
Universe Collide

Vincent Fey is an ordinary person in a world of both magic and otherworldly forces. Or so he thought... he was not. As an Ordinary person he must through the uses of his hard work and ruthless methods he must one way or not survive in this world.

Vincent_Gamzing · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Elizabeth vs Blob

Elizabeth was a vampire route girl, she was born into a very famous, wealthy, and powerful family belonging to a grandmaster. Today she would, with the help of ten of her personally subordinates who would grow along side her, delve into the nine circles of hell where she would grind some fire type spells and Battle IQ before the test.


Strength: Lower Human

Physique: Low Human

Speed: Middle Human

BIQ: Lower Human

IQ: Middle Human

Advantage: Vampiric, With your speed and your intellect you will be a feared vampire, (Speed and IQ will be stepped up a stage)

Disadvantage: Nasty Garlic!, Light, Garlic, and holy spells deal double damage

Comment: Imagine offending that werewolf lord! Could not be us at all]

She hated the hivemind for giving her that comment as if she was some sort of dumb vampire who could do nothing.

With this she went into the underworld as she spent a few years (Around four) going out and grinding some BIQ. Also note that when a demon spawns they are made from the hatred of many thus letting them not having to grow up except for a few sub species.

She soon found a cult with the name Daybreak and after killing some of its members over ten thousand started to hunt Elizabeth and her group. But they were people from the other world so they had a large arsenal and knowledge about demons. Elizabeth even had an artifact that helped her and was focused on defense, with these she was confident until she soon found a large demon unlike the other ones.

Covered in fire and ready to kill was Blob as he slowly approached Elizabeth as thousands of demons cheered on as they slaughtered everyone who tried to interfere.

Elizabeth recognized that aura as she soon found that the demon was another gateway user.

"Wait! I'm a gateway user as well! Don't kill me," Elizabeth surrendered.




"Please say something!"


Blob attacked with fire storm as fireballs rained down from a large vortex portal above leaving Elizabeth and her squad to dodge. Elizabeth was fine as her advantage let her speed step up a stage but her teammates soon started to get hit and die as she was soon left alone with two other people.

Blob lifted his hand in a motion actively provoking them, Elizabeth's final two guards started to attack.

One of them was proficient in beast attacks such as claws and teeth with his emotion being like Vincent, wrath, the other one who was Elizabeth's best friend Kira was proficient in ariel attacks with her emotion being kindness. While there are emotions like greed and wrath there are also emotions like gratitude and optimistic there were two types of emotions good and bad, but they all had their own pros and cons.

Even with the attacks of two people who's stats are similar to Blob except for BIQ they could not hit him at all since they were just at Lower BIQ.

If you were to look at the battle from Blob's side you could see faint white figures who looked like the guards always a step ahead of the battle as the guards moved with the figures.

This was a high level of BIQ to the point where you could 100% predict where your opponent would move by looking at the white figures and gut instinct you had.

Elizabeth lost hope after looking at the battle but soon had hope again as she noticed that the Gateway user's speed was a stage lower then hers and had hope.

Taking care of the two guards shortly after Elizabeth's eyes turn cold as she attacked but like with the last two Blob dodged albeit at a very close distance. After a few minutes of attacking Elizabeth started to tire as Blob made his move using the barrage and completely destroying her and thus ending her time in the other world.

Waking up Elizabeth was furious as she demanded to know who the demon was, after looking through possibly suspects her family came up with noting and even her father who was a Grandmaster found nothing as well.

"I, ON MY NAME OF ELIZABETH GALAXY WATCHER SWEAR TO FIND YOU! DAYBREAK!" A large shout and swear could be heard across the planets as Elizabeth used her father's Galaxy wide microphone.

Meanwhile we cut back to our unsuspecting victim as he takes a nape before being woken by the announcement.

"-YBREAK" was all Vincent heard before he checked out Blob's life.

[Age 0 Blob amasses an army and a secret cult]

[Age 1 Fear spreads through out sector four 1st circle about the Daybreak demons]

[Age 3 Blob appoints a cult leader as he signs a blood contract with the demon known as Raziel]

[Age 4 Blob finds and obliterates a group of eleven gateway users]

[Age 7 Blob assaults the same 100 Great demons that killed him last time and successfully kills them all now obtaining two pure drops of Great Demon essence]

[Age 10 Using the essence Blob starts to create his own magical artifact belonging to him]

[Age 15 after five years of refining the artifacts both a Cape and Crown was made both at the Great Demon level striking fear into the Great demons and normal demons of sector four and making even the demon lord of that sector hesitant to act]

[Age 20 after being attacked by three demons lords Blob found himself dead but not before comprehending a lower guardian]

[Strength has reached Middle Human, Speed stays the same, Physique has reached Middle Human, BIQ has reached Middle Human, IQ stays the same, Faith has reached Lower Infamous]

[Daybreak leader has upgraded to Daybreak General, Blob has comprehended a Passive lower Guardian of Solar Eclipse, Demon Raziel has been bonded to Blob]

[Daybreak General, feared across the sectors as a Military might to be feared all minions under you whether cult or army will have a 25% combat bonus and Strength]

[Passive Lower Guardian of Solar eclipse, a guardian will watch over you as you fight +35% to all fire, nuclear, lunar, and solar type attacks and an added bonus of a sick looking Solar Eclipse effect]

[Raziel, before a demon of brain before brawns and now Blob's most loyal supporter you may summon him anytime you desire or like]

[Blob: Daybreak General (Owner: Vincent Fey)

Strength: Middle Human

Physique: Middle Human

Speed: Low Human

BIQ: Middle Human

IQ: Lower Human

Faith: Lower Infamous

Advantage: Demon General, Demons under you will have their strength doubled and their loyalty maxed

Disadvantage: The Light!, Light and holy spells deal double damage

Subordinates: Raziel

Spells: 1st Circle Demon Barrage, Fire Storm

Guardian: Lower Guardian of Solar Eclipse (Passive)

Comment: imagine getting wrecked by those Demon Lords]