

'.....'= Thoughts 

"....."= Conversations 


As John cleared the way, he wondered if there were any mutants in this place. According to SHIELD and Tony, there were mutants among this organization. John had to be cautious as he made his way through the base, as mutants possessed peculiar abilities, and John didn't want to get hurt because of his lack of vigilance.

Just when John had that thought, a powerful energy beam blasted towards him. However, with his Observation Haki already active, he had no trouble evading the beam.

'Could it be a mutant?' John wondered, focusing his attention on the figure at the end of the path, hidden behind a group of people.

The dark energy beam struck the ground behind John, leaving a hole the size of a basketball. The soldiers unfortunate enough to be in its path fell dead.

John locked eyes with the mysterious individual, who seemed to be enveloped in darkness. Despite the distance between them, John sensed an intense and unsettling aura emanating from them.

As John approached, he noticed that the person appeared different from the other soldiers. Their features were distorted, with sharp teeth protruding from their mouth and glowing red eyes peering out from the shadows.

With a deep, guttural voice, the person spoke, "So you've come to our base, huh? You must be quite strong for them to send someone like you alone."

John remained focused, his Haki pulsing through his body. He could sense the immense power radiating from the mutant.

"Who are you?" John asked, his voice steady and unwavering.

The mutant let out a low, menacing chuckle. "I am known as Havoc, the leader of this base. And you have just become my next meal."

John had never heard of Havoc in the Marvel Movies, though he did know a mutant named Havoc. However, both of their abilities differed from each other.

'Maybe he was just a side character who never even got a bit of screentime,' John thought.

As Havoc finished speaking, the ground beneath him began to shake violently. The mutant's body twisted and contorted, his limbs elongating and morphing into grotesque shapes. He grew in size until he stood nearly twice as tall as John, his entire body covered in dark, pulsating energy.

Without hesitation, Havoc lunged towards John, his mutated claws slicing through the air with incredible speed.

John's instincts kicked in, and he quickly sidestepped the attack, countering with a powerful punch imbued with his Armament Haki. John's punch hit Havoc squarely on his abdomen.

But to John's surprise, Havoc seemed unfazed. The mutant simply grinned and retaliated with a barrage of devastating strikes. Each blow held an unimaginable force, causing the ground to rupture and crumble beneath them.

John sidestepped, deftly evading Havoc's enormous fists. He knew that a single blow from those fists would result in severe injury.

Havoc possessed incredible strength, surpassing even that of Spiderman, who was renowned for his ability to lift nearly 16 tons. John deduced this from his careful observation and analysis, using his Observation Haki.

In contrast, John's own physical strength, bolstered by his Haki, only surpassed 10 tons slightly.

However, John's power went beyond just his Haki and physical strength. He still possessed his Devil Fruit abilities. His Quake Quake Fruit was so formidable that it had even inflicted serious injuries on Abomination. Havoc, on the other hand, was no match for Abomination.

Gathering his strength, John activated his Conqueror's Haki, unleashing a wave of powerful energy that shook the entire base. The remaining soldiers who remained froze in place, overwhelmed by the sheer force and dropped on the ground, unconscious. John didn't want any interference while his fight with Havoc, so he quickly unleashed his Conquerors Haki.

Havoc, however, proved to be resistant to the effects of Conqueror's Haki. He grinned maniacally, and opened his mouth. A dark circular energy condensed in his mouth and fired towards John.

John once again dodged and covered his fist with the quake bubble.

"Hope you can still laugh after this," John whispered and punched the air in front of him. Cracks appeared in the air as a shockwave of devastating power shot towards Havoc. The shockwave collided with Havoc's attack, causing a massive explosion that shook the entire area.

Havoc didn't stand idly by, waiting for John's attack. He condensed and sent an energy beam towards John's attack.

The resulting explosion created a massive cloud of smoke, obscuring their vision.

Although Havoc's beam seemed weak compared to John's shockwaves, he was thrown backwards by the immense force. Injuries appeared all over his body and he spurted blood from his mouth.

Though his injuries seemed to heal as he attempted to stand, Havoc's incredible defense minimized most of the damage. However, the remaining power of John's attack still injured him from the inside out.

John took advantage of the moment and quickly closed the distance between him and Havoc. He ducked under a swinging punch from Havoc and delivered a powerful uppercut, his fist infused with the power of the Devil Fruit.

Havoc was sent flying into the air, crashing through several walls before finally hitting the ground with a loud thud. John wasted no time and charged after him, determined to finish the fight.

As John approached, Havoc slowly stood up, his body battered and bruised. But even with his injuries, he refused to back down. Havoc unleashed another barrage of powerful punches, aiming to overwhelm John with his sheer strength.

However, John easily dodged each attack with incredible speed and precision. His movements were like that of a blur, as if he could predict Havoc's every move. With each strike, John retaliated with his own devastating blows, each one accompanied by a shockwave that shook the ground.

Their fight continued, the clash of their fists creating shockwaves that ripped through the air. And while Havoc was undeniably strong, John's Devil Fruit powers gave him the advantage.

Finally, after a fierce exchange of blows, John delivered a final devastating punch that sent Havoc crashing through multiple walls, completely destroying them. Havoc lay lifeless on the ground, defeated.

John stood over Havoc, his chest heaving slightly from the intensity of the fight. He looked down at his fallen opponent with a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction. Despite the challenges he faced, he had come out on top.

With Havoc defeated, John knew that his mission was not yet over.


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