
Unleashed Potential : What If Gohan Never Stopped Training

In a unique twist on the Dragon Ball universe, the story follows Gohan, who never stopped training after the Majin Buu saga. Without the interference of destroyers and angels, Gohan's dedication and relentless training have transformed him into a formidable warrior. Alongside Goku, Vegeta, and the rest of the Z-Fighters, he faces a series of intense challenges and battles. As Gohan continues to train and surpass his limits, he becomes a beacon of strength and inspiration to his fellow fighters. His marriage to Videl brings moments of joy and a growing family, while the threats they face test their resolve and unity. New adversaries, such as Beerus and Champa from Universe 6, emerge, adding a fresh layer of excitement and intrigue. The Z-Fighters, each with their unique skills and personalities, rally together to confront these powerful opponents, unleashing epic battles and showcasing their individual growth. Throughout the story, relationships deepen, bonds are forged, and the strength of family and friendship shines through. Gohan's unwavering determination, combined with the support of his loved ones, pushes the Z-Fighters to new heights as they fight for the protection of their universe. With each challenge they overcome, Gohan's journey unfolds, revealing the depth of his character and the extent of his power. The story balances intense action with light-hearted moments, comedic banter, and heartfelt interactions among the characters. As the tale reaches its climax, the fate of the universe hangs in the balance. The Z-Fighters face their greatest test yet, as they confront powerful adversaries, tap into new transformations, and strive to protect all that they hold dear. Overall, this unique iteration of Dragon Ball weaves a captivating narrative, showcasing Gohan's unwavering dedication, the growth of the Z-Fighters, and the bonds of friendship and family. It is a thrilling adventure that celebrates the spirit of never giving up and the power of unity in the face of adversity. Illustration : ??

Jxyzen09 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Memories of Potential

The intense battle between Goku and Hit had reached a pivotal moment. As Goku's body ached and his spirit wavered, a flood of memories surged through his mind, igniting a fire within him. In this chapter, we delve deep into Goku's past, exploring his journey and witnessing the untapped potential of his son, Gohan.

Flashback: Goku's Promise

Goku's mind drifted back to the fateful encounter with Raditz, the Saiyan who first arrived on Earth. He remembered the desperate battle alongside his newfound ally, Piccolo, as they fought to protect their loved ones.

Raditz: "You fools! Prepare to die!"

Goku: "I won't let you harm my friends or my family!"

As the clash of blows and energy blasts filled the air, Goku observed Gohan, his young son, displaying a hidden power within him.

Piccolo: "That kid has unbelievable potential. With proper training, he could surpass even you, Goku."

Goku: "You're right, Piccolo. I won't let Gohan's potential go to waste. I promise, I won't let myself be outpaced by my own son."

The Determination Awakens

Back in the present, as Hit prepared for his next move, Goku's eyes burned with an unwavering resolve. He felt the weight of his promise and the overwhelming desire to tap into his own untapped potential.

Goku: "I won't be surpassed! I won't let my son's potential overshadow mine!"

With a mighty roar, Goku unleashed his inner power, a scream that echoed through the arena, shaking the very ground beneath them. The spectators, both friend and foe, were left stunned by the raw energy emanating from Goku.

Goku: "This power... It's time to take it to the next level!"

The Unleashing of Blue Kaioken

Goku's transformation had caught everyone off guard, including Hit himself. The aura of power that radiated from Goku sent shockwaves through the arena.

Whis: "Goku has tapped into a new level of power! This is beyond anything we've seen before."

Vegeta, with a mix of surprise and determination, watched as Goku's aura intensified.

Vegeta: "So, this is what he's been hiding. Impressive, Goku. But don't think you can outshine me for long."

The chapter concluded with Goku standing tall, his newfound power surging within him. He had unlocked the Blue Kaioken, a form that blended the godly energy of Super Saiyan Blue with the fierce strength of the Kaioken technique. The anticipation in the air was palpable as everyone prepared for the next chapter, eager to witness the full extent of Goku's incredible power.

Chapter 15 left readers with a sense of excitement and curiosity, yearning to witness the true might of Goku's Blue Kaioken and how it would shape the remaining battles in the tournament.

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