
Universal Subjugation

Life on Narkaz used to be easier... for humans at least. Go to work, come home relax with family or friends, and just make the most of life. Around the turn of the year 1723, life on Narkaz changed. The most hidden government facility on te planet, blew up. The scientists at this site were experimenting with unknown energy referred to as “Cosmic Energy” deep near the Narkaz’s core. Releasing this energy into the world caused all living things to evolve gaining abilities they never thought possible. Thus turning the once semi-peaceful planet into a world where only the strong survive. Walk with Vars as he challenges the world for complete domination.

Tokyodrift21 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


The thought of using his talent made him remember that Mother should have dropped a talent.

He knelt down to move Mother's body and sure enough there were 2 tokens underneath her.

{ Talent: Stitched Up

Allows the user to stitch a corpse to their body. This gives the user a portion of the corpse's stats and some of its traits. If the user takes too much damage while this talent is in use the two bodies will separate and the user will be weakened. This skill must be used on a fresh corpse or it will not work.}

{ Talent: Combat Sense (Passive)

The longer the user battles the more in-tuned they become. The user learns while fighting allowing them to adapt to their opponent. The movements then become muscle memory allowing the user to replicate what they have learned.}

Looking up at BB Vars couldn't help but let out a huge smile. He had to admit that although he had seen a lot of death today and probably way more later on it does feel good to get stronger.

He crushed the 2 talents, absorbing them before calling the Chronicle to place his stat points.


{Name: Vars Zeras Lv: 4

Class: None

Titles: "Alpha of the Pack"

Race: Human

Essence Shards: 1/7

Strength: 18 Vitality:17 Dexterity: 19

Intelligence: 18 Endurance: 17 (3 stat points)

Talents: 3/10}

"Add 2 points to intelligence and 1 to endurance. That should be good for now."

After adding his stat points Vars moved a couple of feet away from BB and sat crisscross.

"What are you doing I thought you were going to go hunting?" BB asked as looked at Vars with peaked interest.

"Yo use this talent I need to concentrate. I have to go through the records of those I've absorbed to start. Then I have to piece apart which ones I want to combine. It should be easier and quicker the more I use the talent." Vars replied concentrating on the task at hand.

Now understanding what he was doing Bloodbag didn't respond. He just sat and watched waiting along with Vars.

The process is not actually hard at all. The hard part is staying focused enough to finish it. Vars had to tune out all the noise and clear his head first. As his thoughts began to fade this weird feeling of tranquility washed over him in waves.

The feeling was so intoxicating and soothing that he began to get lost in it. Time seemed to fade that is, until he felt the warmth of a bright light.

Opening his eyes that's when he saw this big, magnificent, green flame. He could see the 3 talents he learned swirling around this flame.

'Beautiful. This must be my soul. It feels so relaxing here as if I were back in the den on a warm summer morning. Well, I can't waste too much time let's get started.'

Vars made his way toward the flame playing with the wisps and letting them curl around his body. They felt like smoke curling between his fingers.

Once he was close enough he reached toward the flame but just as his hand was going to touch it a message popped up.

{ Would you like to use Crossbreeder? }


Hearing his answer the Crossbreeder token stopped swirling around his soul and floated before him. Then a screen popped up that showed the faces of the owners whose essence is now stored within him.

Looking at the screen Vars had 3 pictures in front of him. It was the Alpha, Mother, and the skeleton. Above the pictures was an indicator showing he could only pick 2.

'Clearly, the best option here is Mother and the Alpha. I'm curious if that would just be a zombie version of Snow or something different. Well, there is only one way to find out.' Vars thought delightedly as he clicked the pictures of Mother and the Alpha.

{ Sources confirmed. Initiating breeding sequence.}

Hearing this Vars rubbed his hands together with a mischievous grin on his face.

{ Gathering resources.}

'Gathering resources? What other resources are there?' Vars thought right before he fell to a knee. All of a sudden he felt drained of energy to the point he could barely hold himself up.

Looking up at the screen he could see the flow of his Cosmic Energy leaving his body and entering the screen. At the same time, there was a flow of Essence leaving the flame and entering the console.

Even after all 3 fights, he felt like could still fight more. If he had to guess he only used about 15% of his Cosmic Energy even including the bone armor he no longer has. Now his reserves have dropped to only 5% and his body feels as if he'd been hit and backed over by a truck.

{ Sequence complete. Birthing offspring.}

Holding his head he stood up and looked at the flame again. After finishing the process the screen compressed back into the token and began orbiting his soul again.

'Over time this process should get easier but I can tell early on I will have to be careful not to just make creatures with disregard for anything else. This power definitely gets better the stronger I get I just gotta make sure to stay alive.'

With that thought Vars returned back to reality. Nothing could have prepared him for what he was about to see.

Opening his eyes he had to blink a couple of times as a patch of sun was in his eyes. As they adjusted he looked around for BB and his new offspring.

First, he saw BB laying his head on his lap. About 5 feet away from them was another wolf clearly out of place just staring at them.

It sort of resembled Mother with 4 glowing green eyes, a snout that was divided vertically and horizontally, and a snot-green coat. It had the normal body of a wolf for the most part except its whole underbelly was missing.

Walking towards his first offspring Vars could see its ribs under it and he noticed that the snot-green color of its pelt became pitch black around the paws. It also didn't give off the normal smell of an undead.

He also couldn't help to notice that the air around it was also sort of cold like Snow. Vars took a step back to fully take in and admire his creation when it bowed its head and spoke in a raspy feminine tone.

"I am the first of many. May my life serve you well, Father."