
Universe:- Our Dream!!

" Little Star " is how she is known by everyone! The one whose identity is unknown yet known by all. She, is a famous singer, yet confidential. Popularly known as "The one who sings in mask" ! Ajay, owner of " Star ", a music company, well the company with no well name! It still stayed at the position of a start-up company even after 3 years experience! The company with no much recognition, with three years of experiences and a lot of failures! Nearer to the edge of loosing everything, yet never did he lost hope! Story takes a twist, when fate brings this two ending poles from two different worlds with the only connection "music", in the name of a contract! And that's when everything starts to change! A childhood lovestory it is indeed, some secrets, some rudeness, togetherness at the circumstances and the heartfelt love that's hidden and forgotten. Join me, to experience this rollercoaster of love, emotions, and music a language of love, to feel and explore the further story!! Note:- Cover page doesn't belong to me, credit goes to it's owner! And this is not a translation but an original work!

misslonely_soul · Urban
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

12. New Comer!

When Ajay came out getting ready, this morning, he found Choi waiting for him, he gave him a look of 'What about you here?'

"I thought you would drive yourself again!"he explained, with a shrug.

"What about Sanjay?"

"I dropped him" said Choi with a smile!

Ajay gave a nod, getting into the car! Choi said nothing more and getting into the car, started driving, "We will have someone new from today!!" said Ajay! Choi halted, "Uhm...may I know who is that?"

"Why bother to know about tastes when you actually are going to have the meal!"

Choi shook his head, "I will get to know that myself! Right?"

Ajay said nothing, proving silence as half acceptance!

When they reached, still Ajay said nothing and went in, Choi followed! He just kept doing his work while Choi still wondered whom did Ajay mentioned to! They were all having a meeting, about their plannings, schedules, upcoming albums and practices, as they were all discussing, a knock interrupted them, and everyone's gaze settled on the entrance. Whispers started as the team members were shocked by whom they saw, they all gasped and Choi now understood that this was it! So the lady accepted?! When?? While Ajay kept silent staring her!

"May I be excused??" said Dhvani! She wore a cocktail dress, again! Was she fond of those types? Well this was a white one this time, while her jacket, boots, mask and the western hat she wore were again black!

Ajay motioned his hand indicating her to come in, she entered. and took a seat so effortlessly ignorant of all those glances she was recieving! Whispers which were still present suddenly got silenced as Ajay spoke up, "She is our new comer, and will be the lead singer from now on! Little Star!"

Their eyes widened as they all exchanged looks while Choi kept silent processing everything!

"This is Karthik. Ron. Kriti. Sampath. Arjun. And Maira!" Ajay introduced them to her, she nodded with a smile probably which was hidden under the mask!

"I'll leave you all alone now! You can regard her as the one in charge from now!" said Ajay standing up, and looked at her! They gaze got locked for a brief moment and then he left! Choi stood, "Welcome!" he said in gesture! She gave him a nod. And then the man left too, leaving her and the confused and excited team behind!

She looked at them, whose looks were fixed on her from the moment she had entered in. For a moment both she and the team went quite making the room fill with silence!

"Are....are you really.... Little Star??!" Kriti hesitated!

"I don't doubt myself! Well do you?!"

Kriti swallowed nervously, giving her a shook, "We had....never expected....this!!" said Ron, while the remaining one's just kept staring her as if they had seen something surreal!

She nodded then shrugged, "Consider the man who took care of you all did the unexpected!!" Soon after completing, she stood! "Ron. Sampath. Karthik. Kriti. Maira. Arjun!" she nodded to herself satisfied, as she remembered their names quite well! "Nice to meet you all, and hope we work together well!" she continued.

"It's.... it's our honour!!" said Maira, Arjun nodded accepting while still his gaze was fixed on her with mouth open.

She said nothing for that, "I'm interested to know more about your skills!! I'll look forward for it!!" she smiled! "But I am having something to deal with today! We all can start working together from tomorrow!!" she said giving a nod which actually was a slight bow! She was about to leave but suddenly Arjun stopped her hesitatingly, "Ma...m!!"

Dhvani turned back, the man who stopped her reached, whom she actually had remembered by the name....Arjun?!

But to her surprise, he took out a paper from his jacket and held out a pen along with it, "Can.... I.... get your autograph?!"

She frowned, won't they be working together?! What was the need of this?? She sighed but not being able to reject it, she signed, "I'll take a leave now!!" she then said and left!

Arjun who held the paper, his gaze fixed on it, still couldn't believe what had happened!! He pinched himself hard and a scream ecsaped his mouth which soon got replaced with a smile and he almost fell off but landed on Karthik's chest as he came for his protection from harm which wasn't even harmful! "Careful!!" said Karthik!

Arjun smiled with all his might, showing his teeth out, "I am in cloud nine!!" he said his hand which held the paper now resting on his chest, "My dream girl!! She gave me her autograph!!"

Karthik shook his head, but still he couldn't stop himself but smile, while the remaining one's reached them!

"It's..... shocking!!" said Sampath shaking his head!

"Surprising too!!" Kriti added.

"Just how had sir managed to do this??!" wondered Maira!

"I still can't believe myself not dreaming now!!" said Ron, his hand reaching up massaging his forehead!

"We.....might really are now having an.... astonishing luck!!" said Kriti nodding to herself.


"How did it taste?" questioned Ajay no one in particular!

"Unbelievable!!" said Choi who was following him! "Just how did this all happened??"

Ajay stopped and took a turn facing him, "What had I said that night?!"

Choi frowned, "We finally found our luck uncle Choi!!" said Ajay and as he completed he saw her heading out, towards him, crossing Choi! He almost smiled at her!

Choi who heard him couldn't hold but give away his smile while he noticed the woman crossing him and standing front!

"I thought you would stay long! You are leaving already?!" said Ajay.

She raised a brow, "I wish to stay long as well!!"

"I am having few works, I will start my work from tomorrow!" she continued! He nodded.

"I am here today just for introducing myself!" she said and then looking at the old man, giving him a nod, she left! While Ajay was taken aback, introducing? Was she kidding? He chuckled!

"I am going to attend the meeting with HMC about the progress!" he said turning his attention back to the old man! He soon nodded and went ahead to open the car door and they left the place as well, leaving the team alone to practice!

Sorry for the no update thing guys, just got caught up with a work!

Well coming to the story, as far as now, how is it? What are your thoughts about the story, writing quality and all?!

Do let me know your thoughts through comments!

Love you all ; )

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