

one agrees with peace while one agrees with war , a young girl who was born in a village with strong abilities ,but she never knew until she was 16 . she tried to control her abilities and it worked except for one , her last ability was the strongest which has a bit of dark ability and strong enough to eliminate a country , but the girl was not aware that the dark ability of hers could cause great destruction . she tries to solve peace between the conflict among all states against a village,but her dark ability makes it difficult , an old master trained her to control her abilities ,but turns out........

coni334 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Going through

Point of view : first person

I am finally 16 , I've been waiting to become 16 for ages , My dad promised to take me to different states and give me the most amazing training of all time ,besides I can finally enter the annual villages competition which I dream to join since I was a kid .

I always wanted to join in a competition though I may not be the best in doing many things or anything for that matter , but I am very exited to try it out .

I went to the singing area and I was even more exited than before as I saw the crazy activities , and I'm pretty sure no one can beat me at being crazy .

" Wow ,cool " I smiled as I saw the list , there are many activities like riding a horse , feeding animals while closing eyes ,running , Jumping ,etc....

The competition was about to start , I went back to my tent and changed my cloth ,know I'm completely ready .

" Broooom!!! " The large bell rang to start the game ,the bell was so loud that I could feel a crake inside my ears .

We started the competition and it was pretty intense ,everyone was competing seriously as if it's a matter of life and death .

I was doing this for fun ,but not for anything else .We were divided into groups to play tug war .

I was the first one to hold the rope in my team and I was exited ," rrriiing " the bell rung to start the tug war , " pull harder you weekling " someone said while hitting my back from behind " ok ! ok ,shis " I said while pulling the rope harder .

The people in my team so as the other teams were so aggressive that I didn't participate in the push or pushed contest ,I want to stay alive for know .

I was really tired from all that pushing ( more of being pushed ) in the competition that I forfeited 4 other competitions .

At last we finished the competition and the winners were about to be held , I waited for my name to be called ,but it didn't .I stood the last ,but it doesn't matter as long as I had so little fun and much pain .

I went back to the tent and had some rest , mom and dad were not home , they were on a Journey to a place which they didn't mention its name .

I was out of activities to do so , I went to Jerrys house , Jerry is my best friend who lives next doors we used to play together ,eat together and sometimes sleep together ,we had so much fun when we were kids .

I went to Jerrys house ,but she wasn't there , I looked for her everywhere and finally found her in the farm which is found a bit further from her tent .

" hey Jerry ,what are you doing today ? " I asked curiously " I was collecting eggs " she replied " I was wondering if we could go out on an adventure today" I asked " well...,ok " she smiled .

We snick to the boundaries and got out of the village ." Uniqa ,you know that we are not allowed to cross boundaries " Jerry nodded as she saw me moving through the hole I made in the boundaries " it will be fine " I said in joy " if you say so " she nodded .

My dad was crazy strict about leaving the village, I always leave my village with a secret door (hole ) I made through the boundaries when I was a kid , We ( people in the village )were not allowed to leave the village without permission .

Dad used to tell me about some scary intruders who lived next to the boundaries and how they steal kids if they wonder around alone .

But I always break out and have some fun in my secret hide out .

" we are here !" I smiled in joy " where are we ? " Jerry asked " we are in the most dangerous cave ever known " I said in a dramatic way " r..re..really " she said while pressing her hands together " neh ! I was trying to make it sound scary " I replied.

We entered the cave and saw different things like blue coloured stones and amazing plants.

" this stones are amazing" Jerry said while touching the stones " I know right ! , the weird thing is that they change colours and sparkle whenever I touch them " I nodded , " what ? " she said confused .

" look for yourself ! " I said while moving my fingers towards the stones , " Wow that's amazing " she paused

" does it always do that ? " Jerry asked " ya , it has been like this since I was a kid " I replied .