
Universe Collide

Vincent Fey is an ordinary person in a world of both magic and otherworldly forces. Or so he thought... he was not. As an Ordinary person he must through the uses of his hard work and ruthless methods he must one way or not survive in this world.

Vincent_Gamzing · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Iris the Transmigrator

Iris was a resident in her old life she lived in an alternate universe to Vincent's she was a massive gamer and she had read a book before.

It was named simply Blue Galaxy, it was about a woman who traveled the galaxy as she met with many different people.

Unfortunately fate killed her off faster then a mob side character, her soul was destroyed but somehow she survived and came over to Vincent's world in the body of a girl named Iris like her.

She was a bullied person since she could not awaken her gateway and was mistreated, she was around age of Jack and Vincent.

But along with her was a system...

[Binding system... Double space system has been unlocked]

She could see how much more exp she needed to level up a stat and could go in with 2 spaces instead of 1.

The first day she got there she witnessed the fight of Vincent and Jaw Cracker and the second day she found out she had a gateway.

It had been three days since she had transmigrated but for her she was extremely talented after getting a new gateway test.

All those who bullied her were frightened and like Vincent's bullies they called for Jaw Cracker... but he was injured and could not be mobilized.

She soon had found a large microphone announcement about a 'Daybreak?' but she was not focused on that.

On her sixth day and in just two days the test will start Iris had met with Vincent again after he had left with Jack to a possible place for their HQ.

'Should I follow them?' Iris blinked her blue eyes as the slight wind flowed through her light brown hair.

'Okay then!'

Meanwhile Vincent and Jack were trekking through a small hill and eventually found a small hovercar used by the modern residents of the current era as vehicle's.

"Ta da!" Jack introduced.


Looking at it it was just a simple Hover Van about three meters by two meters, was I impressed? Not really but hey many famous people started from humble beginnings, so I guess it will be alright?

"We can call it the Blue Galaxy Van!" Jack proposed an idea.

"Why don't we call it the Galaxy Break Van?" Vincent shot down.

"Well I think its a great idea!" Iris came up from nowhere and said.

"Who are you" Vincent's eyes turned into a cold tone as Blob in all his glory was one step away from killing her.

Blob's majestic cape and crown fluttered in the wind as a small ring which looked like it was made of a meteorite, which it was not, produced a small meteor trail as Blob went in.

Iris looked at them calmly before introducing herself.

"Iris," She said as Jack's eyes narrowed.

"Maybe we shouldn't do that," Jack whispered.


"Well she's a very much Super Genius above everyone else, she has a bright future and if she does not like us our faction may take a hit," Jack feared.

Even though Jack was not scared about those Grandmaster's children he was worried about the Grandmaster themselves.

"Did you not say you were willing to offend a Grandmaster?"

Despite him saying that he was confident as Grandmasters don't meddle with people below their ranks as they had more important things like protecting planets.

"But all those who offended grandmasters in their early stage without a background as big as a Grandmaster had all went missing," Jack frowned.

"Kill her here so she can't get us in the future I got it," Vincent replied as Blob went in for the kill as Iris stood there petrified and Jack stopped him.

"Wait I'm not you enemy!" Iris said shaking her hands.

"... Kill her" Vincent said as his eyes went from cold to ruthless.

"No no no! I was just curious about what you're doing here," Iris said.

"We're building our own faction," Jack said hurriedly.

"Oh? Can I join?" Asked Iris completely unfazed that they were about to kill her there.

"Sure!" Jack excitedly said.

"Oh yay!" Again unfazed how she was about to die.

"... So no go for the kill?"

"Of course no go!" Scolded Jack.

"She is our teammate and I can prove that after I heard my gut instinct," Jack reminded Vincent.

"... Got it," Vincent retracted Blob.

"Wait was that an artifact?" Iris asked curiously after seeing Blob.

"Yes and as teammates you should know that the artifact is Daybreak!"

"You mean THE Daybreak?" Iris said as she slowly went from happy and excited to sad and hopeless.

"Yes!" Jack said with great determination.

"Well there goes our Faction," Iris started to slowly die in the corner of the van they had just entered.

"Well do not worry! The Grandmaster will not act directly!" Jack said with determination.

"You're right but he will send countless geniuses after us making it hard to advance," Iris replied.

"... They do?" Jack's eyes turned blank.

"Yep, unless you're a powerful person with a good background then well you will never make it past the first Universal Collide," Iris said hopeless.

"... Wait there's a second Universal Collide?" Vincent spoke up.

After all he was just a poor person before all this and all he knew was that after reaching a certain point you can evolve yourself to go to the next universe.

"You did not know?" Jack asked.

"Who did you think I am?" Vincent looked back.

"... Oh yeah I forgot," Jack apologized.

Looking around the van was quite empty and the Solar fuel was empty so they needed to recharge it during the day. Luckily for them it was day time so they decided to recharge it first.

Gas: 1%, 2%, 4%, 8%, 10%, 50%, 99%, 100%

Humanity had gone very far with solar technology it only took a few minutes to obtain the needed energy for the van.

"Now that it's charged what should we put inside," Iris asked.

"..." Vincent said nothing.

"Well I guess we could put some needed mechanics and tech we will need but that's for later we have yet to take the test."

"Well we should rest, come to my place the government pays for it," Iris said.

"Well better then my place at leas,t" Vincent shrugged.

"Okay," Jack agreed.