
Universe Collide

Vincent Fey is an ordinary person in a world of both magic and otherworldly forces. Or so he thought... he was not. As an Ordinary person he must through the uses of his hard work and ruthless methods he must one way or not survive in this world.

Vincent_Gamzing · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


We once again mee the man in black as he is seen walking towards the run down shack of Vincent while he is away. Walking inside he finds molds and rats scouring the place, sighing the man snaps his fingers as all the rats turn into nothing and just leave reality but then rematerialize casting the spell takes a toll on the man as a cough of blood could be seen from him.

"I'm still too weak to use any chaos spells," He said.

But just then he felt an incredible sense of danger, a fist came from behind him and as he was about to dodge he was punched in the gut.

Blood came about as Blob went in for the kill before being stopped by Vincent who had just returned back.

"May I ask who are you?" Vincent's eyes turned cold as Blob was ready for the kill.

"Wait! I'm here to recruit you!" He said.

"What's your name and purpose?"

"I'm Jack and I wanted to recruit you as I know you will be a trustworthy man," Jack revealed.

"How do you know?" Vincent's eyes stayed cold and started to show signs on ruthlessness.

"My advantage gives me gut instincts about anything and my disadvantage forces me to take triple damage on internal and mystic attacks," Jack revealed his advantage and disadvantage which was a very big secret only for those who can trust others with their life.

"So you trust me?" Vincent looked at Jack as his eyes turned to normal but still cautious.

"With every fiber of my being," Jack looked back with determination.

"What's the deal?" Vincent asked.

"You and I will create our very own organization, you will be the power and I'll be the leader," Jack proposed.


[Honestly if you want our opinion go for it we do not lie in advantages]

"Fine," Vincent agreed and let Blob down.

"Thank you," Jack sighed a breathe of relief.

"Tell my your backstory first," Vincent said as he started to put the items he has in the fridge.

Jack started, Jack was a simple teenager who read the olden web novels and found many types of people. His favorite genre was kingdom building and he wanted to have a large organization and be a superpower in the universe.

He had awakened with a very rare double emotion, the Trust emotion and the Ruthless emotion he trusted those he knew he could trust but to those who wanted to hurt him and his loved ones he would be ruthless.

He was born in the same city as Vincent and after seeing him defeat Jaw Cracker and his instincts told him he was trustworthy Jack was willing to bet on Vincent.

"So you want Blob to be your blade?" Vincent asked.

"Yes and I want you to be apart of my faction," Jack asked.

"Alright but you will owe me a few favors," Vincent said.

"Sure what are they?" Jack asked.

"Not important now but I will tell you later should we succeed," Vincent replied.


"Anyways I will contact you when the test for the academy roll around," Jack reminded as he left.

Vincent remembered the test as he looks at the time he had only 5 more days left.

Although Vincent was useless in combat does not mean he should be useless in strategies and intellect.

"Hivemind can I spawn in with Blob?" Vincent asked.

[0.5/1 spaces have been filled]

"What does that mean?" Vincent asked.

[It means Blob only counts as half a space and all his artifacts and subordinates he gained from the other world will not count as space and you can send in another item in as well]


Vincent decided to give Blob a ring made of metal he found and bought.

[Starting up... new item detected... naming ring Daybreak's Astrosphere]

[Age 0 Blob is amassing a cult and army]

[Age 3 Blob killed one Hundred Great Demons and let Daybreak's astrosphere soak in its two pure great demon essence drops furthering Daybreak's Astrosphere into Great Demon Level]

[Age 6 under the advice of Raziel Blob is going into seclusion and amassing even more devout soldiers and followers]

[Age 25 after many years in seclusion Blob declares war on the Demon Lord of sector four]

[Age 30 after a brutal struggle Blob finally kills the Demon Lord and soak in his blood along with Daybreak's Astrosphere]

[Age 31 after being surrounded Blob self detonates killing over three demon lords]

[Strength has reached High-Middle Human, Speed has reach Middle Human, Physique has reached High-Middle, BIQ has reached High-Middle, IQ has reach Low Human, Faith has reach Low Human]

[Gained title Demon Lord Slayer]

[Demon Lord Slayer, damage against Demon Lords and below will be an extra 50%]

[Daybreak's Grade is Half Demon Lord

[Daybreak's Astrosphere's Defense has reached Great Demon level]

[Strength when wearing Daybreak's Astrosphere will have a 50% boost]

[When wearing Daybreak's Astrosphere the user will gain a meteor tail trail behind them]

[Demon Lord Slayer had been bonded to Daybreak's astrosphere]

[Blob: Daybreak General (Owner: Vincent Fey)

Strength: High-Middle Human

Physique: High-Middle Human

Speed: Middle Human

BIQ: High-Middle Human

IQ: Low Human

Faith: Low Human

Advantage: Demon General, Demons under you will have their strength doubled and their loyalty maxed

Disadvantage: The Light!, Light and holy spells deal double damage

Subordinates: Raziel

Spells: 1st Circle Demon Barrage, Fire Storm

Guardian: Lower Guardian of Solar Eclipse (Passive)

Comment: imagine getting wrecked by those Demon Lords... again]

[Daybreak's Astrosphere: Demon Lord Slayer

Grade: Half Demon Lord

Defense: Great Demon

Effect: +50% Attack bonus, +50% to all Demons on Demon Lord level and below]

"It seems I'm getting stronger," Vincent nodded to himself.

[Pfft Stronger? If you're get stronger so will others and plus you are going for an army type strategy but this does not mean you will not die, after all, have you not heard the 'cut the leader's head off?' strategy]


[Plus compared to those genius's and monsters at the top of your future classes you will be considered just a fighter for their own use or faction]

"So what level will they be on?"

[At least the next level of any of your current stats, and I'm not talking about the next stage I'm talking about the NEXT LEVEL and those are the genius's the monster you see are on the NEXT 2 LEVELS and do not get me started on the freaks and super geniuses so have fun with that]

Again Vincent felt something was off about the hivemind but he ignored it as he had bigger problems to worry about such as the next week.

'Huh maybe partnering up with Jack was a good thing.'