

John, who had just gotten up, sensed the people who had entered his gate. He quickly went to freshen up and meet the guests at the door, whom he had correctly guessed to be the guys from Xavier's School. After causing all the ruckus due to the fight with the Abomination using his so-called mutant abilities, if he was not mistaken, these guests should be here to invite him to join their school.

As John opened the front door, he was greeted by a group of individuals from Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. They were led by a middle-aged man with kind eyes and a gentle demeanor. John noticed the famous Wolverine, and the young Jean and Scott were also there. Mystique was present as well, without using any mutant abilities and in her original appearance.

Jean was wearing a blue uniform with the Xavier's School crest, while Scott and Logan were dressed in matching black suits. Charles and Mystique, on the other hand, were in more casual attire.

"Good morning," the man in the wheelchair greeted John with a warm smile. "My name is Professor Charles Xavier, and these are Logan, Scott, Mystique, and Jean. We have heard about your recent encounter and the unique abilities you possess. We are here to offer you an opportunity to join our school, where you can learn to control and utilize your powers in a safe and nurturing environment."

Mystique further continued, "We would be delighted to have you, John. At our school, we not only provide education but also support and acceptance for individuals like us. You will find others who share similar experiences and challenges. Together, we can help each other grow and realize our potential."

"I appreciate your invitation, Mr. Xavier; however, I don't want to join the school," John replied, shifting uncomfortably. "I've heard about the school and what you all do, and it's incredible, but I don't think it's the right path for me."

Mystique spoke up. "John, I understand that joining a group like ours can be overwhelming. But I want you to know that if you ever need someone to talk to, someone who understands what you're going through, we're here for you."

Jean added, "We've all gone through our unique struggles, and sometimes it helps to have people who can relate. Even if you decide not to join the school, we're here to support you in any way we can."

John looked at the group, seeing the sincerity in their eyes, well, except for Scott, who was wearing goggles.

As for Logan, he stood there silently like a rock, unbothered by anything and showing no interest in the conversation.

From what John had seen in the movies, Logan definitely didn't join the X-Men this early. He was still being experimented on and kept in a secure facility.

John noted the change, but what concerned him more was the mind reading being performed by the two powerful individuals in front of him, Jean Gray and Charles Xavier.

He had no idea if they had tried to read his mind, and to be honest, he was a bit nervous about that. Although the system assured him that his identity as a transmigrator would not be revealed to anyone and that his memories were protected and inaccessible.

John hoped that the Conqueror's Haki would create a barrier against mind reading, but he had nowhere else to test if it actually worked.

"Thank you," John finally said, a small smile forming on his face. "I appreciate the offer, and I'll definitely consider it. It might be a good idea for me to meet some of the students and see if it's the right fit."

Charles Xavier's smile widened. "That sounds like a reasonable approach, John. We would be happy to arrange a visit for you, where you can meet the students, learn more about our curriculum, and get a feel for the atmosphere of the school. Just let us know when you're ready, and we'll make the arrangements. Moreover, Jean and Scott are the same age as you, so you'll have people your age to socialize with."

John looked at Jean, who gazed at him with a friendly smile, while Scott nodded his head at him.

"Mr. Xavier, I have heard about your abilities from my friend. Well, he said that you were quite open about them. So, if it's alright with you, I want to ask you a question about them," John asked.

"Ask away," Professor Xavier smiled, seemingly ready, as John was not the first person who was curious about his abilities.

"Well, first, are you reading my mind right now?" John asked, while his Observation Haki was completely activated and focused on Charles Xavier, looking for any slightest changes in his expressions, breathing, or heartbeat.

This was a shot in the dark for him. He had no idea whether Charles would tell the truth or not. He was also not sure whether the Observation Haki could actually detect whether Charles was lying or not, as he was a powerful Telepath.

So John just directly asked the question without holding anything back. He had nothing to lose.

"No, I wasn't reading your mind at all while we were conversing. There is something about your mind that is hard to read. With other people, it only takes a slight focus and I can easily catch their thoughts without them even being aware. But with you, I would have to try much harder. It's not impossible, but it would alert you and could even cause you mental damage. I have never seen such a powerful mind, specifically in terms of willpower, in anyone other than those who have the same abilities as me," Xavier answered without any hesitation.

John nodded, taking in Xavier's words. He detected no change in Charles' expressions, breathing, or heartbeat.

'Maybe he's telling the truth. He has nothing to gain by lying to me. If anything, he may want me to join his school,' John thought, trying to appease himself.

It was reassuring for him to know that his Conqueror's Haki was effective in shielding his thoughts. This was the only possible reason why Charles was unable to easily read John's thoughts.

But John knew one thing: if Charles wished, he could read John's thoughts and control him.

"Thank you, Professor Xavier," John said, feeling even more determined to improve his proficiency with Conqueror's Haki.

Xavier smiled kindly. "You're welcome, John. It's important to have control over your own thoughts and your privacy. Not everyone possesses the abilities that you do, so it's only fair."

Next chapter