
Unknown Reaper

The world's protective barrier began to weaken, ushering in a series of curious and unexplained events across the globe. On a fateful day, Anfim, renowned as the mightiest mercenary, a name that sent shivers down the spine of even the most formidable national leaders, embarked on a daring mission. His task: to investigate a mysterious object that had descended from the heavens. However, this expedition did not unfold as expected, or perhaps it did? Anfim met his demise, but he was granted a rare opportunity: a chance at reincarnation and the activation of his soul, all through the grueling Trial of the World of the Unknown. Witness Anfim's ascent to the apex of the food chain, aided by his enigmatic lineage, as he instills fear into the hearts of the mightiest beings, a fear they vehemently refuse to acknowledge.

Lars_Bottler · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The Beginning

'What the fuck is this place? Never mind i shouldn't cry, because it was me who accepted this mission' said Anfim in a cold but a little confused voice,while looking down at the around 30 meters deep hole.

Anfim was on mission to explore the unknown object, that fell from the sky. The interior was made of a strange metal, that it was impossible to scratch even with the Adamant-tools from Anfim.Everything was in one colour,light green, which was very pleasing and relaxing for the eyes.

Anfim didn't think much, used his grappling iron and slowly begun to move down.The walls in the hole had no friction. They were like unbreakable ice.

While moving down Anfim noticed strange symbols on the walls.they looked like ancient egyptian hieroglyphs mixed with arabic letters.

'It looks creepy and beautiful at the same time.I have never seen such symbols before.It is strange. Why do i seem to understand the meaning of the symbols?

It´s like i receive vague information from my subconcsious.

World...change...unkown...Pillars...Sins...different worlds...ascension'

Anfim already managed to climb down like 10 meters, but before he could go on with his thoughts, the whole space began to shake and he lost his grip.

Even though he was the strongest mercenary, who let people tremble in fear just by hearing his name, it was unlikely to survive a fall from 20 meters.

He had no equipment to prevent his fall and he knew that.

Anfim looked around and said in a calm voice

"I guess my enemies will now be able to sleep peacefully."

Then he started to smirk and added "What am I saying?The enemies that I had are already sleeping peaceful-"

He couldnt finish his sentence, because his body exploded before he reached the ground.

'What happened? Didn't I die? As far as I remember I didnt even reach the ground.'

He found himself in an environment, where he could see nothing but himself and darkness.

Suddenly a strange message appeared in front of Anfim.

[You have 5 unread messages]

"What the fuck is this? said Anfim and tried to tap the text in front of him.

[You have entered a spatial rift!]

[You can't withstand the pressure]

[You died]

[Due to entering the spatial rift, you got the chance to absolve a test to get an entry card for the World of Unknown]

[You are granted an energy body for the time being.If you pass the test, you will be ressurected]

'It's quite a bit of information,another world... well.

I've seen so many things in my life that I'm not even surprised.

As long as I can do what I want, I don't care in which world I live', thought Anfim while holding his chin with the right hand and scratching his energy balls with the left.

Suddenly another message appeared and Anfim got teleported.

[You have 5 minutes to prepare for the Trial]

[To clear this trial you have to be the only one alive]

'I have to be the only one alive? I wonder what this trial is about. Maybe I will be summoned in a arena and I'll just have to kill everyone there.

That'd be nice, my body is already itching for a fight.'

He found himself in a waiting room, which was very little and had only a chair and a big mirrow. Anfim looked in the mirrow, while thinking about what would await him in the trial and prepared already different plans for different evironments, he could be summoned in.

In the mirrow he saw his short black hair, his handsome face with a big scar on his left cheek, which resembles the crescent.

He got it from the only person, that managed to hurt him, not only physically, but also mentally.This left not only a scar on his cheek, but also a scar on his mind.

He noticed that his thoughts are starting to drift in the wrong direction and quickly concetrated and removed the thoughts out of his mind.

While he was looking the mirrow the timer hit 1:00 minute, so he stood up and decided to stretch a little bit.

His body is muscular but not like that of a bodybuilder, more like that of a swimmer.Moreover he was quite tall with an heigt of 189 and wore a black jacket and grey sweatpants.

He finished his stretching and the timer hit 0.

[The trial is beginning]

[You have been transported in the Misty Azure Forest]

My very first chapter. Tell me what I did good and what can I do better? I will write an amazing story, trust me.

Lars_Bottlercreators' thoughts