
Universe Collidings

Lizz, a teenage girl, goes to a different dimension because she was bored in her own world, she traveled to go to Mega Man's universe to visit him again

Lizza_28_247 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Proto Man's sex room (read comments first)


There was a familiar knocking pattern in the door, Roll answered the door and it was Bass who's been knocking, later Lizz starts to madturbate she was caught by Mega Man and he's friends, later they tried talking to Lizz, after talking to Lizz, Proto Man shows them to his sexual room uwu.


Lizz shows her sexy body to Mega Man, Proto Man and Bass.

Mega Man:

"You were wearing that the whole time?!"


"incase that something like this would happen..."

Proto Man:

"well, looks like that you're prepared, let's get started shall we?"