
Unguided Souls: The Lost Soldier

Marc Felton, a retired soldier dong random stuff in his time is now faced by the need to survive and adapt. Nothing like good scary mother nature in sending you a wake up call in the middle of nowhere with your pants down. That is how Marc found himself, half-naked, drenched and cold as the forest breeze passed through his family jewels. How will Marc adapt to the harsh world he is thrown into? Will he be able to make a way to find himself back to his old home? Will he even go home? This story is how a man that has no ambition but is thrown into a world filled with powerful beings with only his own wits with him and years of his training at hand to face the storms that are about to head his way.

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
58 Chs

Chp. 40 Speculations

"Is that him?" Imelia opened her Fan and covered her face as she stared at the closing figures.


"Should be, he seems to be very young as well. How did such a talented Individual hide for so long?" Bertun's eyes were glowing with rainbow colors as he looked at Marc scanning him.


The other two also did some similar techniques as they looked at Marc who rode Bacon slowly. They did identify the four others to be very problematic Individuals, a Behemoth, the Poison Marsh King, a Variant Tyrant Bear, the Spirit Ox Lord and the rumored Saint that lived in the Wildlands.


"This lad, hahaha… a gem that polished and shined on his own. Does he perhaps have connections with my Kin, his armor is somewhat well made with techniques unknown to me but it reminiscent to my Kin's craft…"Bertun stroked his beard as he talked with the other two.


"That reminds me, didn't an official of you Kingdom offend the Saint by having him report to the Royal family?" Imelia smiled as she looked at the two beside her who seemed to have their faces darkened hearing her words.


"Hmph, those are merely the actions of a bootlicking noble under that little brat. It has no relation to the Royal family whatsoever." Bertun grunted as he knew this woman beside him is drawing a line between him and the new Saint.


"Hmm? But isn't that brat you talk about the brother of the King? How is he not related to the Royal family?" Imelia giggled as she looked at the faces of the two as well as the crown prince behind them.


"That descendant of mine is a fool, the King has not issued any order for this friend of ours to report to anyone." Saint Pettun stared at Imelia with cold eyes as they know that as Saints they could hear from very far away with their enhanced senses.


Imelia was starting to make them look bad in front of this young Saint, as they all scanned him earlier they all discovered he was not even past a century old.


This kind of talent is so unprecedented in all of Estria and they already formulated plans on having Marc side with them. The S-ranked adventurer group Witching Night was behind them as well listening to their discussion.


The green haired one placed her hands in her sleeves and sent a distress signal to their father as they understood the importance of this new Saint.


Many thought that this guy just advanced and might be a pushover to the other Saints or Sages but it seemed the three in front saw something that made them bicker instantly and even ignore the presence of the four beasts behind Marc.


Marc on the other hand did hear their conversation but he was silent as he rode Bacon who seemed to be leisurely walking forward.


He was in deep thought as he tried to pick something up from the contest of their conversation. But he was also interested in these people that seemed to be equal if not stronger than the Beast Lords in the Wildlands.


He was about a kilometer away but seeing the fog to be somehow thin today he knew that the other adventurers could see their forms. He then remembered the glowing eyes of the three earlier and thought that maybe it was a technique to make them see him better.


Marc had felt again the aura inside him and looked at his sides where the four Beast Lords somehow changed in appearance. They now have glowing tattoos in their fur or skin and now looked mystical and dangerous.


Maybe this was something they owned originally but cannot use their Aura or Mana inside the Wildlands like him. He can barely have a few strands form so maybe every beast inside just have a form that they could use with Mana or Aura.


He looked down and also noticed Bacon has some too, but it was not obvious as the Boar wore Full armor hiding the tattoos or runic lines. Maybe the Chickens have some too but he just did not notice last time as they too were armored.


*Thud 4x*


It was then the four behind him stopped and sat down as they had agreed earlier that Marc would be the one talking while the Tyrant Bear will listen and translate to the beast lords what they were talking about.


But they will keep silent until the moment that a decision has to be made. They were conversing on the way here about something called 'Politics' from Marc.


Though they did not understand fully for now they were intelligent enough to be able to make a sound judgment while waiting. At least they understood the politics is a 'troublesome thing humans made to get into an agreement.'


And Marc did say he'll teach them later how to as well as explain it during free times. On the way he also acquainted himself closely to the Tyrant Bear who he felt would be crucial to his future lazy life plan.


Marc rode forward on Bacon as he neared about 500 meters away from the three Saint and Sages.




Marc just stopped and he waited as he arrived, he looked at the various faces and some familiar ones in the crowd who seemed to be very intimidated by the gigantic silhouettes of the Beast Lords behind Marc.


The three people in front who bickered earlier also went silent as they looked into the fog seeing the four behind Marc.


They looked at each other and conversed in a technique that enabled them to talk to each other privately while no one could hear their words.


{This seems to be something we did not take into account huh?} Bertun.


{It seems our friend here has some connections to the Beast Lords of the Wildlands. Though it puts a stop to many of yours and my plans but let's thread lightly for now, it is better for us to be acquainted first in good image.} Imelia was serious this time as she noticed an infamous Beast Lord that even she might not be able to handle, the Behemoth.


A beast known for their immense large stature and very high magic resistant hide. There were precious artifacts in Empires hidden that were made from the hide of a Behemoth kept in case they need to deal with a rogue Sage.


But that was only made from an Infant Behemoth and this one in front of them is a full grown adult. There was also the other three who were quite elusive in their records but one all of them were wary of was the Poison Marsh King(Swamp Toad Lord for Marc).


Poison is something even Sages and Saints dread as they were not entirely resistant to ones at their level.


{It seems that the wave has been prevented. Past records said that these beast lords were the ones to drive away the ones that came out of this Dungeon or portal. But there was never any record of them working together like this.} Saint Pettun was somber as he noticed this part.


{It seems a balance has been shifted inside the Wildlands without our knowledge. I wonder what the King would feel about this, though it is written in our maps that the Wildlands is in our nation no one has been able to make a proper settlement inside.} Bertun was stroking his beard.


Their conversation was instant and now a few seconds has passed outside so the air was still tense as the others were looking alert towards the Silhouettes in the distance.


{So young yet he seems to have not yet reached the limit of his potential. And judging from his eyes he does not seem to be the type that would yield. Haishh… what a fine young lad.} Imelia was thinking of way to get this man in front of her to be in good relations to her but from what she had heard from her spies Marc was not so easily fooled.


{I heard from a young Baroness of our Kingdom that he does not know of our language at first and learned of it from a maid of the Sister of the Solesinese Emperor. He might be from the west but seeing he has only the Earth Element while his Space aptitude has not yet been developed means he must have ran away from there. It is not only the church of Altford that gathered all of these Space element people but also the two other churches from the west.} Bertun pondered as he knew that rarely a man or woman with the Space Element could develop on their own as the Three Churches seem to be able to find everyone that has the affinity of such element.


{Maybe that is why he is living here in the WIldlands, the churches were rumored using an artifact in finding individuals with the Affinity to Space Element. So they would be useless and could not detect his if he stays here and now that he has reached this level they would not be able to find him anymore with the thick Earth Aura of his.} Imelia deduced this as she thought how hard it was for Marc to have developed into this powerhouse.


{A wasted talent indeed, but a talent nonetheless. How strong would he have been if he had been raised with abundant resources and not have to hide and scrape until he was fatefully discovered by accident.} Pettun also reached this conclusion as they felt Marc was a talent that bloomed late due to the churches blatant actions of capturing every people with affinity with space.


{Too bad he has reached this level already, we seem to have nothing to provide him if we want him to any of our side. Maybe a friendship could be made but how should we go about this?} Bertun was thinking as he felt the gazes of the four behind Marc seemingly judging them.


Marc was in thought as he looked at the people in front but just as he was about to introduce himself he noticed a group of people arriving late with a young man leading them carelessly walking like he owned the place.


"Why are all of you waiting here like bitches cowering in fear? We have three saint level experts here and two S-ranked teams, we could probably kill every beast in the wildlands with just us…"