
Universe Collidings

Lizz, a teenage girl, goes to a different dimension because she was bored in her own world, she traveled to go to Mega Man's universe to visit him again

Lizza_28_247 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Bass meets Lizz


Lizz was at school looking at her drawings, she saw a few drawings of Mega Man, so she decided to revisit megaman, so she prepared her stuff, the next day, she went to the portal where Mega Man's universe is, and accidentally landed on Proto Man, a few minutes later they heard someone knocking on the door.


Someone was knocking on the door, the knocking pattern was so familiar.


"I think it's Bass."


"Who's Bass?"

Mega Man:

"You'll see"

Mega Man answers the door and leading Bass to the couch and sits next to Lizz


"Who's this?"

Mega Man:

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot, Bass this is Lizz, she is one of my friends, she draws,likes to sing and she's pretty cool too."



Bass looks at Lizz awkward, there was a moment of silence going on until Dr.Light came.


"Oh hello there Bass, I see you've come and visit Mega Man"


"Yeah, Dr.Light, I have a question..."


"Do you really know this girl?"

Lizz starts to look at bass with an awkward look to him.


"Uh... you ok there?"

Lizz starts to daydream and thinking that she's in the bed, She was just sitting in the bed, Bass comes into the bed.


"Why hello Lizz"




"So uhhhh, you wanna do it?"

Back at the real world Lizz starts to drewl a bit.

Mega Man:

"Ummm, Lizz?, hello? Are you ok?"

Proto Man:



"H-huh? W-what happened?"


"You were drewling and staring at me at the same time, you ok?"


"U-uh....yeah... I'm fine..."

Proto Man:

"Ohhhhh kay"

Bass, Mega Man and Proto Man wanted to talk in private just to discuss about what's going on with Lizz.

Mega Man:

"Guys, can we do a huddle?"

Mega Man whispers it to Bass and Proto Man.

Proto Man:

"Why? Is there something you noticed?"


"I think a little bit..."

Proto Man:


Mega Man:

Didn't you noticed that she was drewling and staring at Bass?"


"Oh yeah, I think I noticed that...."

Mega Man:

"What should we do?"


"I have an idea!"

Proto Man:



"We go see what she's up to and talk to her about it ok?"

Mega Man:


Lizz suddenly wants to go to the bathroom all by herself.


"I'm just gonna use the wash room ok?"

Mega Man:


Bass, Mega Man and Proto Man sneaks up outside the bathroom to see what she was doing, they heard moaning, Lizz was masturbating.


"Oh Bass~"

Bass was shocked about what Lizz said.


"Do you guys think she likes me?"

Proto Man:

"Looks like she's obsessed with you bro."

Mega Man:

"O-oh no"

Mega Man runs and go to his room.

Proto Man/Bass:

"Mega Man?"

Bass and Proto Man went closer to the door of his room, they heard Mega Man crying inside.

Mega Man:

*sobbing softly*

"W-why is she like this? W-what has got in to her?"

Proto Man opens the door and talks to his little brother while Bass waits outside.

Proto Man:

"Mega Man, what's wrong? Is there a problem?"

Mega Man:

"I-its Lizz, she has changed too much...."

Proto Man:

"What do you mean? And how?"

Mega Man:

"Look brother, when we first met her, she was innocent kind and happy, but now.... she turned sexual... she changed to much, that personality she has just doesn't fit her age at all..."

Proto Man:

"Mega Man, people change ok? And we can't control them..."

Mega Man:

"But brother, didn't you know right now, we dont see the Lizz we know, she is so different than who we think she is..."

Proto Man:

"I agree but, we have to accept it.... I'm sorry"

Bass walks in Mega Man's room.


"Are u ok?"

Mega Man:


Mega Man wipes out his tears.

Mega Man:

"W-why don't we try talking her about it?"

Proto Man:

"Agreed, I am concern about her though..."


"Wait, so you like her?"

Proto Man:

"A long t-time ago I guess....

Mega Man:


Mega Man,Bass and Proto Man walks out of Mega Man's room and finally went to the public area if where Lizz was.


"Oh hey guys!"

Proto Man:


Proto Man speaks a disappointed tone.


"Is everything alright? Is there something that happened?"

Mega Man:

"L-Lizz c-can four of us talk please?"


"Huh? Sure, what about?"

Proto Man:

"Its about earlier that you drewling in front of Bass, and going to the bathroom...


"Why?...wait are you going to spy me?!"

Mega Man:

"N-no... we just saw something in you that was inappropriate and we were concerned about it :(...

Proto Man:

"Yeah Lizz... you see, you left the door open... we didn't mean to spy on you but... we heard you moaning... that's why we just wanted to talk to you...."

Lizz suddenly blushes and her face turns red that she even covered herself.


W-were they s-spying on me the whole time? I guess it's my chance to have sex with Bass after all haha, no Lizz no perverted thoughts this is not the Lizz they know.... what am I thinking? Just respond with them xdxd.

"E-ehhh... I'm glad that you're concerned i-is there something you guys still want to talk about?"


"Please Lizz, tell us what's going on right now ok?"




"Why do you masturbate?"


Oh my gosh this is so uncomfortable....

"B-because I-im single... I dont have a partner nobody likes me... I even wanna know how a cock would feel inside my womb..."

Proto Man:

*whispers to Mega Man and Bass* "that's pretty messed up..."

Mega Man:



"Guys, I know you're still a virgin but-but... c-can I have an experience w-with you?...."

Bass suddenly tries to pull Lizz out of the couch.


"H-hey! What the heck dude!"

Mega Man:

"Bass, she's not like me, everybody's different... ask her if it's ok..."

Proto Man:

"But I dont think it's a good idea to do it here in the living room... we should go to my room!"

Mega Man:

"Your room? Why?"

Proto Man:

"Oh you'll see"

Mega Man, Bass, Proto Man and Lizz walk up to Proto Man's room, Proto Man opens the door of his room, it appears to have alot of sex machines, toys, and even hentai stuff and even kept a tentacle monster to reserve.


"H-holy crap! Do you really own this stuff?! How in the world did Dr.Light didn't notice it?!"

Proto Man:

"I told him that it was just for my school project."

Mega Man, Lizz and Bass were so shocked to what they saw.

Proto Man:

"Now this is the perfect place for you to have sex Lizz..."

Lizz suddenly removes her clothes and exposes her sexy underwear that she was wearing.

Mega Man:



"Just in case something like this would happen..."

Proto Man suddenly approaches Lizz

Proto Man:

Lizz, will you sleep here tonight?"


"U-uh s-sure why not?"

Later they decided to have a one week sleepover in Mega Man's house.

To be continued...