
Unknown Potential

Reborn into a new world Jack must survive and potentially even thrive… Cover Art Credit goes to: The_Kings_Author

Infected_Armour · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Shall we continue?

"Slime queen killed, 300 XP gained. R slime core obtained.

1st floor cleared, 200 XP gained, mystery uncommon weapon, mystery uncommon helmet.

Rolling items…

Items obtained:

U Bone Bow

U Bone Helmet

New quest detected;

Set Collector: craft or obtain each piece of 3 different armour sets, and 3 different weapons.

Rewards: 500 XP, Title, 2 Legendary accessories.

You have leveled up!"

Name: Jack Tradesman

Level: 6

Experience: 940/1600

Class: None

HP: 20

Mana: 11

Armour: 35

Free Stat Points: 6

Strength: 11

Dexterity: 16

Constitution: 20

Wisdom: 11

Intelligence: 16

Charisma: 9

'Interesting… it seems my stats went up 2 this time across the board… and i think each time i level up i gain free stat points equal to my new level, at least thats what it appears to do right now. Does everyone get these many stat points? Also this quest seems easy… im going to accept it, especially for that reward. Just need bones now… maybe i can find an undead dungeon nearby…?'

I checked over my stats before trying to see if i could repair my armour. I went to my inventory page and inspected the armour, trying to find some sort of repair function, but no luck…

'Damn… wish i could repair my armour… that would be nice…'

*ding* "new feature unlocked. Repair. You can now repair weapons and armour in your inventory if you crafted it. Repair costs vary based on how damaged the item is."

I quickly repaired all my armour for 5 pieces of leather total, then inspected the bow i got, it looked nice… very nice… it was constructed out of bone given the name but in the cracks it had a faint red glow to it, almost demonic looking in nature. The bone helmet was not too shabby either, shaped like a dragon skull, the eye holes were red. I equipped both of them and saw that the leather helmet reappeared in my inventory, even though repairing it didn't return it from where ever it flew off too during the fight. I then went to craft some of the arrows i had unlocked but saw i needed slime cores… 'damn… i wonder if goblin teeth can be used as arrow heads?'

I sacrificed 5 teeth for each blueprint and the results astonished me.

15x teeth consumed, blueprints unlocked:

Teeth weapon modification unlocked, bone arrows unlocked, bone darts unlocked.

'Teeth weapon mod??? Thats gotta be worth it… let me see the requirements for it.'

I went to the crafting tab and saw the new entry's.

Bone weapon modification:

Req: 1X melee weapon, 15X bone pieces

Yield: 1X modified melee weapon

Bone arrows :

Req: 5X bone pieces, 2X wood, 5X feathers

Yield: 10X bone arrows.

Bone darts:

Req: 2X bone pieces, 1X wood, 1X Feather

Yield: 1x Bone Dart

I had 25 teeth left, and 20 arrows should def be enough especially if i can recover them after i shoot them, so I modified my sword and made the arrows.

With that all being finished i made my way to the opposite side if the room from where I entered. There i saw a chest to the left of a door. 'Neat, boss chests are a thing.'

I opened it up and inside i saw 10 healing salves, and a few gems. I put them all in my inventory and checked the gems there.



2X Common Tribal Trinkets

3X ditrus gems

5X emrys gems

4X rubrys gems

8X saphrys gems

'Well… i guess the game is different from reality… cuz the gems looked a lot like diamonds, emeralds, rubies, and sapphires but ok…'

Feeling satisfied somewhat i pressed further into the dungeon, the second floor was easy enough. Walking around i killed about 30 slimes netting a solid 150 XP and 10 goblins bringing me in another 300XP. I stopped to take a moment to rest after ripping the teeth out the head of the last goblin i killed…

"Phew…. This is a decent bit of work for this… damn it… and I haven't even leveled up yet… maybe the teeth are rewarding? I feel like ive pulled at least 100 of them…

Checking my inventory i did indeed snag a total of 173 teeth. Not bad at all. The sword turned out to be incredibly lethal and easy to use against weaker enemies. But as far as a boss goes, i had yet to find a boss room, let alone even find an intersection to the tunnel, so far it had been just a straight tunnel. Well mostly straight, it had turns here and there but no off shoots.

I pressed deeper in, and eventually found a well lit room. In it there were 5 goblins, using the system to see their levels i saw they were not the level 3 chumps i had been killing easily, each of the 5 goblins in front of me were level 5. I brought out the bow to test it.

I drew back the string after notching an arrow which was kind of weird as the arrow appeared in my hand when i equipped the bow… 'i wonder if after i shot it another would appear the same way?' Pulling the string back to a comfortable spot i let the arrow fly. It flew straight and true striking one of them in the head. Like i thought, another arrow appeared in my hand and i let it fly. 3 arrows later each of the 5 goblins lay dead before me as i racked in the XP.

"5 Level 5 goblins defeated. +100XP each.

You have leveled up!"

Checking my stats again I decided to distribute some more points.

Name: Jack Tradesman

Level: 7

Experience: 1890/3200

Class: None

HP: 25

Mana: 15

Armour: 40

Free Stat Points: 13->0

Strength: 13->15

Dexterity: 18->20

Constitution: 22->25

Wisdom: 13->15

Intelligence: 18->20

Charisma: 11

The surge of power flowing in as yet again i felt just a tad more powerful. I doubted i was ready for the boss but maybe if i was lucky the boss wouldn't be hard? I snagged the teeth from the goblins leaving everything else because i no longer needed the tiny little loin cloths for armour or clothes. But as i reached the last one i saw a bracelet on the arm of one of the goblins.

"Please for the love of god let this be a good bracelet…" i looted the bracelet and saw the notification… it made my heart drop in anticipation just by the name…

"1X Legendary Sun Blessed Bracelet obtained."

I went to my inventory to check the item as fast as i could.

Legendary Sun Blessed Bracelet: (set: 1/3) provides +20 to all stats while wearing the bracelet. If 2 items of the set are equipped then the bonus becomes +50, and all 3 nets +100.

"No way am i not using that. Its straight up a cheat right now! 10 free levels at this pace! Jesus thats strong! And the whole set… if only the quest i received would give me the rest of the set… god i wish that was true."

*ding* "rewards for collectors quest altered. New rewards as follows;

Set Collector: craft or obtain each piece of 3 different armour sets, and 3 different weapons.

Rewards: 500 XP, Title, Legendary Sun Blessed Amulet, Legendary Sun Blessed Ring"

"Wait… what… i wished for the quest to change and it did… how… why… i wonder… i wish to have a quest to slay goblins with a great experience reward…"

"New quest detected;

Goblin Slayer: slay 10 goblins.

Rewards: 10,000 XP"

"What… the actual… fuck… i have a wish function? You know what… one last wish for now to not abuse this system too much yet, i wish the system had an ai to help me."

"Hello. I am the system. Thank you for bringing me to life. How may I assist you?"

"It… it worked… wow…"

"Indeed, you are unbound by the laws of this world, so most anything you do is achievable. I know not the exact limitations to it but you do have a leg up on the other of this realm."

'Well shit… i guess that makes being here a lot easier…'

"How do i ensure i get bone armour recipes? And is wood armour a thing?"

"You can unlock new recipes in crafting by sacrificing components, scrapping items of the desired recipe or by wishing it."

"Well then i wish to know how to make bone armour and wood armour."

"Granted. You may now craft those two armour sets."

'Jesus this is over powered…' "can i wish for levels?"

"Sadly no, you can not wish for levels or stats, however XP will be allowed, but requires a quest format."

"Damn… well, let me get to crafting then…"

I went into my inventory to see the crafting requirements for bone and wood armour.



-C Req; 20x Bone shards, 5x C Thread

-U Req; unknown

-R Req; unknown


-C Req; 10x Bone shards, 2x C Thread

-U Req; unknown

-R Req; unknown


-C Req; 5x Bone shards, 4x C thread

-U Req; unknown

-R Req; unknown


-C Req; 3x Bone shards, 2x C thread

-U Req; unknown

-R Req; unknown


-C Req; 5x Bone shards, 3x C thread

-U Req; unknown

-R Req; unknown



-C Req; 10X Wood, 5x C Thread

-U Req; unknown

-R Req; unknown


-C Req; 5x Wood , 2x C Thread

-U Req; unknown

-R Req; unknown


-C Req; 2x Wood , 4x C thread

-U Req; unknown

-R Req; unknown


-C Req; 1x Wood, 2x C thread

-U Req; unknown

-R Req; unknown


-C Req; 3x Wood , 3x C thread

-U Req; unknown

-R Req; unknown

'Damn… thats a lot of bones… wait… thats bone shards not bone pieces…'

"System what do the teeth i have classify as?"

"Bone pieces."

"And how do i get shards?"

"By collecting bones such as the ones found in the legs, arms, chest, and even skulls."

"Ahh… well time do be disgusting i guess…"

I slowly started cutting into the goblin bodies around me collecting the bones from them leaving behind their flesh. After what seemed like ages trying not to vomit i finished gathering the materials from them and checked my inventory.

"I took the liberty of altering the teeth into bon pieces while you gathered bone shards from the slain enemies."


Crafting materials;

2X Heeth Bloom

0X Coffen Bloom

44X Common Thread

1X Common Slime Cores

262X Bone Pieces

65X Bone Shards

29X scrap Wood

146X common leather

0X common animal Hides

7X common Feathers

'Ok, and i need how much of what for the rest of the bone set?' I did the math and found in total i would need to use 38 bone shards, and 13 thread. For the wood armour i needed 21 scrap wood and 16 thread. I had barely enough so i made it.

Rather than the usual notification the new ai spoke,

"Quest completed:

Set Collector: craft or obtain each piece of 3 different armour sets, and 3 different weapons.

Rewards: 500 XP, Title, Legendary Sun Blessed Amulet, Legendary Sun Blessed Ring"

'Wait how though… i only have the sword and bow? Wait…. The club! I forgot about it! Nice! Let me check these new sub blessed pieces though.'

Looking at my inventory readouts of the two items before equipping them i saw pure glory.

Legendary Sun Blessed Amulet:

(set 2/3) gives plus 50% XP from all sources. With two pieces of the set equipped bonus becomes 100%, at three it becomes 200%

Legendary Sun Blessed Ring:

(set 3/3) grants wearer 25% resistance to all forms of damage. At 2 pieces of set equipped bonus becomes 50% and at 3 it is 75%

As i equipped the two items i felt raw power flow into my body, unlike anything i had ever felt before. I felt unstoppable honestly. Glancing back over i thought, 'The 3x XP buff was def nice, but was it too much to ask for pure damage negation? Nah, that would def be over kill… at this rate it will take a level 30 or higher to kill me i think…'

"System will my stats show my total or just what my level has earned me?"

"It will show you whichever you want. Just ask me and i shall update the readout."

"Show me overall stats from here on out please."


I navigated to my stat block and saw the results.

Name: Jack Tradesman

Level: 7

Experience: 2390/3200

Class: None

HP: 125

Mana: 115

Armour: 40

Free Stat Points: 0

Strength: 115

Dexterity: 120

Constitution: 125

Wisdom: 115

Intelligence: 120

Charisma: 111

'These are definitely not the stats of a level 7, has to be at least a level 30 or higher maybe… the boss isnt ready for this…'

"Well… i guess i just need to keep going through the tunnels and kill the enemies between me and the boss…"

"Shall we continue then?"

"We shall"