

one agrees with peace while one agrees with war , a young girl who was born in a village with strong abilities ,but she never knew until she was 16 . she tried to control her abilities and it worked except for one , her last ability was the strongest which has a bit of dark ability and strong enough to eliminate a country , but the girl was not aware that the dark ability of hers could cause great destruction . she tries to solve peace between the conflict among all states against a village,but her dark ability makes it difficult , an old master trained her to control her abilities ,but turns out........

coni334 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 1 :The Village

Long in the Prehistoric civilization there were 2 Villages separated by a small strip of land .

This 2 villages had great rivalry among them , the weather and land arrangements were also very unusual .

The Village in Eastern direction had the most remarkable form of land , they had fertile soil ,different water bodies and beautiful trees , and in the other hand ,the village in Western direction was more of a desert .

They had low humidity , no trees and low quality of soil .

That's were the name of their village was derived from .

Vegetavia was the name of the village in the Eastern direction while Desertavia was the name of the village in Western direction.

Desertavia had no option but to take the resources from the Vegetavia village , as time passed by, the desert region grew as equal advantage as the other one , one can say even more .

The Vegetavia village leader was very upset ,he was devastated about how could Desertavia take their property without permission ,at that time he held war against the desert regions , and that's how it all begin.

The two regions had been in a war for more than a month , the war took place in the middle of the strip which separated the two lands , it wasn't easy for neither the regions nor the citizens living in the two regions .

The war continously increased as the number of soldiers increased in the fever of both regions , the Vegetavia village got help from the Anthrazanya castle while Desertavia village got help from merchant and traders from near location which supported the Desertavia village .

Different states and tribes tried to end this great war ,but unfortunately it was impossible for any of the states to stop the conflict among these villages .

As time passed by , the war status started decreasing as the number of soldiers decreased from time to time , which may lead one of the villages to be defeated .

It has been 5 months since the war started and no sign of peace is help upon the states and the war continues as usual .

Meanwhile an old man who spent most of his time in the forest arrived at the Vegetavia village and gave them a shocking news which lead the leader of Vegetavia to finally reach to a decision .

The leader of Vegetavia village sent a letter to the Desertavia village ,the letter reached the Desertavia leader within 3 days .

The leader of Desertavia read the letter and stopped his attacks from every direction ,but that didn't mean he surrendered ,the letter was announcing that Vegetavia village had surrendered .

The Desertavia village celebrated their victory against Vegetavia village ,while Vegetavia citizens sat along with disappointment .

The leader of Vegetavia gave another announcement to his village which was heart touching and inspiring " Listen everyone , we are gathered here cause I need to talk to you about our defeat ,but it wasn't a defeat " the leader said while holding his sword " it was an act of bravery and pride to our nation ,we cannot keep on killing each other and hurting our brothers ,instead we shall unite and continue our life in peace! " the leader said while putting his sword down on the ground .

" from know on ,we will all help each other out and help the development of our village , and nothing is more important than lives , cause we have to live to make a change " the leader said while holding his wife hand and raising it upwards in the sign of unity and peace .

Starting from that day , the Vegetavia village grew more than ever .

Although Vegetavia village made good improvements ,many inesent lives were victims of the great war between the villages ,many properties and heritages were also destroyed .

And know ,every state had agreed to stop wars except for Desertavia village .

Desertavia villagers and leaders believe that war is the method to show greatness ,strength and pride ,but they didn't realise they were going on the wrong path .

A year later

The leader of Vegetavia had a child , the baby looked nothing like her parents , she had very soft hair and blue eyes , she was different and a unique child from all her village ,that how she was named uniqa .

Uniqa was the only child in her family , she was so energetic and loved to have fun .

As she was 5 ,Uniqa had a crazy way of waking up everyone in the village early in the morning .

She used to set a chickens feather on fire so that the chickens would go inside every peoples tent .

Every morning was a crazy morning because of uniqa , people used to complain about it ,but they got used to it anyways .

" you can't catch me !😝" that's what she always said when her mom suggested to give her a shower " come on you little squirrel " Uniqas mom said as she poured water to give her a bath .

As she finished taking a bath ,Uniqa went outside to play .

" Uniqa! what are you doing !" her mom yelled as she saw her laying in the mud with some of pigs ," look mom , I'm a pig " Uniqa smiled " uh ! ,I can't stay mad at that cute face " her mom smiled as she got her out of the mud .

After a long day ,the night stroke as the sun set .The Villagers of Vegetavia had a tradition which was done every night .

They all gather in a place and had dinner together , they had fun and ate different food ,it was simply amazing.

As Uniqa reached 12 , she started training with her father , she loved training ,but she loved sleeping more .

" dad , why am I training " Uniqa asked " You need to be strong and defend your village from intruders " her dad replied , " but I want to solve peace instead of fighting " Uniqa smiled .

" uh ! , my little angle , you're going to solve peace for sure ,but until then you need to get strong " her dad said while carrying her on his shoulders .

" ha ,ha " she giggled , they went back home and had some rest who knows what will happen next .