
Unfortunate Hero Returns(FAN-UPLOAD)


dont_ask_me · Anime & Comics
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342 Chs

Too Weak

Ryong Chong-Shik grinned madly as his spear was about to pierce Heero's head.

"Blame yourself for your arrogance, young man!"

But then Ryong Chong-Shik saw that the young man in front of him was grinning back. Even though he knew something was wrong, he tried to shake off the uneasy feeling as his spear pierced Heero's head.

Yes, his spear pierced Heero's head. Then he realised something. No blood came out, in fact the figure of the young man in front of him disappeared.

Right after his spear pierced the head, the figure disappeared as a whole.

While the old man was confused as to what had happened, he felt excruciating pain from his body. 

He looked down and saw that his body had been ripped open. His organs began to fall, and he stood in a pool of blood that had been created by himself.

"H-how?" A faint voice escaped the old man's mouth before his body collapsed and stopped breathing forever.

A legendary figure, looked up to by many, had died without knowing how. Ryong Chong-Shik of the Ryong family, one of the most important figures of the Ranker Alliance, who had always caused trouble for the Hero League, was no more.

Heero looked at the door of the main building. He was not bothered by the corpse, nor was he trying to hide the fact that he had killed the leader of the Ranker Alliance.

His eyes were fixed on a particular spot where the last intruder was standing.

"Are you going to show yourself or..." Without finishing his words, Hanzo Keiji showed himself. He stood near the door and looked at the corpse with an unbelievable expression on his face.

The old man stared blankly at the corpse. He could not believe what he was seeing. They had just been having a good chat, but now his friend had turned into a corpse.

Heero saw tears falling from the old man's eyes and it was his turn to be surprised.

"It seems he's a dear friend of yours! You should spend your time together, enjoying the rest of your life with someone precious to you, instead of taking something that is not yours,"

Heero commented, shaking his head. Even though he said it, there was no remorse in his eyes. He had no regrets about killing the old man, it was what he had to do to ensure the safety of his family.

Today, they tried to kidnap his daughter and failed. If he did not kill the old man and warn the others, these people might come up with more things that would endanger his family.

"What do you know..." Suddenly, Hanzo Keiji snarled at Heero. At the same time, his body disappeared and appeared in front of Heero.

The old man slashed down with his katana. Heero easily parried the katana with his spear.


The old man did not surrender. His body disappeared again and appeared next to Heero. Now he swung the katana towards Heero's neck.

All of Hanzo Keiji's attacks were doomed to fail as a spear stopped his sword. But the old man did not give up. He attacked Heero madly, his figure flickering around Heero as the spear and the sword sparked around them.

Outside Heero Preschool, Bai Xin Yue stood dazed. She blinked her eyes a few times to make sure she was seeing nothing.

Her eyes were fixed on one spot, the spot where the corpse lay. She identified the body.

"H-he is R-Ryong Chong-Shik, right? And he died? I-I am not seeing things, right?" Bai Xin Yue stuttered.

She could hardly believe what was in front of her.

"You're right! He is Ryong Chong-Shik, the current head of the Ryong family and also the leader of the Ranker Alliance!" Kang Seo-Yeon stood next to Bai Xin Yue and confirmed it.

After that, both women turned towards the battle where Hanzo Keiji was furiously attacking Heero. They could tell that the old man was attacking Heero in a rage.

"We should stop them before the situation gets worse!" Bai Xin Yue wanted to stop the fight, but Kang Seo-Yeon stopped her.

"Stop it, this is the chance, the chance to root out that pesky Ranker Alliance! Why do you want to stop him from killing the old man?"

"Are you crazy? Can't you see the bigger picture? This could be a war between the Hero League and the Ranker Alliance!"

Bai Xin Yue immediately rebuked Kang Seo-Yeon, but she just shrugged her shoulders.

"He killed the leader anyway, so what difference does it make if we save the other one? Besides, it was those two old men who started this. They got what they deserved."

Kang Seo-Yeon was more determined than Bai Xin Yue. She had heard everything from Fatty Liang. It seemed that the two old men wanted to do something to Heero Preschool.

If Heero did not act quickly, something might happen to her little sister.

What could be worse than killing the leader? Bai Xin Yue was persuaded and watched the fight from outside.

*** ***

"I thought you rankers were unemotional, it seems you are not so unemotional," Heero muttered under Hanzo Keiji's series of attacks.

He was really surprised that the old man was so angry when the other one was killed.

"Arghhhh!" Hanzo Keiji's reaction was quite extreme. He roared angrily and brandished the sword at Heero.

"Alright, I will end your misery now!"


Heero deflected the katana with his spear and caught the old man's neck with his other hand. Then he threw the old man to the ground.

With a quick movement, he sliced the old man's throat with the tip of his spear.


Blood spurted from the old man's neck. Still, Hanzo Keiji tried to swing his sword at Heero. But halfway, he lost his breath and his hand fell.

In the last moment of his life, he was still trying to avenge the death of his old friend.

His eyes were still wide open; eyes filled with madness and fury, staring at Heero before he took his last breath.

Heero looked at the old man and at his smartwatch. On his smartwatch were two pictures sent by Fatty Liang. The true identities of the two old men.

"So this old man is a Legendary Class Ranker - Rank 4..." He muttered with a frown on his forehead.

He turned to look at the other one to confirm the identity of the other old man.

"This old man is Ryong Chong-Shik, the leader of the Ranker Alliance!" Kang Seo-Yeon entered the courtyard with Bai Xin Yue.

Heero looked at the voice and nodded his head, "Oh, you are here"

Bai Xin Yue came to the next corpse and looked at it, "There's a trace of a burn mark..."

She muttered and scanned the surroundings, "There's no sign of a fight around here. He was killed in a single blow?" Bai Xin Yue looked at Heero.

Both girls were fine with the gruesome scene in front of them. Bai Xin Yue even tried to find out how Heero had killed Ryong Chong-Shik.

"Hmm, he was literally killed with one blow. But we had a small fight before I killed him. I want to find out how strong these rankers are, but it baffles me! How can these weaklings trouble the Hero League all these years?"

Heero satisfied the girl's curiosity and described the battle. Of course, he did not forget to criticise the Hero League.

Kang Seo-Yeon rolled her eyes, "It's you who are too strong, not us who are weak!"

"Then what are you going to do next? The Ranker Alliance won't keep quiet if they know that their leader has been killed," Bai Xin Yue asked worriedly.

"They should worry about themselves! I will not let this matter go. I will destroy the Ranker Alliance!" Heero expressed his goal.

From his tone and expression, the two girls knew that Heero meant what he said.