
Universal Subjugation

Life on Narkaz used to be easier... for humans at least. Go to work, come home relax with family or friends, and just make the most of life. Around the turn of the year 1723, life on Narkaz changed. The most hidden government facility on te planet, blew up. The scientists at this site were experimenting with unknown energy referred to as “Cosmic Energy” deep near the Narkaz’s core. Releasing this energy into the world caused all living things to evolve gaining abilities they never thought possible. Thus turning the once semi-peaceful planet into a world where only the strong survive. Walk with Vars as he challenges the world for complete domination.

Tokyodrift21 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Welcome Home

Before setting out Vars told Wormwood to devour the bones of Mother and the Alpha. The process was surprisingly mesmerizing.

She stood over the bodies as her ribcage extended pulling them into where her stomach would be. Her pelt then gave off a low green glow before the rags of fur and guts dropped below her.

'Hm, that could be convenient for cooking but I'm not sure if it's healthy to eat,' Vars thought as he started walking in the direction of the den. BB and Wormwood followed behind him walking with one of them on each side of him.

"I thought we were going hunting. Why are we heading back towards the den?" BB asked.

"Well, it's the territory we know best and I'm pretty sure we're not the only ones that got stronger. We'll clear the area and claim it as our territory and then increase it over time. We're not just gonna instantly own the whole forest."

The Dark Wood Forest is huge. From what Vars could remember of his parents talking back when they first came here, the forest is positioned between 2 major cities. To travel through it would take at least 4 days while width-wise it will take at least a week and a half.

Narkaz was already a huge planet and with Cosmic Energy now changing everything it will only get larger. This means that the forest will also expand and Vars wants to control a large chunk of territory before that happens.

The den was about 30 minutes away from where they were currently due to their hunting the night before.

Along the way, Vars and BB talked about strategy and how they should start claiming land while Wormwood carefully listened.

They made it back to the den in 20 minutes instead of 30 and Vars couldn't but marvel at the place he called home for the last 13 years of his life.

The den was very beautiful and scenic. It was a large rock formation in the middle of an open clearing. No trees covered the sky above them and there were 2 large rocks propped up against an even bigger boulder. The inside of the boulder was hollowed out and the tips of the two rocks were melded together at the point. It was as if someone welded them together to add extra protection to the boulder.

Taking in his home Vars couldn't help but think to himself how good of a job his parents did finding this place. As they began walking to the entrance to rest a little before heading out again they heard a low growl.

"So guys we may not be the first ones here. Looks like we might not have to go far for a meal," BB said excitedly looking at Vars and Wormwood.

"Yeah, I guess not. You two spread out and get the flanks. Be prepared for anything we don't know what it is and my Cosmic Energy is only at about 65%. Let's make this quick and efficient," Vars said as he withdrew the {Shadow Weapon} turning it into a rope sickle.

BB spread out to the left while Wormwood went right. As they walked closer to the entrance the growls grew louder until they stopped when the pack was 15 feet away. Not wanting to overextend they waited and that's when they felt the vibrations.

They could feel how heavy this thing was as they began walking outside. With each step, the ground quaked a little bit, and when Vars saw the being he understood why.

Standing before them was a bear about 8 feet tall at the shoulder, 10 feet in length, very bulky, and ferocious. Its outer fur was covered in dark bark and its claws looked like sharpened roots.

On its back were branches that looked like growing saplings and its eyes were a glowing verdant green. Looking at the 3 intruders it let out a fierce roar.

"You pip squeaks dare disturb my rest?! You'll make a fine meal when I'm through with you," the huge bear bellowed as it dug its claws into the ground.

"You two freeze the ground and watch out for its roots," Vars commanded as jumped high in the air. Wormwood and BB worked in unison using their ice to freeze the ground and the bear's roots. One half of the clearing became a darkish purple while the other was a nauseous green.

Vars didn't know what aspects Snow's ice had but he could see Wormwoods working in real time. The grass on her side visibly wilted under the ice.

The bear noticed this and quickly withdrew it's claws from the ground. Whatever it was planning was cut short and with his attention on Wormwood, he lost track of Vars.

Vars knew he had only utility type talents right now so he quickly put his mind to work. When he told BB and Wormwood to freeze the ground it was because he guessed the bear had abilities dealing with plants.

With the ground frozen it makes it harder for the beat to use its abilities even if only a little bit. He also guessed that this bear had high vitality because even regular bears were tanky.

When he jumped in the air he made up his mind to bring the house down, literally. He sent the rope sickle to wrap around the conjoined rock formation and pulled himself to it. The bear was focused on the ice at that moment and so to it Vars jumped and disappeared.

Vars got behind the rocks and began to push. With the buff from "Alpha of the Pack" in play he was 25% stronger which may not seem like a lot but a little goes a long way.

Wormwood and Bloodbag noticed what Vars was doing and could guess his plan so they acted. Instead of giving the bear time to react they both began to try to hold him in place.

BB and Wormwood blew ice from both sides to contain this hulking beast but it wasn't just going to let them. The bear reared up and smashed its paws into the ground sending a wall of root spikes in their direction.

Having to dodge the attack the bear gained a slight moment of reprieve. He attempted to head towards the forest in BB's direction but with the ice cracking beneath his size he couldn't get a good grip.

As he stumbled his way into Bloodbags half of the clearing Snow's ice abilities started to prove their worth.

It seems that her ice contains shadows within it and these shadows began to wrap around the bear's feet slowing him even more.

It was just enough of a hindrance that by the time it got halfway across the looming shadow of a big ass rock was over him. He was so focused on the shadows that by the time he decided to ignore them the rock was almost on top of him.

He was able to gain a little more distance before he was smushed. His upper body was free while his lower body was stuck. The branches on its back were completely destroyed.

The weight and force of the crash caused the bear's bark armor to crack from its back to its snout.

From his vantage point on top of the boulder, Vars could see that the bear was trapped and he sprung into action.

"BB hurry and freeze its face. Wormwood stay back and watch out for anything suspicious!"

BB didn't dilly dally and hurried to contain the threat. Wormwood followed behind him but at a distance in case he needed backup.

The bear must've had the wind knocked out of it because it barely moved. BB swiftly but carefully froze the bear's face up to its eyes and its paws just to be careful.

"Alright, it's frozen now what?" BB yelled up to Vars.

"This!" Vars exclaimed as he jumped onto the rock holding down the bear while transforming the {Shadow Weapon} into a great sword.

The bear was slowly coming back to its senses and squirming to try to free itself. It was then that Vars glimpsed the crack in the bear's armor.

Not wanting to risk it he hurriedly plunged the 4-foot blade through the bear's neck all the way to the hilt.

The bear went limp and the lovely green essence was drawn into Vars signifying this behemoth's death.

{You have collected the essence of a Lv. 7 Barkroot Bear. You have gained +6 vitality. You have gained 2 levels and 6 stat points.}

"Woooohoooo how's that for a welcome home gift!" Vars shouted excitedly as he laughed himself off the bear's back.