
Unleashing Marvelous Might: Whitebeard's Abilities in Marvel Universe

John finds himself transmigrated to the world of Marvel. John must navigate the Marvel universe, encountering various superheroes and villains along the way. As he confronts numerous challenges, John's strength and abilities make him a formidable force in this new world. Before you start the fanfic, here's a little heads up: 1) The MC will start as a normal guy who will have to train in order to have strength as strong, or even stronger, than Whitebeard. 2) It's not a harem. I apologize to my dear harem readers. I am not a good enough writer to blend a harem into my story and make it natural enough. 3) This fanfiction will be a cross between the MCU movies and the X-Men movies. I will follow the timeline of the MCU movies, and as for the X-Men movies, it will be a little off from the original as I have to properly merge both the MCU and X-Men worlds. Well, have a good read then. ______________________________________________ Also the cover does not belong to me. If the owner wants me to take it down, it will be done. For 5+ advance chapters visit my patreon. patreon.com/StoryTeller229

Story_Teller_229 · Movies
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75 Chs


'.....'= Thoughts 

"....."= Conversations 


With the discussion ongoing, the group decided to leave Russia as the organisation was completely destroyed. Even though they didn't obtain anything from the last two bases of RED due to SHIELD's interference, they still made a great haul.

Soon after returning the rented car, John, Banner and Tony took a cab to the airport. As they made their way to the airport, Tony couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. The mission had been a success, and despite SHIELD's interference, they had managed to completely destroy the RED organisation. Moroeover a burden seem to have lifted off his chest after he had helped John in getting revenge against his parents who were also the people he trusted the most after his parents.

The haul they had obtained from the last four bases was more than enough to make up for the lost opportunity in Russia. As they settled into the cab, Tony couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with Banner and John. They had been through so much together, and now they were finally heading back to New York.

The cab ride to the airport was filled with a mix of exhaustion and adrenaline. The events of the past few days had taken a toll on each of them, but there was also a sense of triumph in the air. As they arrived at the airport, Tony couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the team they had become. They had each other's backs and had successfully completed the mission despite the odds.

Boarding the plane, Banner found himself lost in thought. The destruction of the RED organisation had been a huge relief, but he couldn't shake the feeling that they had only scratched the surface of a much larger threat. As he settled into his seat, he found himself deep in contemplation. There were still so many questions left unanswered, and he couldn't help but wonder what other dangers lurked in the shadows. Still he knew that he couldn't do much about the things he couldn't control and decided to work harder in controlling the power of Hulk so as not to become a burden for his friends.

John, on the other hand, was feeling a mix of emotions. The mission had been a success, and they had managed to destroy RED. But as the plane took off, he couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning. There were still so many loose ends to tie up, and he knew that they couldn't let their guard down just yet.

Also before entering the airport he felt a familiar presence within the scope of his Observation Haki, whom seemed to be silently watching him. Wanda who had disappeared after the appearance of Tony had now come back to the airport. However ahe didn't try to approach John neither she was here with any malicious intentions. All John could feel were some complex emotions after he focused his Observation Haki on Wanda.

John didn't chose to approach her either as he knew that this wasn't the right time.

One thing that John benefited from the trip other than the rewards from the system task was the increase in the proficiency of his Observation Haki. He had used his Observation Haki to the limit in the past few days. Now he was able to discern the attitude and feelings of a person, if he completely focused his Observation Haki on that particular person.

As the plane soared through the sky, the three of them found themselves lost in their own thoughts. The journey back to New York was a mix of relief and anticipation. They had succeeded in their mission, but they knew that there would always be another threat waiting just around the corner.

As they finally landed in New York, Tony, Banner, and John couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. Tony went back to the Stark Tower whereas John and Banner returned back to the villa, with a promise that they would meet after a week in order to research over the metals they had obtained from the bases.

For Tony, the journey back to Stark Industries was a mix of reflection and determination. He knew that there would always be another threat waiting to rear its head, and he was more determined than ever to be ready for it. After looking at the firepower from the mutants, he was filled the waves of inspiration and wanted to focus the next week in improving his suits, making them more deadly.

Tony entered the sleek, modern lobby of Stark Tower, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. The familiar surroundings brought a sense of calm after the chaos of the past mission. As he stepped into the elevator, he couldn't help but think about the events that had occurred in the past few days. The mutants they faced were unlike anything he had ever known before, and it reminded him that the world was constantly evolving, and so must he.

The elevator ride up to his penthouse office gave him some time to reflect on the time in Russia. As the elevator dinged and the doors slid open, Tony was greeted by the familiar sight of his high-tech office. The panoramic view of New York City spread out before him.

Pepper was already waiting for him, looking over some documents at his desk. She looked up as he entered, a smile lighting up her face. "Welcome back, Tony," she said, her voice a soothing balm to his weary soul.

"Hey, Pepper," Tony replied with a tired smile. "I'm glad to be back."

As they settled into their chairs, Pepper listened intently as Tony recounted the details of the mission. He described the mutants they had faced, their powers and abilities, and the intense battle that had ensued. Pepper's expression was a mix of concern and understanding as she listened, her unwavering support a constant source of comfort for Tony.

After updating Pepper on the mission, Tony delved into the plans he had for his suits. "I've been thinking, Pepper," he began, his eyes alight with determination. "The mutants we faced were on a whole other level. I need to upgrade my suits, make them more powerful, more adaptable. I can't let the team down in the face of such threats."

Pepper nodded, understanding the gravity of Tony's words. "I trust your instincts, Tony," she said. "You've always had a knack for pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Just promise me you won't take unnecessary risks."

Tony smiled at her, grateful for her unwavering support. "I promise, Pepper. I'll be careful," he said, his voice tinged with sincerity.

As they continued to discuss the mission and its aftermath, Tony's mind buzzed with ideas and possibilities. His determination to improve his suits, to be ready for whatever the future held, burned fiercely within him. He knew that the world was a dangerous place, and he refused to be caught off guard.


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