
unlighted mystery

The novel unlighted mystery is started after Clara Eyre birth after a meeting with aera Norton her life started to suddenly change the sudden change made her mother , close friend aera vanish from her life .while founding about her close friend she fall in love with her colleague Matt Harker but in her fate he is not for her.Clara found out everything with Edward Norton who is stalking her since she is child.At the same time Edward Norton twin brother Stephan Norton also falls for Clara slowly Edward Norton also falls for Clara Eyre the love triangle made Clara Eyre life hard. I wish this novel will bring the mystery you need- aerasydney

aerasydney · Fantasy
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42 Chs


The boy name was Matt Harker also known as Cursed Vampire

" Let me take Ms. Clara Eyre " Matt Harker said , Clara fainted on Edward's shoulder because she was very weak . The word she last Heard is ' Matt Harker '

" Let's talk, " Edward asked while holding Clara .

" There is nothing to talk about , you know the rules. I am taking her, " Matt Harker said.

Edward Begged him but Matt Harker made Edward freeze by his powers .

Suddenly Clara's right hand's last finger tied up with a red rope which was connected with Edward's left hand's last finger . Matt Harker touched the rope

" She is not fated for him " he said while looking at the rope . The red rope turned into black and burnt , Matt Harker pointed his hands towards the sky and the red rope of Clara which was connected with Edward now connected with Matt Harker.

" I will be the one who can Her Destiny Alteration ! " he Said

" No …." Edward fainted While talking. Matt Harker went closer to him

" It's alright Edward Norton , Live your life without knowing her " he said to him . The four guards came towards Matt Harker and said

" Can we take him Mr. Matt Harker " . He nodded his head and the guards took Edward with them .

Matt suddenly felt very tight on his chest , his eyes were wet , his body was loose on the ground. He tried to hold Clara's hands but he couldn't reach her hands .

" I am sorry Clara ….it's all my fault " he said with a deep voice his eyes slowly blurred but he saw someone skinny leg

" I know you are weak " The voice is Aera Norton . She helped Matt to sit and took something from her pocket

" Drink this " she said while holding a little bottle which was surrounded by a green rope . Matt drank that full , somehow he managed to stand up

" You go , First " he said to her while lifting Clara from the ground. Matt lifted her to the back seat and Started the car after four minutes. He drove fast

" It hurts " He shouted while driving, they reached her dorm still Clara was unconscious he lifted her the same as he did early . He left Clara and her belongings at her dorm room and left from there .

Matt Harker drove the car into the forest . He got a call from Aera Norton

" She will be okay ? " he said on the phone

" Yeah, so take a rest and take care of her " she said and hung up the call . He went to his own castle where he has lived since childhood. Matt Harker From Harker Family in the Vampire System of Harker's are Cursed somehow in the past . They are the one who lead The special blood of Vampire who didn't know that they are not human . They will know when their quarter life as a human ends and they will become a special blood Vampire. For Clara Eyre , Matt Harker is the one who is Destined for her . Matt Harker is the one who can decide For Clara until she turns her quarter age as human .

At Clara dorm Aera who is sitting beside her with water full eyes

" I've missed you a lot, " she said while patting Clara's head . She holds her hands very genuinely and carefully . The Night changes very fast. The Sun was very bright. Aera didn't sleep. She was watching Clara. This time she needed to go because Clara will wake up without any memories . She bid a bye with a deep silent voice and said

" Miss you Clara " she leaves her hand softly on the bed and takes a leave from there.

Everyone one leading their life very smoothly but there are some people who struggle to live every moment . There are Vampires which are afraid to face humans because humans thought they are very wild but they are wrong . Vampires never kill a human If they kill any humans that will try their lives . Vampires are living their life very hard every moment . They too have some disease which can't curable they also need doctors like us but they are afraid because they will find out that they are not humans . Like this they are living there and living as hell. It's better to die but they will not die very easily . It must be hard for them , there are lots of vampires in the world . They are hiding in deep dark forests and some are living in normal neighborhoods. In the Vampire System there are Four types of higher Family.

Clara wake up from her long nap she didn't remember anything about Edward nor Stephan Nothing they were erased from her memories she also didn't have idea because for her everything is normal

" What is the time ? " she mumbled and looked at clock it's almost noon she terrified and wake up from the bed and got ready for classes

" I already missed one class, " she shouted. She locked the door and went outside of the dorm to University. She rushed to University and suddenly she tripped on the ground .

" How fast the night changes " A voice from behind . She tried to look up it was