

Valerie was a very simple girl in early teen and was a very popular and straightforward child who hardly care about the little problems in life because her parents was rich But something and someone unexpected happened CAN SHE COPE WITH THIS UNKNOWN???

kinanaiviv01 · Teen
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22 Chs

17. ALEC

After the meeting in L.A Alec got to his mansion feeling very tired with his head banging due to severe head ache he has while associating with others during the meeting...

He has never done such a thing before.. he hates any form of social gathering due to his anxiety issues and the headaches he gets whenever he talks for too long, he has always hidden himself from the public and only let is design to speak for him and he does not even go to get his awards himself only his manager handles that for him and whenever he makes a design sketch he ensure to write out the kind of materials he wants for his brand design and that has always made people call him the fashion God because he always emphasis on the exact type of material he needs and if their is any form of mistake he would ensure to fire the person that could not get proper materials for his design.... so anyone working for Alec must be very meticulous and be ready to get an earful from Alec's manager if anything goes wrong with the design aside the material that has no remedy but to fire the person that chooses the wrong design...

Immediately he got down from the car,his manager got down to follow him inside but Alec stopped him "Nathan you don't have to follow me inside go and get a good night rest you must be very tired as well" Nathan was having a second thought about following this order because he knew Alec very well because they are best friends and they are almost inseparable "Are you sure you can cope? I know you are not feeling too well already because of the meeting I don't really know why you insisted on attending that meeting" Nathan shook his head not understanding what Alec was thinking at all.... please just ensure you eat and take your pills" he said in a frustrated manner while Alec furrowed his brows in a very serious manner " I'm not a kid... I know myself well" he was about to enter into the mansion when he raised his index finger and turned to Nathan " least I forget please come get the brands newest design tomorrow and I only need this design to come out just in 10 limited pieces" Nathan could not help but raise his voice " just 10 pieces ?? don't you think it would get fabricated which can lead to a lot of unwanted controversies" Alec looked at Nathan with an icy aura " do I look like I care if they make the fabricated version it does not matter because you can't compare a duplicate to the original, it's never the same... please get going I can't talk again" then he entered inside his house without looking back at his buddy/manager..

when he entered he washed his hands and took an apple and yoghurt from the fridge and blend it together.... then he left for his room,there was a working table in the room with papers littered on the table then he gave his design finishing touches which took him about 3 hours, he stood up and stretched before going to take his meds and sleep inducing pills before noticing the medical kits at the corner of his room and he could not help but revealing a gorgeous smile in which not many people have seen.... he continued thinking about Valerie's cuteness not knowing when he fell asleep at the thought of Valerie.