heading toward Mihiro's home.