
unlighted mystery

The novel unlighted mystery is started after Clara Eyre birth after a meeting with aera Norton her life started to suddenly change the sudden change made her mother , close friend aera vanish from her life .while founding about her close friend she fall in love with her colleague Matt Harker but in her fate he is not for her.Clara found out everything with Edward Norton who is stalking her since she is child.At the same time Edward Norton twin brother Stephan Norton also falls for Clara slowly Edward Norton also falls for Clara Eyre the love triangle made Clara Eyre life hard. I wish this novel will bring the mystery you need- aerasydney

aerasydney · Fantasy
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42 Chs


" Edward…. " Clara looked him with a tearfully eyes , Edward shocked suddenly she held his hands 

" Is your memory back … ". He said. Clara held out his hands and went far from him and asked  

" Who are you ? " Edward's eyes turned dark green. He tried to escape from there but Clara didn't let him go . 

" Why are you here ! " She said . She went close to him 

" Say … " while she is talking Edward hugged her and said 

" You will know when the weather is fine " he pushed her towards bed . Somehow he managed to go outside and he succeeded . Edward went to his castle he got a weird message from Mr. RH 

" Wow ! You are such a fast man " Edward didn't took that message seriously because he thought Mr. RH drunkenly sent this kind of weird message. Then he started to think 

" Edi Why did she cry when she saw you ? " He asked himself and walked here and there but he didn't find any answers.

While Mr. RH  driving the car  suddenly something came outside from his eyes and went some far that was Clara memories

" Clara's memories  ? How did she restore her memories?" He stopped the car . He smiled and texted Edward

" Wow ! You are such a fast man "  . Then he started the car and went to the airport because he had one job in Australia.

Clara cried 

" Who gave him the right to delete my memories? What ? I will know everything when the weather is fine!..... you idiot. I will  kill you " she went to bed with a pale face . 

The bright moon yields to the sun and they welcome a new morning. Edward went to University early for Clara  But she didn't come to university. Because of restoring memories Clara suffered from fever so she didn't go to University . Edward seemed down so he went to the beach where he erased Clara's memories . He sat on the sand and hoped that one day she would come to see him but she didn't come until the sun drowned. Edward was surprised because he got a call from Clara . He attended the call right away and said

" Hello , what happened? Is there any problem! " . But Clara kept silent

" Clara what happened ? " He added with worry she didn't reply  to him . Edward was afraid because of her sudden silence he ran towards to his car suddenly Clara said

" Why did this trash come back ? " Edward stopped 

" What? " He replied

" Why am I  having your memory ? Edward " she asked while crying.

" Did you restore your memory? How ! What is the trigger point ? Where are you! Stop crying! Clara….." he asked without letting her speak. Suddenly someone hugged him from behind, that was Clara  .

Edward surprised

" How did you get here ? " He added . Clara cried and stopped hugging him 

" Stop asking questions ? " She said . 

" How dare you erase my memories ? Why am I feeling empty without you ! What is between us " she asked . Edward tried to go close to her but she stepped behind and said 

" Tonight you need to answer me now am  the one Who needs question why did you followed me at Australia " she asked 

" Clara listen to me this is not time to answer let's go to my place you will be in danger when you are outside " Edward grabbed her hands but Clara didn't move 

" Answer me " she shouted at him

" Clara …. I didn't want to lose you " Edward begged her . Clara looked into his eyes, the eyes seeking somewhere. She wiped his tears and said 

" Then say Edward..." she  seemed weak suddenly Clara knelt down on the sand because she didn't recover from her fever . 

" Clara, listen to me …" Edward said to her but she didn't give up . Clara's face turned pale . 

" Okay I am saying get up " he said . Clara tried to get up suddenly some wolves Edward held Clara's hand and started to run from there . Suddenly someone appeared front of them  

" Let her to me …" the man said to Edward

" Matt Harker…." Edward said.