
Universe Collide

Vincent Fey is an ordinary person in a world of both magic and otherworldly forces. Or so he thought... he was not. As an Ordinary person he must through the uses of his hard work and ruthless methods he must one way or not survive in this world.

Vincent_Gamzing · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Gio, Kane, and Pol vs Nexus and the start of the Nexus Break faction

Vincent was on his way over to Iris's house after collecting a few pieces of the very few items he had and whilst he looked through everything he found a small mechanical main circuit board.

Honestly when Vincent was younger and still with... Forget it, he had always wanted a robot but he had never got one and the best he could find in a scrapyard was this piece so he had kept it with him should he had ever find a robot, but that was wishful thinking.

Today was a new day... oh well dreams before reality they did say...

[MCB has been selected... Obtaining an Ai... Naming the Ai 'Nexus]

[Starting Up...]

[Where would you like to go?]

Typing in Ai, Vincent found many different places but they were for improving the Ai's cognitive functions and IQ. So Vincent typed robot instead and found many locations including a robot palace but he was not looking for that so he went in further and found the Robotic Apocalypse.

[RA (Robotic Apocalypse) has been selected]

[Welcome to the life of Nexus]

[Age 0 Nexus starts to build itself as it grows smarter and collects more data]

[Age 2 Nexus has completed a small robot mice body]

[Age 3 Nexus starts collecting even more parts for a bigger robot]

[Age 4 Nexus encounters a single lone robot worker]

[Age 4.5 After a fierce battle with the robot Nexus gains the advantage and smites the robot down and collecting its body]

[Age 6 Completing a small HQ for itself Nexus starts to work for a new body]

[Age 10 After four years Nexus has completed the body of Genesis]

[Age 11 Nexus starts to hunt robots with its new body]

[Age 13 Nexus tarts production of a robot army]

[Age 15 250 Robots have been created]

Meanwhile we find Nexus as thirty-three humans surround the robot and its army.

"... You too are a Gateway user?" Asked the leader who was a female her name was Kane.

Behind her were her two friends Gio, and Pol who the former was a male and the latter female and they all had their own Personal guards like Elizabeth.

"..." Nexus started to analyzed all of them.

"Hello?" Kane asked.

"Chances of winning this battle is over 87.2%," Nexus looked at them all.

Kane and everyone's eyes narrowed as they heard the statement, they knew if he took the chance to attack they would die.

"Wait-" Kane could say before Nexus attacked.

Genesis was a powerful armor and Kane, Gio, and Pol could only scrape the body before having to retreat.

On the battlefield thirty men and women were being slaughtered by a robot in a humanoid form as three hundred robots watch from afar.

Gio was the first to fall as Nexus stabbed the man in his heart before forcefully crushing it, Pol was next as Nexus punched her over and over her again until she stopped moving.

Kane was the last one as she casted a water ball made from the high pressure element and launched it at Nexus.

Nexus was unfazed as it dodged and killed Kane as a metal hand pierced her stomach.

The three woke up as they started to yell and curse before Elizabeth walked inside the room and looked at them.

"What happened?" Elizabeth asked annoyed.

"Someone called Nexus killed us! And he had that daybreak symbol on his shoulder!" Gio yelled.

"... Daybreak?" Elizabeth asked before her eyes went ruthless.

"Do you want to make a faction?" Elizabeth asked.

"What you won't join your father's faction?" Kane was surprised as most people from a Master and Grandmaster family joined their parents faction.

"Let us call it the Nexus Break Faction," Pol interrupted.

All their eyes went ruthless.

"Let us convince others to join us," Elizabeth walked away.


[Age 15.5 Nexus killed 33 gateway users]

[Age 17 Nexus makes upgrades on its body]

[Age 19 An army of robots invade Nexus and kill the robot]


[Strength has reached Middle Human, speed as reached Middle Human, Physique has reached High-Middle Human. BIQ has reached High-Middle Human, IQ has reached High Human]

[Title 'Mechanic' Rare]

[Upgrade, Modified Scanner System has been added... Scanners can find invisible Low Humans, BIQ has been upgraded slightly]

[Mechanic, When upgrading yourself or creating a mechanical piece you will have a 20% better chance at giving it a better stat]

[Nexus: Mechanic (Owner: Vincent Fey)

Strength: Middle Human

Physique: Middle Human

Speed: High-Middle Human

BIQ: High-Middle Human

IQ: High Human

Advantage: Mechanical, You are able to upgrade yourself and you deal triple damage to all Myth elements, you will also have Universal power against you halved.

Disadvantage: Non-Biological Robot, you are unable to have any magical talent or spells and you cannot assimilate any bloodlines.

Upgrades: Modified Scanning systems.

Comment: About to offend someone...]

"..." Vincent looked at the statistics and wonder between Nexus and Blob who would win?

'Oh well I will test it out tomorrow,' Vincent sighed to himself before collecting the rest of the items.

"The Nexus Break Faction has been created, we will hunt down Nexus and Daybreak and for anyone who finds traces or kill the will receive immense rewards," Another announcement was made.

"Darn it!" Vincent face palmed himself.

"How did Nexus even offend them?" Vincent sighed.

Although many would not jump to conclusions but seeing the comment Vincent felt like he knew who offended them.

This is a shorter chapter only 900 from the original 1,000

Vincent_Gamzingcreators' thoughts